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"The longer the wait, the sweeter the kiss."
— Unknown


Coral Newport and Finnick Odair were lounging on the couch of their apartment in the Capitol. They weren't doing anything, just laying there together with Cora in Finnick's arms. Soft music played in the background.

"Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo?" The strawberry-blonde, with her new pink highlights, asked.

"First hair dye, now tattoos?" Finnick mused. She could tell he was smiling. She could hear it in his voice.

"You love my hair and you know it."

"That I do." And I love you, he wanted to say. But he didn't.

"But, seriously, have you ever thought about it? I mean, if we were allowed to?" She looked up at him, her head still resting on his chest. If either of them wanted tattoos, they'd have to get it cleared with Snow.

"It's crossed my mind once or twice. Why?"

"What would you get?"

"Something to remind me of the people I love. Like Lyra and your brothers. Annie, Mags, my parents, Crane, you."

The woman nodded before looking back at one of the armrests on the couch, adjusting her position to be more comfortably held by him. "I'd probably get the same."

"Why are you thinking about tattoos all of the sudden?"

Cora thought about it for a moment, gathering her words before responding. "Tattoos are forever, there's no way of getting rid of them. No way that's not painful, at least. And, even then, you're left with a scar. It's poetic."

Finnick smiled again. He loved how her mind worked. "Think you'll use it in a song?"

"It'd be a waste of a good metaphor if I didn't," she smirked. That's when she came up with a plan to tell him how she felt. She would write a song about tattoos, and she would write it about him.


A few weeks later, Cora was on stage. Neither she nor Finnick had appointments that night, both having had appointments the previous night. The woman was performing a sold-out concert and much of the Capitol youth was there.

Xena and Johanna were there together as drinking buddies. Finnick was there to support Cora and that was really it. Although he always enjoyed his time with the pink-haired woman and the newest Victor from District 7.

Cora was at the end of the concert, having been on stage singing for over an hour now. The crowd loved her, as always, most singing along with her songs.

"It's been an honor performing for you all here tonight!" The woman gushed into her microphone.
The crowd cheered.

"Now, before I go I'd like to sing one last song for you. It's a new one and you're about to be the first ones to ever hear it!"

The crowd roared in excitement. Cora was good at making them feel special, even if she didn't care for them at all.

The lights went lower, silhouetting the woman as more fog poured out from the machines on stage. The music started.

"I don't wanna go.
But baby, we both know
This is not our time–
It's time to say goodbye"

Cora meets Finnick's eyes from where he's standing in the front row.

"Until we meet again.
'Cause this is not the end.
It will come a day
When we will find our way."

Would he know it's about him?

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