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Y/n suddenly stopped coming to school for the last whole week. I don't know how I will now spend my time here all alone. I was popular at school, just because I was rich but nobody knew how this richness sucked no one was so close to me as Y/n was here. The last class of the day ended, and I got up from my seat, making my way towards my locker. Opening it, I stuffed all my things inside. My locker was pretty simple, I had some of my and y/n's pictures stuck to the inner side of the door, but then I noticed something, Banana milk? I looked around the whole corridor but there were only a few students that were from the physical education department. Taking the Banana milk carton in my hand, I locked my locker.

As I walked outside the school building, the first thing that came into my sight was Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin sitting by the bench in the open school park. But looking more intensely at them I noticed Taehyung drinking, the same carton of Banana milk I was holding.

They were the most famous trio Kim Taehyung, Jeon Jungkook, and Park Jimin from our brother school, Jawon Boys High School. Even though I and y/n had never interacted with the boys from that school, it was weird to spot them outside of a girl's school. I had just made eye contact with them once while I headed back home after studying at the study cafe. It was a popular spot, but I didn't realize how long I was staring at both of them that they looked in my direction, as Taehyung sipped on his Banana milk. When we made eye contact again, sending chills down my spine.

I sighed thinking this was a prank by some girl from our school. I was about to throw the carton away when suddenly my wrist was held by someone. I looked at that person to be Jeon Jungkook!

"You shouldn't throw it away when it's still full." He said and I retreated my wrist from his grip as I looked at him, while he just flashed me his bunny smile, making my heart skip a beat. But still somewhere surprised that this wasn't a prank.

"What are you doing in the girl's school?" I asked, as I clenched my my hand to the strap of my bag, as I noticed him holding a badminton kit with him when I realized why he was here.

"It's past 4 p.m. and this is the time when our badminton coaching starts, maybe it was well known that the boy's school doesn't have a badminton stadium and we are allowed to come here after 4." He spoke, as I lowered my head in embarrassment. Making me think how I forgot that and asked him such a stupid question.

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