The Tributes of District 4

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"You don't even need to ask, I got you."
— Unknown


Mags stayed in District 4 with Sean, Blue, and Lyra. The older two being ten and the youngest being seven, they weren't old enough to be alone. And so, the role of "Mentor" fell onto Finnick and Cora.
Cora refused to stay home, confident that Snow had something to do with her brother's disappearance. Finnick refused to leave Cora. And so, Mags gladly stayed back to watch the kids.

Finnick was the main mentor, training the tributes and giving them tips. Cora would say something occasionally, but mostly kept to herself. She didn't want to lay such a burden on the golden-haired boy, but she had more important things to worry about. And he knew that.

Isla was a natural. The most impressive tribute Cora had ever seen. The older girl had the looks, the intelligence, the charm, the skills (her skill with a trident could rival Finnick's), the cleverness, the confidence. Everything.

The beautiful girl really knew how to work a crowd. So, not only did she have a chance at winning because of her combat and survival skills, she also had sponsors already lined up.

Cora thought Isla could actually win this. If she gave tips or helped at all with training, she helped Isla the best she could.

The blonde girl was always appreciative of the help, too. She wasn't too cocky or proud, like Cora had originally assumed. Sure, she was a little cocky, but in a very similar way to Finnick. In fact, Isla Fillies was almost exactly like Finnick Odair, just as a girl. Maybe that was why Cora liked her so much.

The male tribute for District 4 was an eighteen-year-old named Kelan Musven. He was muscular and incredibly tan. He had sandy hair and grey eyes. He could work a crowd almost as well as Isla, but he was rather stupid. He had brawn to spare, but was in desperate need of brains if he wanted to survive.

Cora didn't have high hopes for the young man and was already detached. This was spurred on by the fact that, when Ocean's name was originally called, Kelan didn't volunteer. He was okay with letting Ocean Newport die.

Additionally, Kelan Musven had a terrible habit of continuously flirting or making unnecessary comments to Cora. Yes, they might just be the boy's way of complimenting her. But, it's one thing to call her "beautiful," which is kind and sort of endearing. And another to call her "sexy," which isn't so kind and kind of gross.

These comments annoyed Finnick as well. Every time they were made, the seventeen-year-old would shoot a comment back. Sometimes, he would repeat the original comment back to Kelan. He did this once on the train to the Capitol.

"So, Coral, I was thinking about what happens after I win," Kelan says to the girl.

"You mean, if you win?" Cora clarifies.

"Sure, whatever. After that, I think we should celebrate," the young man smirks at her.

"Musven, I promise, if you win, there will be plenty of celebrations."

"I was thinking more along the lines of just us two."

"Get to your point, or stop talking. I have work to do."

"As you wish. I want to see what a sexy thing like you can do in bed."

Cora, who is appalled by his statement, doesn't react. She's heard this all before.

Finnick, however, does.

"Well, Kelan, I actually have a different way of celebrating victory I'd like to try."

The young man glares, seemingly annoyed that Finnick heard him. "And what is that?"

"I want to see what a sexy thing like you can do in bed. All those muscles must come in handy, yeah? Unless it's all compensation..." The golden-haired boy smirks.

Kelan is silent for a while after that.

Other times, Finnick would mention that Cora was already taken. He would never say by who, just implied that it was someone formidable and not to be messed with.

Klavien also retaliated against the male tribute's comments. He had Kelan's stylist dress him extra ridiculously. The man loved to watch Cora hold back a laugh when she saw him.

Even Isla, who Cora had just met, would stick up for her. She would simply threaten the muscular idiot. ("Oh, honey. Keep that up, and I'll kill you first.")

While Cora loved having the support of her friends, the entire situation was still hard on her. She was sixteen-years-old and a sex-worker. An older boy who expected her help kept making sexual comments, which were extra awful considering her forced occupation. She had to train people to be sent off to their deaths the exact same way she and Reef were. The best option being survival and living like she did. On top of all this, her big brother was missing and it was probably all her fault.

Cora slept next to Finnick a lot during those first few days. But it wasn't like she normally did. She would sit against the wall in her room with her knees to her chest, trying to process everything that had happened in such a short time. And Finnick would just show up, silently, and sit next to her.

She would lean against him, putting her head on his shoulder while his head rested on her head. And, without ever saying anything, they would fall asleep like that. Sometimes, they would wake up still sitting against the wall. Other times, they would wake up cuddled on the floor.

Coral Newport had never been more grateful for Finnick Odair than during those first few days. He didn't try to joke or make things better. He was just there for her at a time when she couldn't even be there for herself.

Their feelings for each-other had faded or been locked away after they realized they weren't a possibility. They were just friends, now. That's what they thought, anyway. But whether it was true or not didn't matter.

All that mattered was that they had each-other.

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