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"Mom, I missed my periods." On the night of that day while her mom was all alone in the kitchen, Sirisha went near to her and said with a voice that could be hardly audible to her feeling lot of tension and uneasiness in herself.

"Are you trying to say something to me?" Sanjana turned her head and looked into the face of Sirisha. "If it is so just say it little loudly."

"Mom, it is one week after due time for my periods." Even Sirisha was feeling fear a lot, she made her voice louder audible enough to her mom.

"I already told you sometimes we are irregular in that." Once again putting herself into her work Sanjana said. "In one or two days you do have it and there is no necessity to feel tension."

"But I am not thinking like that mom. I am not feeling it is just an irregularity. I never have been delayed this long in having my periods." However much tried Sirisha could not refrain little shivering in her voice and she just did not know how to say that to her mom.

"Sometimes there is an irregularity with that much length also. You don't feel unnecessary fear. We wait for another one week or so and by then also if you have not got it, we sure do go to a gynaecologist." Sanjana still did not bother with what Sirisha has said and the little shivering in her tone could not get the attention of her mom.

"I think we have to go to a doctor as soon as possible mom, without any delay." This time also Sirsha's voice shivered and this time it attracted the attention of Sanjana also. She left the ladle in the pan, turned towards Sirisha and looked straight into her face. "Even after my assurance also, why you are feeling like that?"

"Just because I am feeling fear that I am pregnant!" Sirisha did not how she has put that out so.

"What, what the bloody hell you are talking?" it took some seconds to Sanjana to understand what her daughter said and the shock she felt then was amply reflected in her face.

"Yes mom. I became too much angry on you as you were stubborn to keep your pregnancy. I just wanted to hurt you to the maximum and I thought it was the best way for it. So I have sex with someone without any protection." Sirisha forgot all her fear and just decided to tell her mom everything.

"You rascal!" immediately Sanjana slapped on Sirisha's right cheek with her right hand with all her might. "Do you have any idea at all what you did? However much hate you might have felt on me, how could you do it like that?" Sanjana was yelling.

"Mom, I know that I was wrong! I should not have committed that wrong at all. But I was mad, just mad at that time so I did not think anything else at all." Sirisha burst into weeping. "Sorry mom, I am absolutely sorry."

"My god! What should we do now?" Sanjana went near to a chair at the dining table, dragged it and slumped herself in that. "What we can do if you are really pregnant?"

"Mom, please don't say like that." Sirisha's weeping was intensified even more.

"What can I say then? For the first time I am feeling bad that I have become pregnant again. I did not feel bad for my second time pregnancy even then when you opposed it so much. I have some hope sooner or later that you do agree with it. But now..........." Sanjana paused for a second. ".............if I did not become pregnant you would not have committed this wrong at all."

"Mom, I am promising you I never do commit this type of wrong in the whole of my life again. But please don't feel regret for your pregnancy now when I also do love a lot my incoming brother or sister." Somehow Sirisha controlled her weeping.

"Its okay but what we can do if you are pregnant? Can I take you to a hospital and get your pregnancy aborted without telling this to your dad? I just don't know how your dad would react if he comes to know about this."

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