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"Not just that, there is even more danger in that darling!" the warning expression in her friend's face then made Sirisha feel even more anxious. "Nothing is going to be the same for you. Someone is coming into your family to share everything of you in an equal measure and whether it is a boy or girl does not make any difference. Your monopoly in your home is not going to last for long. I don't feel surprise even the newly coming brother or sister dominates you in your home and has more of everything than you are having."

Sirisha horrified on hearing that! She did not think about it in that angle till that moment.

"I think you are right!" with a slow voice Sirisha said while her fear was becoming even more.

"I am absolutely right. It seems that you have not yet grasped in how much dangerous quicksand you are going to sink in." Chandana was minutely observing the face of her friend which was with gathered frowns and absolute uneasiness.

Sirisha took her lower lip between her teeth frames and started thinking furiously while chewing on that. Really there was the danger in the whole of this matter as Chandana said.

"You may better forget about your desire to become a doctor. I don't think it will be possible to your parents to expend that much amount to your medicine studies as they have to look after another child of them also."

"No. I cannot even imagine so." Unknowingly yelled Sirisha. "I must become a doctor and its my life aim."

"Try to be reasonable and logical. Is it is really possible to your parents to expend that much of money for you while looking after your sibling's education also? Moreover we just don't know what other plans your parents are having for that unborn sibling yet."

Suddenly a new feeling started in Sirisha on her parents and instantly she recognised it as hate. It was the very first time that she has got such feeling on her parents.

Coming so nearly to Sirisha, Chandana said in her ear. "It is natural fucking between parents. But they have to be careful not to let these types of things to happen at their late lives. Only with the idea to bring a sibling to you onto the earth, they have unprotected sex together."

The just born hate feeling towards her parents in Sirisha has become tremendous in seconds after hearing that.


"At last I broke the news to Sirisha" when she and her husband Rakesh were on the bed, Sanjana said that and sighed heavily. "But that devil behaved in the same way I expected. She is not ready to accept a sibling to her. I already told you, she became so much self-oriented and monopolistic because of her being only child to us."

Rakesh was a successful contractor and even though he started his career as a small contractor, with his intelligence and hard work he developed himself a lot and he not only became a big contractor but earned lot of money also. Sanjana and Rakesh loved each other while they were studying in college and married later with little opposition from their parents. They were the happiest couple with their only child Sirisha and the only thing that was troubling that family then was; Rakesh quite often has to go out of station on his contracting business purpose and sometimes has to stay away from home even for weeks.

"Is it is not just natural? If you were in her place, you too would have behaved in the same way." Rakesh laughed and put his hand across her neck. "It takes time to her to digest that. Anyhow it is something awkward to her to have a brother or sister at the age of fifteen."

"No, Rakesh. I cannot think like that. Considering the reaction in her and the way she behaved, I cannot think she ever does agree with a brother or sister to her. If it has happened when we want it so much, there would have been no problem to us. By now Sirisha would have so much accustomed to her brother or sister. But during these fourteen years or so of her all alone monopolistic life in the family made her self-oriented and cannot bear a competitor to her." Sirish turned towards Rakesh, said and once again sighing heavily.

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