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Author POV

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, greeted by the unforgiving brightness of the morning sun stabbing through the curtains. His head pounded like a construction site, a cruel reminder of last night's indulgence in a little too much alcohol. He groaned, trying to recollect the scattered memories of the night before. Flashes of yesterday's incidents, him getting into a fight with the bartender, then Mr. Jeff and Jimin taking him back home. And maybe he was right that he might be in Jimin house lying in one of his guest room's. 

Just as he was about to sink back into the bed, seeking refuge from the punishing light, he felt a sudden shock—a bucket of icy water splashed over him. He shot up, gasping and shivering as the cold water jolted him awake. His initial confusion turned into boiling anger when he saw a man standing before him, grinning as if he had just won the lottery.

"What the hell?!" Taehyung roared, his voice hoarse from both the hangover and the surprise wake-up call. "Who are you, and why did you just pour water on me?"

The man's smile didn't falter. "Good morning, sleepyhead. I'm Kim Seokjin, your brother's boyfriend."

Taehyung's blood boiled even hotter. "Brother's boyfriend? You mean, my brother Namjoon?" He scanned the room for Namjoon, finding him stepping in just as Taehyung's temper reached its peak.

Namjoon quickly intervened, placing a hand over Seokjin's mouth and whispering something to him. Seokjin's smile faltered for a moment before he corrected himself when Namjoon stepped back, Seokjin cleared his throat and corrected himself. 

"Ah my mistake, I meant to say I'm Namjoon's secretary. Just here to assist with some work-related matters, that's basically his younger alcoholic troublesome brother, Mr. Kim Taehyung."

Taehyung's mind was a whirlwind of confusion and irritation. He kicked off his shoes, grabbing one in each hand and hurling them at the two men. Namjoon ducked smoothly, while Seokjin sidestepped with surprising agility for someone caught off guard.

"Hey, hey, calm down!" Namjoon exclaimed, holding his hands up in surrender.

Seokjin nodded vigorously. "Yeah, let's all just take a deep breath and start the day peacefully."

Taehyung narrowed his eyes, not buying the sudden change of story. "And what about the water?" he demanded, still dripping wet and now thoroughly irritated.

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