The Games and The Afterparty

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"We're all just walking each other home."
— Ram Dass


Trianna Basin scored a nine. Marsh Rivers scored a ten. Good scores that would attract sponsors. The District 4 team celebrated the victory and continued watching.

Finnick glanced at Cora when Johanna Mason scored a four. The smallest smirk appeared on the woman's lips and it confused the man even more.

But he didn't ask about it. He knew she wouldn't say a word.


The interviews went wonderfully for Trianna and Marsh. Both had the Capitol citizens loving them. More sponsors might show up after that.

Johanna Mason simply spoke about how Capitol life was nice while it lasted. She was accepting her fate to die in the games. But she said all this in such a way that she wouldn't even gain sympathy sponsors.

Once again, Finnick threw a glance Cora's way. Why was she so intrigued by the girl from District 7? Still, he didn't ask about it.


Trianna and Marsh joined the career pack and were thriving. They each had a few kills and showed real potential to win. The sponsors were lining up.

Johanna Mason had disappeared, off hiding somewhere. In the excitement of all the other tributes, most forgot she was even there.

Finnick would glance at Cora as they watched the games. He just didn't understand her. But he continued to not ask questions.


Trianna and Marsh, along with the rest of the career pack, had been brutally murdered. Heads were literally sent rolling as the axe forcefully met their necks. The sponsors were disappointed.

Johanna Mason was the cause of it all, sneaking out from her hiding place for the finale and revealing her true power. She had caught them all by surprise and easily won the title of Victor.

Finnick glanced at Cora.

"How did you know?" He asked in utter shock and disbelief.

She smiled. "I saw a glint in her eyes."


Coral Newport approached Johanna at her victory party in the Capitol. The poor girl was once again in a horrendous outfit, but it wasn't as bad as the one at the parade.

"Well done," the twenty-year-old woman smirked.

"I know," the teenage girl smirked back.

"Care for a drink?"

"Obviously. 'Need to do something to take my mind off of this trainwreck of an outfit."

Cora laughed and the girls made their way over to the bar. That's where they met Xena Tinsley, who was already a few drinks in.

The pink-haired woman looked delighted to see both her best friend and the newest Victor. She smiled, squealed, and ran up to tackle the strawberry-blonde in a hug.

The District 4 Victor laughed again, happy to see her friend. "Johanna Mason, this is Xena Tinsley. Xena Tinsley, this is Johanna Mason," she introduced.

The Capitol woman squealed and hugged Johanna next. The seventeen-year-old girl glared at her, shoving her away.

Xena just laughed.

"I thought you said we were gonna get drinks," she looked at Cora.

"We are," the woman smirked. "And Xena's the best drinking buddy in all of Panem."

Johanna looked skeptical until the pink-haired woman called to the bartender, "Can we get some more shots over here!?" and downed three in a row before turning to Cora and saying, "What? I'm starting off light tonight."

The three had a blast after that, trying to be careful not to get too drunk because it was a formal party and Johanna was the guest of honor. They failed.

Finnick walked over after a while, finally escaping the gaggle of Capitol women. Neither he nor Cora had appointments tonight, but he still found himself surrounded by people hoping they might get lucky.

"What's happening over here?" He smirked.

"We are teaching Johanna the wonders of alcohol!" Cora exclaimed, running up to him and putting an arm around his shoulders.

The man eyed Johanna, who was giggling a little off to the side. "You're not doing a good job," he commented.

"She's learningggg," Xena whispered to him. "She'ssss never haaaaaad aaaany before."

Finnick couldn't help but laugh. "So you're getting her drunk?"

"We didn't mean to!" Cora defended rather loudly in his ear. "But it's also the best way ta learn, so we did a good job!"

The teenager giggled. "I'm learning good," she managed to say before giggling again.

The green-eyed woman let go of the golden-haired man and went to the bar. After downing four more shots, she walked off-balance back over to him and re-slung her arm around his shoulder.

Finnick turned his face to see Cora's. He tried not to think about how little distance was between them as he turned the rest of his body to her and grabbed her shoulders. "You need to slow down, Cor." His face was serious, but caring.

"You need ta slow down," she shot back, not quite sure what she was saying.

Finnick quickly looked around and saw Percy, who was working as a waiter for the party, and called him over.

"I need to take her home," he explained, motioning to the incredibly drunk woman in his arms.

"He does not!" Cora protested, leaning on him for balance.

Finnick sighed, ignoring her. "Mind watching the other two? Maybe find Johanna's mentor?"

Percy nodded. I got it, he signed with a shake of his head. He was used to this. He and Finnick teaming up to keep Xena and Cora from drinking themselves to death.

"Thank you."


Finnick managed to get Cora home, wishing he had Klavien to help him. The stylist was particularly skilled at handling a drunk Coral Newport.

She was loudly whining unintelligible words as he guided her into their apartment. The man laid her down on the couch so that he could go and find the orange vials for sobering-up.

He looked in the refrigerator only to find that they were out of orange vials. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

"Ithoughtyouweregettingavial," Cora smirked sloppily at him as he came back into the living room. She has gone from loud and expressive drunk to bumbling two-year-old drunk.

"We're out." He said shortly.

The woman's expression twisted to some sort of concern. "Whyareyousoupset?"

He sighed and sat down near her head. "You worry me sometimes, Cor."

The golden-haired man felt the woman grab his hand. He thought she was going to say something, but, when he looked at her, she had fallen fast asleep.

He smiled softly at her. She was going to have the worst hangover in the morning.

You Asked For This - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now