Appointments Cont. II

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"A best friend is someone who has the power to make you laugh hysterically, even when you think you'll never smile again."
– Unknown


Cora walked into Xena's guest bedroom, which was an explosion of different shades of blue. The girl smiled at it, it was still very loud, but it had a more calming effect compared to the rest of her new friend's home.

She opened a few drawers before finding one containing varying shades of blue silk pajamas. She picked out a lighter shade blue and walked into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom.

The girl peeled off her tight dress, alone and about to take a shower, not with some horny teenager's hot breath on her neck like usual. She smiled at the thought.

She turned the shower on and scrubbed off her make-up with a few different foams and gels intended specifically for make-up removal. She cleaned the rest of her body with more foams and gels and washed and conditioned her hair.

Once the strawberry-blonde was all clean, she pressed a button that caused the shower to stop dispensing water and begin drying her off with warm air. When she was dry, she stepped out of the shower and put on the light blue silk pjs.

Then, she neatly folded her sparkly green dress and walked out to the living room, where Xena was waiting for her in hot pink silk pjs.

"Coral!" The curly-haired girl greeted the wavy-haired girl.

"These are really comfortable," Cora gestured to the pjs she was wearing.

"I'm glad you like them," Xena smiled. "If you want anything to eat or drink, I keep some snacks and drinks in the kitchen."

"I could use a small snack, if that's fine with you."

Xena shook her head at the nervous girl. "I wouldn't have offered it, if I wasn't fine with it. Let's go!"

The Capitol girl jumped up and grabbed Cora's hand, bringing her into the kitchen. "I have salty snacks, sweet snacks, neutral snacks– basically, it's likely I have anything you're in the mood for."

"Salty," Cora decided.

"Wonderful! Me too!" Xena grabbed a box of yellow fish-looking biscuits and brought Cora back to the living room.

"What are these?" Cora asked, having never seen the fish-biscuits before.

"Goldfish," Xena replied. "They're like cheese crackers. Nothing to do with District 4, though. I think they're based off of a popular snack from long before the war. Honestly, they deserve to still be around– these things are marvelous!"

Cora nodded and tried a few. They were interesting, not nearly as extravagant as typical Capitol food. But, if Xena was right, they were from before the Capitol even existed. So maybe that was why.

"I like them," Cora told Xena, who squealed in excitement.

The girls talked on and on for a few hours.

Xena wanted to know about District 4. Cora told her it was the most beautiful place imaginable. Even the elegance of the Capitol couldn't compare to the view back home.

"You'd love it," Cora promised.

"Oh, I wish I could go!"

Cora wanted to know how Xena learned to understand sign. Xena explained how she was practically raised by an avox. Her parents were often gone, so her nanny, an elderly avox woman called Margo, took care of her. Since Xena was so young when Margo became her main caretaker, she picked up on the silent language used by the woman. It was practically her first form of communication.

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