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I am not even hungry because of this man. What does he want now? I am just getting way too anxious because of what I did. I regret all of it now. I was so lost in my fury, that I forgot my senses and did a stupid thing. What was I even trying to prove there? Just to get back at him, I did it and now I just regret it so much. It's not a part of who I am? Should I just go and apologise?

But no. I must not lose my ground. What he did to me is pretty horrible. I can't let anyone assisinate my character like that and that too with no particular reason at all. I wonder why my own cousins did that to me. What could it be possibly be? Is it because Aashna Di is possible jealous of me but why would she be? There's no reason. But one does not need a reason to just hate. Some people just do it out of habit.

Or is it possibly because I got this job and she is just into Vihaan too much that she couldn't stand me working here?

Or possibly is it because my father couldn't help her father, my uncle but later on Aadarsh's father could. Is she doing it to get back at me? My father had a valid reason though and he even clarified on his part. But is this because even being from the same family, he was expecting too much and he got disappointed then?

Or is it possibly because I did not come to attend family function once because I was in Delhi preparing. Why are they like that? I get it that my involvement in the family matters are rare because I rarely ever visited this place. The last time I was here for so long was when I was in KG studying here. After that, it's always me being away from UP overall. J have done most part of my studies from Delhi. It's when all my father's side of my family was against me studying there, but my father still sent me because I got too comfortable.

God knows what it is but since I've been living in Lucknow from the past two years, it's nothing different. Due to the efficacious effects of globalisation, Lucknow and Delhi are almost the same now. Development is on peak everywhere so in lucknow. I mean I have a good idea of how things work in here yet all these people blame me into thinking of being an outsider. One day, I'll work my level best to bring positive changes here then I'll see who will be able to say that she's very ignorant of the own state she was born in.

All of these thoughts are rumbling through my mind while I am waiting for the clock to strike 2:00.

I reach the library at 1:58 P.M.
I knock the door twice.
" Come inside Anika."
I go inside. Vihaan has glass things on in his office with no blinds around. He is sitting straight in his chair with his hands crossed and thinking deep. Maybe preparing himself for the sorry and letting his guard down. It must be tough for people like him to say sorry. I want to giggle so hard. His face looks tense. I enter inside his office. He turns the blinds on.

" Good noon Sir er." I say nervously. What is his problem? Why is he so tense always. He is handsome yet I don't feel anybody has ever approached him because of his this tensed face. But yea sometimes when he is in a good mood, it's hard to recognise him. What a bipolar maniac. Anika stop overthinking for god's sake. I should stop reading the suspense thrillers.

" Noon. So, urm how was your day." He asks cheerfully looking at me. Ooo what a change of tone I must say.
" Err it's a fine day sir going fine so far." I reply normally.
His face turns even more merrier. "Great".

" Well, uh sorry Anika for yesterday. I was such a fool to judge you like that. I apologise from the bottom of my heart". He says touching his heart.
I look  at him. " Sir, it's completely fine. It was just a misunderstanding". I say robotically. Guilt is filling inside of me.

" Uh yeah." He says looking down.
" Yes sir. Is that all?" I ask cautiously.
He looks up. " Oh yes just that!" He smiles.
" Oh cool! Thankyou Sir." I sigh a relief. Wow that was great actually. I turn around.

He Hates Me Or Does He?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz