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The warm sunlight danced through the lavender fields, casting a golden glow over everything it touched. A young girl with a bright smile and a passion for painting was nestled in the heart of this picturesque scene. She climbed into a treehouse-like structure in the middle of the field, her canvas and paints spread out before her.

With a focused expression, she carefully added brushstrokes to her painting, capturing the vibrant hues of the lavender flowers swaying in the gentle breeze. As she worked, a familiar voice called out to her from a distance.

"Y/n dear, be careful! Don't get hurt," her father's voice carried across the field.

Y/n paused her painting to glance back, a smile lighting up her face. "Yes, papa!" she called back, her voice filled with happiness and affection.

From a distance, her older sister, Chen Mia approached, a fond smile on her lips as she watched Y/n engrossed in her artwork. She came alongside her, peering at the painting in progress.

"Is it ugly?" Y/n asked with a hint of uncertainty, looking up at her sister.

Her sister laughed softly, wrapping her arms around Y/n in a comforting back hug. "No, silly! But it could be even more beautiful if you used other colors, not just pink and its shades," she suggested gently.

Y/n tilted her head, considering her sister's words. "No, pink makes everything happy. It's like painting the world with joy," she mused, her love for the color evident in her eyes.

Her sister smiled, understanding Y/n's love for the color pink. 

Together, they sat in the treehouse, the lavender field spreading out like a dream around them. With each stroke of the brush, Y/n poured her heart into the painting, capturing not just the beauty of the flowers but also the happiness and love that filled her world.


Y/n stirred from her sleep, the sound of her sister's cries cutting through the peaceful morning. Rubbing her eyes to clear the blur, she stumbled out of the tree-house-like structure and into a nightmare unfolding before her eyes. 

What she saw made her gasp in horror.

The once beautiful lavender field that she had loved so dearly was now engulfed in red flames, the vibrant purple blooms turning to ash before her eyes. The fire raged uncontrollably, consuming everything in its path with merciless fury. The village lay engulfed in raging red flames, Y/n's heart clenched in fear and disbelief as she took in the chaotic sight.

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