Let The Games Begin

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"Sometimes I just wish that I could fast forward time, just to see if it's all worth it in the end."
— Unknown


Coral Newport scored an 8. Reef scored a 9. Finnick breathed a sigh of relief when he saw. This was good.

The interviews came fast. Once again, Coral was dressed up as a pirate princess by her stylist, whom she began to adore, Klavien Gritaue. It was all a blur, she didn't hear much of anything until her name was called by the very charismatic Caesar Flickerman.

The Capitol cheered as she walked onto the stage. She sauntered over to Caesar in true pirate fashion, smirking all the way.

"Ah, Coral Newport! Our Pirate Princess of Panem, you look truly inspiring tonight!" Caesar gushed, the Capitol citizens cheering in agreement.

"Why, thank you Caesar," she smirked. "I have to say I agree with you."

The man, who had bright green hair this year, barked out a hearty laugh. "Oh, don't you just love her!"

"So, my dear, you volunteered. Why?"

She took a breath. "I wanted to bring honor to my district. And get a chance to see the Capitol– It's been a dream to be among you fine people." Cora looked around, smiling happily. Like she didn't want to scream.

"Well, I believe I can speak for all of the Capitol when I say it's been a dream to have you among us!"

More cheering.

"Now, onto a much more emotional note. Your twin brother. He's entering the arena with you, yes?"

Cora's smile faltered. "Yes, he is."

"And, how do you feel about that?"

"Honestly, I'm devastated. It's just us and our siblings, back home. I just hope that one of us makes it back, so our family won't be so broken when all this is over." That might capture the Capitol's sympathy. Get sponsors.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my dear. What happened to your parents?"

"My mom died during the birth of my youngest brother. My dad died of heartbreak shortly after."

"I bet, if you won, they'd be so proud."

"I hope so, Caesar."

"One last thing, before I send you on your way. Is there a special someone, waiting back at home for you?"

Cora laughed. "No, Caesar. I'm flattered, but I feel like it wouldn't last too long between you and I– with me going into the games and all." The strawberry-blonde girl joked, insinuating that Caesar asked her because he was interested in her.

"Oh! So cheeky, I love it!"

The Capitol laughed.

"Well, my dear, that is all we have time for today. Good luck to you and may the odds be ever in your favor! Coral Newport, everyone!"


Finnick approached Coral, just as she was being escorted to the arena.

"Cora!" the boy yelled.

She and Klavien stopped walking and turned around.

"May I have a minute, before...?" He trailed off, when it came to mentioning the arena.

"Keep it quick," Klavien instructed. "We are on a schedule."

"What is it, Finnick?" Cora asked, confused.

"I just– you promised me, when I went into my games, that you'd take care of my family. I'm going to keep your's safe. I promise."

"Thank you," she smiled briefly. She was grateful, even if she didn't know how to show it right then.

"I believe in you. You'll do what's right."


"Newport, we need to go now." Klavien interjected, telling them to wrap it up.

She debated it for a moment, before deciding. Because, screw it, she might be dead in an hour.

She jumped up and hugged Finnick, her arms looped around his neck and her head over his shoulder. She was on her tiptoes. After recovering from momentary shock, the boy slowly wrapped his arms around her waist.

As she let go, she whispered "Goodbye."

"Goodbye," he whispered as she left with Klavien.


The arena was an abandoned village. Smaller than most previous arenas, but bigger than a few. Houses built of wood and stone were scattered about. In the middle of it, a single well with a bucket and a rope. But, in front of all of it was a storedge center, also made of wood and stone, with supplies and weapons.

Locate Reef.

Locate Mauve.

For Lyra.

For Sean.

For Ocean.

For Blue.

For Evangeline.

For Harp.

For Mr. and Mrs. Odair.

For Finnick.

For her.


Let the games begin.

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