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(For better experience play Matilda by Harry Styles

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(For better experience play Matilda by Harry Styles.
& Motive by Ariana Grande ft. Doja Cat.)

IU pov

"WHAT THE HECK!!!" Y/n exclaimed.

"I am not going to do that. IU he is your ex boyfriend." She said getting up the chair. She went inside. I can't slide this, call me selfish but she is only one to help me.

"Please y/n, just fake the dating thing it's just for the Media just till my Marriage day after that you can leave it."

"IU I am really sorry but I have this one job right now and I need to money to take care of the twins I can---"

I cut her off.

"I will pay you" I said looking at her. She turned around looking at me.

"500 dollars for this thing." I sum out.

"Are you fcking crazy? Do you know what you talking" She said.

"Yes, I know. Think this as an job where I will pay you. Think y/n you can take care of Ren and Jia." Y/n looked at me not believing me begging her to fake date my ex boyfriend and paying.


She looked at my face which was begging her to take care of this matter.

"Okay. I will" Y/n said, making me tear up in tears of joy. I fall the knees she bent to my level hugging me.

"I know I am a bad best friend but I have reasons." I sobbed on her shoulder, she patted my back.

"It's okay, you are the best person IU. Thank you" Y/n said making me pull away from her shoulder and look at her.


Getting inside my car I waved at Y/n. Looking at her smiling face. Soon my phone rang, I picked it up looking at the ID.

"Yes Namjoon? Did he agree?" I asked out of nervousness.

"Yes a little blackmail worked." I exhaled the breath I was holding.

"Tomorrow, I will send you the address."

"Okay bye" I heard him say and hung up.

I looked out the window smiling.

Namjoon pov

I hung and sighed looking at the figure of Taehyung sleeping unconscious on the bed. He had drank the whole day, After I asked him to go on a date and fake things.


"What? Date?" He shouted getting up from the chair.

Love Language [KTH]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora