The Proposal

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"She loved him and he loved her, but it wasn't that simple."
– Unknown


Coral Newport and Finnick Odair had been back in the Capitol for a little under a year. Coral performed at parties, while Finnick's job was to stand there and look pretty. Every night, they would separately change into their nightwear and then sleep in the same bed.

They'd had a conversation about the nightmares and mutually agreed that, logically, it only made sense to sleep next to each-other. Because of the nightmares, of course.

At first, they would lie separately, trying to be respectful of each-other's boundaries. But, as time went on and they got more comfortable with each other, they began to cuddle.

It was easier for Cora to fall asleep when tucked into Finnick's chest. And Finnick felt so much more at peace when he held her.

The two had gone back to District 4 when it was time for the reaping of the tributes for the 67th Annual Hunger Games. Two eighteen-year-olds volunteered. This made Cora angry and even annoyed Finnick. The soon-to-be-sixteen-year-old girl was outraged that these kids, who were two years older than her and Finnick, didn't volunteer when they needed them.

If Apollo Marine, the male tribute, had volunteered at sixteen years old, Finnick (who was newly sixteen) would have never needed to enter the games at fourteen years old. His family never would have been killed. Cora never would have needed to make that deal with Snow. Reef would still be alive.

As awful as it sounded, Cora wanted the boy to die. Finnick didn't like Apollo either, for that same reason. He wasn't as upset as Cora– he tried to not let things get to him– but it still made his heart ache for what might've been if someone had volunteered in his place. Their anger at Apollo wasn't entirely fair, but it was understandable.

Neither Cora nor Finnick could bring themselves to properly mentor the older boy. A semi-helpful tip was mentioned every so often, but nothing more. Any real mentoring Apollo got would be from Mags, who was wise enough to look past unfair circumstances.

While still a little annoyed at the unfairness of it all, Coral and Finnick did try to mentor the female tribute, Lily Cels. She was kind to the younger teens and listened attentively to their advice.

But, it was all for naught. Lily Cels exploded when the female tribute from District 3 made a particularly powerful bomb that killed most of the Careers. But even the District 3 girl didn't win. She was killed in the end by the male tribute from District 1, Augustus Braun, the Victor of the 67th Annual Hunger Games.

Coral Newport and Finnick Odair rarely came home during that year. Many times in the Capitol, when they weren't on display, it was just the two of them. And their friendship grew. And they began to wonder if they could ever be more.

The two didn't tell each-other about their slowly growing affections. They hardly understood them themselves. And, of course, they wouldn't get that chance before their beloved President Snow ruined it all.

It was during the first night of Agustus Braun's week-long victory party that Snow summoned the sixteen-year-old Victors from District 4.

"Come in," the president instructed the two from inside his office.

The two did as they were told, letting go of their previously intertwined hands so that Snow wouldn't see.

They sat down in the familiar room, in front of Snow's desk.

"You asked to see us, President Snow?" Cora, in her skimpy aquamarine dress, greeted the man who insisted that she wore it.

"That I did," the man confirmed. "For quite some time now, since your respective games, I have been receiving requests from some high-standing young men and women of the Capitol for your company."

"I don't understand," Finnick began. "We've been to almost every party... Surely they're not lacking our company?"

"Mr. Odair, I'm afraid you misunderstand me," the man's words sounded like poison. "The youth of the Capitol wish to engage in the natural teenage frivolities with Miss Newport and yourself," Snow explained. "Dates, stolen kisses, etcetera... You'll be well-compensated for your time, I assure you."

What he was describing, and implying with his little etcetera, registered in Cora's mind slightly before Finnick understood the situation they were in.

"You want us to sell ourselves?" Cora clarified, harshly.

"In a manner of speaking," the man confirmed. "Please do keep in mind that I am only allowing you to be sold, as you put it, to the youth of the Capitol. Those eighteen or under. I am not yet asking you to do the same with adults, I am fair."

"And if we say no?" Finnick asked.

"I'm sure you're already aware of the accidents that may occur following such a decision."

The sixteen-year-olds looked at each other in defeat. But also, separately hoping that they could still maybe make a future together work, if the other were to want that.

And, as if reading their minds, Snow crushed that hope as was his proclivity. "This, of course, would mean that the both of you must remain single. I'm sure you understand."

The two nodded, the hope they had, shattering.

"The terms of your service are laid out in your individual contracts. Whoever has bought your time, has temporarily bought you and has full right to whatever they wish from you. They may not do any permanent or lasting physical damage as you are Capitol assets. Is that clear?"

"Crystal," Cora spat out, coming to terms with her and Finnck's new reality.

"Completely," Finnick whispered, the weight of his and Cora's situation sinking in.

"Wonderful," Snow smiled. "Your first appointments are tomorrow, on the second day of Mr. Braun's party. Your stylists will deliver all necessary information to you before the appointment. You may go."

The teenagers politely stood up and left the room, Finnick leading the way.

Just as Cora was about halfway through the door, Snow stopped her.

"Miss Newport," he said with something pretentiously sinister behind his eyes.

"Enjoy the rest of the party."

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