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Its been 2 weeks since that party incident. I didn't see meet Taehyung again nor did he contacted me as he had said.

It was clear that it was just until the media shut this topic of Lee and Kim relationship thing.

Locking the door of the apartment, wearing my shoes I step out of the gate of the apartment.

It's a special day for me. It's the twins birthday. It's their birthday again away from me in the orphan center.

On my way I see a small bakery on the corner of the small street. Remembering, the request of Ren. I step inside the bakery, moving towards the counter.

"Hello, I want to order for an strawberry cake." I said to the lady on the counter. As I looked through the glass at the cakes.

"Sure, anything specific about you need." She asked looking at me. I nodded and said.

"It's my nephew and niece birthday."

"It's so sweet of you. Sure we will get it ready within a few mins, till then please take a seat." She said and printed a bill for my order as she asked me to wait.

I smiled at the lady and made my way towards a corner table near the window side which was facing the busy roads.

I don't know but my thoughts have had me drowning in them. It's so disturbing.

How did I end up in the hospital bed after that night. Whenever I asked Jimin he would say he was present in the party but couldn't greet you.

After asking my bestfriends fiancee for help I remember of falling asleep in the car on the way to the grave yard.

I don't know why, how Jungkook knew Taehyung will head to the graveyard. I still had the secens of how he ran away ftom the party.

I didn't knew what was my mistake. Or was it even my mistake that night.

But my thoughts were scattered when the same lady called me towards the counter with my order ready.

Paying for the cake I step out of the Bakery but as I stepped out the first thing that came in my sight was a group of girls staring at me and gossiping.

I have been trying to make this an habit for me. Cause ever since the news has been released about me and that jerks relationship. I see people staring at me whenever I pass, at my work place people ask me for favours even wonyoung did. But how will I explain to people that it was an act for a night.

Luckily yet no one has found my address nor the paparazzi. I feel its a trick of Namjoon so he won't let people know the truth about the soon to be CEO.

I looked in front of me at the group of girl, when my eyes fell on the big digital display board on the big company building.

"Again topping the charts of the Best Company awards. It's the Kim's Corporation. A breaking news."

I just scoffed looking at the news and walking away.


(Play: Lilith Halsey and Suga)

"Hi, Miss Kate!" I greeted making her look at me and come running towards me.

"You late y/n! The twins are waiting for you from so long."

I held the cake in front of her face making her shook her head in defeat understanding why I was late.

"Thank you for looking after them." I said and she gave me a smile. I can never thank her enough for looking after the twins when I'm away.

"It's for always but now go on they might get angry."

"See you later." I said bowing and heading to their room. Reaching near the door I could hear giggles and laughing of the kids.

A smile formed on my lips, imagining them laughing with their parents while celebrating when they were alive.
I miss all of the family.

"I'm here my babies see-"


I couldn't believe my eyes on the scene in front of me. Jia and Ren laughing while playing a board game with someone who is the last person on this earth I will ever want to see again.


"What you doing here?" I asked him, while the twins look at me and getting up they ran towards me hugging my leg. These tiny babies.

Yes, it's him stood in front of me like a tower. He was on the bed playing with them a few minutes ago.

"First things first I should be the one asking this question? Shouldn't I?"

He said with an eyebrow raised. Looking at me. When he noticed the cake box in my hand .

"No, what you doing in my twins room?"


I cut the Twins words off shouting at them looking at their small figures.

"You both know right what I said about strangers? They are bad people, you shouldn't let anyone in unless it's me or Miss Kate!" I shouted at them making them drop their gaze on the floor.

"And you!" I said looking up at him and moving near him with my every word.

"You really stalking me aren't you!!"

"Hey listen-"

He tried to explain himself but no not this time Kim. Call me possessive for the Twins these kids are my only hope for life. I promised to keep them safe.

"No you listen, I don't know how you know my twins but if you dare to hurt them I will show you hell! And that's my promise. Kim Taehyung!"

A single breath, in a single breath. I spit all my words at him standing in front of his huge figure, tall and with a cold aura.

He looked at me, and sighed.

"You done?"

"No." I replied.

"Good, now listen. I come here every year cause it's my babies birthday today."

What the heck, every year! And what did he say his babies!? I crossed my hands around my chest looking at him with rage.

"And for your kind information, this is my Mother's Orphan Center. So it's mine too basically."

He stated. Taking me by a wave of shock. I knew my eyes were now big as tennis balls.


"Yes and I didn't know that 'you' were their Aunt." He pointed his finger on my forehead. Touching my forehead. Like he's mocking me.

"See you scared the kids." He left me when we heard Ren sobbing. My head immediately turned towards them.

I couldn't believe I made him cry. Oh no,no,no. I approached him bending to his level when he was already hugging Taehyung.

He looked at me with his red nose and tears covered cheeks. Making me feel to bury myself under the earth. Right now.

"I'm sorry. I'm not a good Unnie."

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