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I open the big door that leads to the party. There's a small staircase leading up to the main hall. Everything's designed with blue and white colour which matches with my dress. I giggle inside.

I climb over the stairs and as I look up, I spot Vihaan looking straight at me while sitting on a chair sipping on his whisky. His one stare sends chills down my spine and I sense my heart beating loudly. Buuutttt whyyyy? It's okay. I am in a party and he's not my boss here so just chill out you silly. I start seeing somewhere else because I can't see him in the eye. I know I look super different but one more eye-lock with anybody and I'll convince myself that I am a clown  here. Yea that's what anxiety feels like.

I spot my cousins dancing on the floor with many other people involved. I am in no mood to go there. Aadarsh is dancing like a dog with Kalpana. Screw him. I don't want to meet or be with him really.

I go over to Vihaan finally. I atleast need to meet the host. I can't ignore him here haha. I reach up to him and to my surprise, he's enjoying his time alone.

"Hi Sir." I am freaking out already. I have dressed up well and now I am the one feeling nervous. Gawdd. What an irony. He looks up at me. His eyes meet mine. And my heart rate goes up again. Oh my goodness. Can this ever stop. My jaw is tightening. " Thanks for inviting me and I initially was not coming but then here I am so sorry for the delay."

He chuckles. " Uhmm this is just a party Anika not our conference. It's okay. You are free to make a choice to come or not." He says softly.

" Yes I just felt like informing you. Thankyou." I say.

" Oh you look so elegant by the way. I first could not even get you, and then when I did, I couldn't believe my eyes. You should come to parties more often I must say." He compliments very decently. And my heart starts doing its thing again. Am I mad for real? There's no need to scared Anika. He's not going to eat you up infact he saved you once.

" Well please go enjoy with your friends and boyfriend." He recommends.

" Uh sorry. Boyfriend?" I ask in shock.
" Ah over there. Isn't he? Oh or should I call him your fiance. Sorry my bad." He says laughingly.

" What are you talking about? Do you mean Aadarsh?" I ask with a tensed mood almost spoiled completely.

" Yes who else?" He says.
" What made you think that he's my boyfriend?" I ask raising my voice.
" uhhh"
" What makes you think I am not?" Says Aadarsh standing right behind me.

I am shocked. I straighten up my voice looking at him " Well I assumed that nothing personal about me is being discussed here." I say.

" What's personal. Everyone knows that we've been like this from a long time. Don't they?" says Aadarsh sitting beside Vihaan. Since when these two became friends.

Everybody starts joining us one by one for a break since everyone looks tired with dancing. The snacks and drinks are being served. Everything seems quite organised. I sit near Sanjana Di too.

" How come you're here and that too so late?." asks Aashna di smilingly.
" Oh I took a nap and forgot about the time." I reply trying to cut short everything.

" Well you look quite different. Doesn't she?" She turns over to Kalpana and asks her.
" Yea like for an instance I couldn't recognise her." says Kalpana.
" Yea exactly." She pauses for a bit and when everyone is quiet, she speaks again. " Yeah like makeup can completely change the way one looks."
" Yeah it sure can." I reply straightly.

" I am disappointed that why don't you come like this quite often" says Aadarsh adding up to Aashna Di.
On this, Aashna di tries to continue with her chitchat on my makeup and says something even more hurtful. " Well I don't like using makeup that much. To be honest, makeup is just a way to cover one's insecurity. I often see people with low self esteem using it a lot but according to me, it just makes them look more fake than usual. I am obviously talking about some people not you Anika." Says Aashna di.

He Hates Me Or Does He?Where stories live. Discover now