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"She is feeling fear that she has to share everything of her with her sibling and she does not like it. Another fear of her is; that her dad cannot expend money for her medicine studies if he has to look after another child of him also."

"Absurd thinking! There is no loss even she does not become a doctor. Having a sibling, a blood relation like that is a great thing! Take her to me and I brainwash her and made her understood how worst she is thinking."

"She went to that extent to demand her mom to abort her pregnancy. For the last few days she has not been with good terms with her mom. There is a cold war going in their home." Her face was filled with uneasiness when she thought her demand like that was because of her advice.

"Then what you are doing despite being a good friend of her? Why did not you say to her in how much wrong way she is thinking? As her best friend, is it is not your responsibility to change her mindset?" looking straight into the face of her daughter Sameera demanded.

"But mom, it is at my instance she asked like that to her mom! It is I who suggested her to demand her mom to get an abortion!" now Chandana's face was filled with a fearful expression thinking how her mom's reaction would be to that but she did not know why could not remain without saying that.

"You scoundrel! Do you know what you did?" her mom's reaction to that was as she feared, she yelled, came fast to her daughter and slapped on her right cheek with her right hand with all her might. "Why the bloody hell you got an idea like that? Why did you want to give an advice like that to her?"

"She does not like at all to share her things with a sibling and feeling fear that she cannot become a doctor if she has a sibling also. So I advised her like that." She could not tell her mom that she advised her so because of her envy feeling also towards her.

"Rascal! Rascal!" her mom tried to slap her again but her dad came near to her and stopped her.

"She did a mistake yes. But she did it without thinking much. It is better to make amends to it rather than beating our daughter like this." He said.

With effort her mom controlled herself and said looking into her dad's face "You are right" and then she looked into the face of Chandana again. "I already told you before that killing a baby in the womb is equal to killing a person outside. If that girl forces her mom to get an abortion she would become a murderess and you are an accomplice to that murderess. An accomplice to the murderess is no less than a murderess. If her mom got her pregnancy aborted due to the demand of blasted friend of yours, you may not be punished by court but you have to live all your life with a guilty feeling that you caused the murder of a baby, can you bear it?"

"No mom. Absolutely no." Nodding her head vigorously Chandana said trying herself not to burst into weeping.

"Then make your friend understand how nastily she is thinking and that much of selfishness is not excusable at all. As it is you who has given such a suggestion to her, it is your responsibility to make her to take back that demand. You must do this without much delay before she makes her mom do that ghastly thing."

"Alright mom. I talk with her on tomorrow itself and make her understand this point. I make her withdraw her demand to her mom to abort her pregnancy." With firmness in her voice Chandana said.


"Darling it is going to be done on the evening of this day. Dad comes in the afternoon and takes me to the hospital. I would not be at home by the time you come, so you keep the spare keys of the house with you."

When she heard like that from her mom, Sirisha felt a deep pang in her heart and when she looked into the face of her mom while she was taking those keys, she understood her mom was very much struggling to keep a plain expression on her face.

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