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I wake up at 6:30 a.m. today. All of the memories from the day before comes again giving me a nasty feeling about everything. I did not expect my day to turn like a disaster yesterday. But whatever, I can't give up now.

I get ready to go and change my sim. On my way downstairs, I find all the girls having tea at a place.
" This dupatta will really go with this kurta, won't it." Says Sanjana Di to other girls.
"Oh hey Anika. Where are you going?" asks Anshika Bhabhi.
" Oh yaar I lost my phone yesterday and.. "
" Yes we got to know. We came to the library when you were working yesterday."

" What? How come I did not get to know? Why were you guys there?"
" Oh we just came for a walk in the beautiful garden behind the library. Also Vihaan invited us for a normal visit to the library cafe. So we had dinner for free too yesterday. Vihaan told us that you were very behind so we did not want to bother you." Anshika Bhabhi says to me calmly.

" Oh that's really nice. Glad you guys are able to enjoy this. Also sorry from my side for not being able to be there with you guys all the time. Not that I don't want to, but I just really want to do something productive at the moment or this overthinking about stuff and this damn anxiety will eat me up soon" I tell them trying to make them understand of my situation.

" It's really fine Anika. We understand." Says Sanjana Di softly. "Don't forget to take a break whenever you feel like"
" Sure Di. Thankyou for understanding" I reply.

After having a soft talk with them has really calmed my nerves to some extent. I hope everything goes fine now. I am really embarrassed from yesterday plus now everybody knows of the blunder I made today. I should apologise and start from the beginning. My father also calmed my nerves down on call yesterday.

6:10 P.M.
I enter the entrance to the library. Sir is not there. I should go and find him first. I really want to give this thing a try.

Abhi ji like always is there near the cafe. " Hello good evening. Where is Vihaan Sir at the moment" I ask him
" Evening Anika. Oh he's out of the building, probably having a walk or God knows what" He replies.

I take an exit to the building. I approach towards the garden behind the building through the side way path leading up straight to the garden. It's a small and neat garden with a walking path all around the garden.

Vihaan is sitting on the bench of the garden reading a book. He's looking peaceful. The vibe is peaceful there. He likes this peace and warm environment around him and I like that about him. Most of the rich people I have seen are very different from him. They are rarely into books, rarely into the peace in the chaos.

I approach him.
"Good evening Sir" I say to him.
Vihaan looks startled. He closes the book and keeps it aside him in the bench. He stands up and comes nearer.
" Evening. What brings you here? Lost another thing?" He asks trying to sound sarcastic.
" urm No sir." I look up at him. He's really kind of tall. I wish I was a man sometimes. " Sir I lost my phone yesterday and that really hurted me which is why I over reacted. I am really sorry for what happened yesterday. I am really embarrassed." I say to him.

" You came here to say sorry?"
" Yes"
" Oh that's strange and very unlikely of you."
" I won't make it happen again sir. Thankyou. I should go now".

I start returning back to the library.
" Wait a second." Says Vihaan raising his voice.
I turn around. He approaches closer to me. He takes something out of his pocket. It takes me some seconds to realise that it's my phone.

" Oh god. Where did you find it?" I say with a squeaking voice.
Oh god it's my phone. I was just so worried about it. I can have all my data back now plus no more useless spending. I breath a sigh of relief.
" Do you have any idea where I found it?" He asks with a smile on his side.
" I really want to know. "
" It was kept between your wuthering heights page number 126 as your bookmark. And you put it in the wrong shelf of non fiction books so that no one else could lend it for the time being, I guess." He says raising his eyebrows.

Shit. Now I remember it all too well. I was feeling so sleepy so I went to keep it in the shelf nearby. How come I didn't pay any attention it it.
" I was really overworked yesterday Sir. Thankyou so much it really means a lot. I am embarrassed more than ever. I'll not repeat it I promise. It just..." I start feeling so teary. I try to hold myself back.
" This phone is really important to me. The data it holds is so crucial to me. I just can't believe I have got it back. Thankyou so much" I say to him.

I am unable to read his face.
"That's alright. Don't worry so much about it. Focus on your work better now" Vihaan says to me calmly.
" Thankyou sir. Good night"
I return back to the library.

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