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"What, what the bloody hell you are talking?" it did not take much time to Sanjana to digest what her daughter has said as she was in some corner of her mind expecting something like that from her but her putting it direct like that shocked her enough and that shock was amply reflected in her face also. "You are suggesting to me to kill your incoming sibling?" she relieved her hold around her daughter and relieved herself from her hold and stood up to her full height.

"Mom, don't try to create any sentimental feeling like that in me. I am just incapable to feel like that towards it whether it is a boy or girl." Sirisha slumped in her chair again and said with irritation. "Just think about what I have said. I came to know it will be difficult to abort a pregnancy at an advanced stage. If it has to be done, it has to be done at the early stage itself."

"It seems that you came to know lot many things!" For a moment Sanjana forgot that she was her daughter and her heart was filled with complete anger. "Just try to think what would have happened if I got aborted my pregnancy when you were in me."

"I need not have faced a situation like this now." The rancour in Sirisha was just so. "Do you have any idea what type of feeling I have when my classmates say to me that your mom still sleeps with your dad and got the pregnancy? How awkward it is if you go outside with a protruding belly which tells everyone that you are pregnant again at an old age like this?"

"Rascal! How dare you are to talk like this with me!" Sanjana slapped Sirisha on her right cheek with her right hand with all her might and instantly Sirisha burst into weeping cupping her face with both of her palms. "I kill you on the spot if you talk like this again."

There was silence except the slow sobbing sound of Sirisha until Sanjana broke it again.

"I am going to have this child however much you oppose it. Not just because your dad and I want it so much but because I cannot be a murderess. Killing a babe in the womb is not less than killing a human being outside." After saying that she did not say anything more and went fast into her bedroom and fell across on the bed bursting herself into weeping.

As Rakesh was not there with her to console her, she herself controlled her weeping. She expected some opposition, some unhappiness in Sirisha to have a sibling at present at the age of fifteen years but she did not expect at all that she would go to that extent to demand an abortion of her pregnancy! What the bloody hell the other things she has said? She could not bear when her classmates said to her that her parents were still sleeping together and caused a sibling to her. She could not understand how natural it was between wife and husband until she became a wife. She could understand how a woman would feel with her pregnancy only when she has become pregnant.

But what presently has to be done? Sanjana sat straight on the bed. It was appearing so that Sirisha never would accept the sibling whether it was a sister or brother to her. Putting aside whether she would accept it or not when it came onto the earth, if she worried too much about it and stopped studying and failed in her exams? She was studying tenth class, which was so much important period of her life, even she and Rakesh would not feel at all she herself would become too much upset if she could not pass her tenth class with highest marks. Sirisha was very much intelligent and studies were her top priority always.

But, could she do as her daughter suggested? She put her right hand on her stomach and the very idea itself was very much horrifying to her. How could she kill her own child with which she was feeling so happy now? Moreover ever Rakesh would agree to it? He was feeling more happy than her also to have another child.

God, god, please change the mind of our daughter and make her accept this sibling of her, she prayed intently after lying herself on the bed to sleep but for a long time she could not sleep at all.

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