Chapter 4 (Lullaby Arc): Fairy Tail's Strongest Team

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Magnolia's Train Station.. Magnolia... Kingdom of Fiore.. Earthland.. Universe 6th... July 5th X784..

"I can't believe I have to work with you Ice Princess. I could have done this quest by myself!" these were the thoughts of Natsu at the moment which he made no effort to be kept inside his mind as he yells it out loud to Gray who is next to him. This resulted in another staring contest between the two wizards..

"Erza made a huge mistake to bring you here Fire Lizard! I would have done this in less time without you!" Gray shot back with returning it with the same comical angry tone. Meanwhile the Saiyan who was back to his blue Gi and accessories, watched the discussion along with Lucy who was holding her Celestial Spirit called Plue and Happy who was eating his morning fish on one of the benches..

"This is embarrassing..." Lucy sighed to herself as she kept looking down to Plue in an effort to prevent the stares she was definitely receiving from people around her "Why do they have act so immature even in public..?"

"That's Natsu and Gray for you! They don't care about the location at all.." Happy added to the conversation as he kept munching on his fish..

"I think it's entertaining to see them go at each other for the moment while we wait for Erza to show up.." Goku said casually as he had both his hands behind his head in a relaxing state as his gaze was on his two future students.. However, the Saiyan feels a certain presence coming towards their direction which made him slightly smile "It seems that Erza has finally arrived.."

"About time.." murmured the Celestial Mage to herself as she stood up and turns her gaze where red-haired wizard would be arriving "Erza-san..!"

However, Lucy couldn't finish her sentence thanks to the ridiculous amount of luggage that Erza was carrying around. Even Goku was surprised by the amount of luggage the Titania was bringing to the quest..

"So much luggage!" Lucy's astonished voice escaped from her as she attracts the attention of the S-Class wizard who made her ways towards where Lucy and Goku are standing..

"I believed that both of you were sent by Mirajane to accompany me, Natsu and Gray.." Erza deduced this from the presence of the two extra individuals as she approached them with a small smile on her face "My name is Erza Scarlet, nice to meet the both of you.."

"Nice to meet you Erza-san, my name is Lucy and I'm a new member of Fairy Tail so it's an honour to go on a mission with you.." She stated in a meek and hurried tone as she shook hands with Erza..

As both girls shook hands, the Celestial Mage could feel the tight grip that it stared to hurt her. Luckily, the red-haired girl notice and quickly removes her hand from Lucy's

"Sorry I didn't mean to use so much pressure.." the Titania retorted in an atoning tone..

"That's o-okay! I should of have expected this from the strongest women in the guild.." commented Lucy with a nervous smile as she rubs her hurting hand with her good "To create so much grip pressure that causally is insane..! Erza-san really does live up to her S-Class status.."

"Anyways" Erza resumed with the conversation "I heard that you defeated 19 Vulcans from Mount Hakobe, I'm impressed by that feat.."

This comment surprised Lucy to no end, to hear such a rumor that wasn't even close to being true. Goku was the one who took down a Vulcan with ease.. The Celestial Mage couldn't help but to chuckle at such ridiculous comment "Not even close from what you really know buddy.."

Meanwhile Lucy was in her little own world, the red-haired wizard directed her gaze at the Saiyan God.. "And who you might be?"

"The name is Son Goku, but you can called me Goku!" Goku responded extending his hands towards Erza with a smile on his face "Like Lucy-san I'm also new to the Fairy Tail guild and I'm glad to be you're partner in this question"

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