part 33: We have visitors

Start from the beginning

"How am i not informed of this?" William asked to the president.

Jackson responded, "no one was informed of this except for me and the vice president. I've called you all here, well.. not all, i took this matter more seriously after we seriously needed the al khazar princess to be discussing some complicated stuff about the trading treaty that will happen after the peace treaty has been signed."

"How close are we are to a peace treaty anyway?" William asked.

"Less than a month." Jackson responded before entering the conference room greeting the officials sitting on their chair.

"Gentlemen, and women.. please, lets prepare for takeoff." Jackson said.

He gestured to william to sit down as jackson too made his way to his chair that faced infront of the flat screen TV. As the plane began to prepare for takeoff, the pilots ignited the jet engines as they placed themselves in the middle of the runway.

They waited for the ground crew to back away, couple of minutes later the air traffic control confirmed the runway was clear for takeoff. Increasing the speed of the plane the pilots took a deep breathe as they were nearing the end of the runway.

"We're off the runway.." the pilot said as the landing gear of the plane touched off the concrete runway of the airfield. They began lifting altitude, starting from 1,000 feet all the way high up to 45,000 feet max altitude.

It was enough since commercial airliners have now been told to not go less than 30,000 feet since it was the maximum altitude of wyverns to fly on but dragons were still unknown for their max altitude which concerns many.

Once they lifted off and started venturing towards washington which will take 5 hours or a little more from their travelling speed which was 480 knots fast. The president then praised the plane's performance, "this thing is a beast, i can hardly tell there was turbulence."

But then he knocked it off and focused on the matter currently, "well, william, welcome to our meeting. I have gathered you all today to address about the arrival of the princess of al khazar tomorrow afternoon at the state of oregon, I've wanted to establish a meeting here in this plane since we dont have enough time to be talking tomorrow since we still need to initiate plans."

In the round table were chief of staff of the airforce richard jacquel, and army franklin duner. Vice president ramirez, director of national intel. Peter, Sec. Of defense jacob hasley, Sec. Of state elanor Roosevelt, and finally two 2 star generals, wilson edgar, Kevin McTavish. They will be discussing about the importance and the security needed to attend the princess of al khazar on their visit in america. Discussions of them visiting the U.S was a top secret hidden by the public, but the media will caught on with their unexpected visitor which will buy time for the CIA to prepare for any foreign mercenaries tasked to kidnap the princess to whoever ordered them to.

"Alright gentleman, peter go ahead and turn on the TV and explain what we will be doing during this past 5 hours." Jackson said gesturing at the remote.

Peter nodded opening a folder filled with the plans of taking care of the princess and those she brought with her, "Today, we're going to be having our first contacts with the princess of al khazar herself, unfortunately the king cannot come with her since he cannot leave the kingdom under the rule of a senator or noble because of the kingdom's common corruption occurrence from low ranking to high ranking."

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