What Makes a Family

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"You call it chaos, we call it family."
— Unknown


Once a year, every year the Newport family would make up a big meal and give thanks for their many blessings. This was a tradition that had been continued after the war by Harp's grandparents.

Evangeline, learning about the tradition, immediately fell in love with it and made sure to honor it every year, no matter what happened. This, of course, made Harp fall even more in love with the woman.

Now, even though Harp and Evangeline Newport were many years deceased, their children carried on the tradition. In the past, it had just been between the Newport family— a day just for them. But, after the past few years, Cora began to feel that her family wasn't just the Newports.

Her family was Ocean, Sean, and Blue, yes. But, now, it was also Lyra, Annie, Finnick, and Mags.

Ocean protested at first, when Cora suggested the change, because he was still not Annie's biggest fan. But, when Sean expressed just how much he loved the idea and Blue, who wasn't the happiest six-year-old boy, smiled at the thought of having the others over (especially Annie, who he really connected with after Cora convinced Ocean to stop being a butt), the older boy couldn't say no.

Lyra, in particular, was ecstatic when she found out— she had wanted to be a part of the festivities for years. Immediately, she jumped into the role of decorator and wouldn't stop talking about it for the entire week leading up to the day.

The dinner was planned for the last day that Cora and Finnick would be at home. The next day, they would be whisked off to the Capitol as entertainment until around time for the next games.


Setting up for the dinner was hectic, to say the least. Ocean and Annie were cooking the food, as they were the best cooks out of the group (Mags was a wonderful cook, but they wanted to serve her. She did so much for them, after all). This pairing led to a lot of hostility from Ocean and just as much patience from Annie, who remained kind but stood her ground when necessary.

To add to this, Blue was constantly circling Annie, asking how and why she did things and if he could help. While the redhead adored the freckled boy and indulged most of his questions and curiosities, it was difficult with Ocean always glaring.

At the same time Sean and Lyra were rushing about the Newport residence, fixing minute details and making everything perfect. Cora– who had done her job of gathering ingredients and planning the meal– and Finnick– who would do the dishes later– were keeping Mags– who was a little annoyed about not being allowed to help, but grateful all the same– company while they waited for dinner to be served.

Somewhere along the line, Annie had had enough of Ocean's attitude and dragged him unwillingly outside.

"I have had enough of the way you treat me, are we clear?" The girl yelled at him.

"Whatever grudge you have against me, you need to let it go right now, okay? I have been nothing but kind to you! I've been patient, I've given you space, I've done everything I could have possibly done to be respectful of you and your wishes. I love your siblings, I care about you– believe it or not– despite the fact that you treat me like garbage!"

The redhead took a breath to calm herself down. "You don't have to like me, Ocean. But I've done nothing to deserve your hatred."

Annie Cresta looked into the eyes of Ocean Newport, who'd stood silently through her outburst, and turned her back, walking inside to continue her cooking.

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