When One Door Closes...

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"Beautiful faces are everywhere. But beautiful minds are hard to find."
— Unknown


"And tie the knot just above the bead... Perfect!"

Annie Cresta was instructing Cora and Lyra in jewelry making. The redhead had been a frequent visitor of the Newport household since Coral had returned home from her games.

Cora found that she truly did enjoy Annie's company. Lyra agreed. And so, Annie Cresta entered seamlessly into Cora and Lyra's regular hang-outs. The redhead was slowly becoming like family. Though she would never replace Reef.

That seemed to be something that worried Ocean more than anyone else. It wasn't that Annie was anything like Reef, the two were completely different. It was more the fact that they lost Reef and then, right after, they gained Annie.

Cora had tried to talk some sense into her big brother. Tried to explain to him that it wasn't about replacing Reef. No one could replace him. It was about gaining a new friend from a terrible ordeal.

But, the black-haired, and usually reasonable, boy's mind would not be changed. And he resolved to ignore poor Annie every chance he got.


Coral and Finnick were back from the Capitol for a short break. They would be returning in a few short weeks. It broke their hearts that they had to always be away from their families, but they knew what would happen if they didn't comply.

"Come in, Miss Newport and Mr. Odair," President Snow directs.

This is the final night of Coral's tour. Snow requested her and Finnick's presence in his office while the party went on outside.

He is sitting behind a simple, but elegant, wooden desk. In front of the desk, sit two identical chairs made from the same wood and some soft cushioning.

The two fifteen-year-olds do as they are told.


They sit down slowly, never looking away from Snow. As if he is a snake out to bite them the moment they break eye contact.

"No need to be scared," Snow says in his smooth, manipulative voice. "I simply have a business proposition for the two of you."

"Might we ask what it is?" Finnick asks the president, rather apprehensively.

"The citizens of the Capitol are in need of entertainment while the Games are not in session. They seem to have been enthralled by Miss Newport's talent for singing. I am asking that you, Miss Newport, be a singer for the Capitol. Mr. Odair should accompany you to all your shows. As the new faces of District 4, and the youngest ever victors of the Hunger Games, the citizens of the Capitol are quite eager to see your faces. As their president, I must oblige."

The teenagers don't say anything, listening for more.

"Of course, you both will be financially compensated for your time and efforts. You would live in the Capitol majority of the time. Every few months, and right before the reaping, you may stay for a few weeks in District 4 with your families," he lists the terms of the deal.

"And, if we say 'no'?" Cora asks, thinking of how much it will hurt to be away from her loved ones for so long and so frequently.

Snow smiles and presses a button on his desk. A holographic TV screen pops up between the victors and the president. It switches from showing Ocean, to Lyra and Sean, and to Blue.

The fifteen-year-olds look from the screen and to each other with worried eyes. That's when Snow knows that he has them.

"Tragic accidents do happen. Even the best of swimmers can drown."

"You'll protect them if we do it?" Cora asks.

"No harm will come to them," Finnick elaborates.

"I will see to it that your families are kept safe," Snow confirms.

"We'll do it," Finnick agrees for him and Cora. He already knows that she'd never sacrifice her family. Especially not for something like this.

"Wonderful. Now, I hate to deprive you of your festivities. Go, enjoy the rest of the party."


"Like this?" Lyra asked Annie, concentrating heavily on the rope and sea-glass necklace she was making for Finnick. He had seemed so sad recently, she wanted to cheer him up.

"Exactly," Annie smiled at the blonde nine-year-old.

Cora smiled at the two, almost regretting her choice to always be away from them. But then she saw Reef standing in the corner of the room and she felt a strong resolve in her heart. She would do anything to keep them safe.


Later that night, when Lyra was asleep, Annie and Cora sat outside in the quiet. It was dusk.

"It's good to have you back," Annie mentioned. "Lyra misses you when you're not here. The others do too, although Ocean doesn't usually let me near him or your brothers when you're not here."

Cora rolled her eyes. "I'll have to talk to him about that. He's being stupid."

"You don't need to—"

"Yes. I do," Cora interrupted. "You're my friend. And you're a good person, Annie. He needs to stop being a baby about it."

Annie let out a laugh, "Thanks, Cora. You're a good person, too."

The strawberry blonde's face hardened. She most certainly was not a good person. She was a killer. A murderer. But she wouldn't burden Annie with the truth of her thoughts.

And so, she just smiled and muttered a quick "Thanks."


When one door closes, another opens. Coral Newport lost her best friend. Her twin brother. But, maybe, she could gain a friendship from all that pain and suffering. No, it wouldn't be worth it. But, a single star in a black sky is better than total darkness. And that's what Annie was. A star in the night sky that was Coral Newport's life.

You Asked For This - Finnick Odairजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें