PART 24 : Aadharsh's Mischief

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I reach my place and I am finally happy to meet to my mom. I rush upstairs to hug her. I notice all my cousins sitting in living room meanwhile giggling. My mom hugs me cheerfully.

" How are you? What takes you here all of a sudden? She asks.
" I was just not feeling well and Sir was coming here so I tagged along." I say smiling. As I elevated my focus towards the voices coming from living room, I catch a somewhat similar voice and I feel dreadful. It's Aadarsh obviously. What is he doing here?

" Aadarsh and his family are here." She says.
" And did you meet them?" I ask in disbelief.
" Yes I did and also asked for forgiveness about my behaviour to them earlier." She says looking down.

" Are you serious?" But can I tell her now not to. I can't do anything. But what I must do is talk to Aadarsh about it.

I see him coming outside the room and he notices me. He is a bit taken aback finding me here. I don't even know if I should say hi or not. Or should I just run away. I take a deep breath.

" Hey how are you?" He asks me and wraps me around his arms like what??
" I am fine." I say taking a step back.
Mamma I'll come back in a few minutes.

" Can we talk" I ask him.
" Why not." He says.

We come to Di's room where no body is there.
" Was it you yesterday?" I ask him looking straight at his eyes still trying to make sense on how could he do this to me.
" So?" He says cunningly while raising his one eyebrow. Fuck him.
" Sooo. Do you even understand what you did?" I say and my heart is beating fast.
" What did I do? Tell me exactly." He says.
" You sent a guy to harass and blackmail me." I say nearly shivering. " I am not scared of you anymore if you think that's what the present is. Do you understand?" My voice is shivering heavily. I don't understand what this man does to me.

Aadarsh takes a step closer and is nearly two inches away from my face only. He looks at me with his old dead face again except I am not scared this time. " You can't even say that with a straight face. Can you? And baby I was just trying to communicate with you nicely. If you know me, you know that it's the nicest I can be." He says cunningly.

" I don't even want to look at you this moment." I say while turning away. I know I have turned him mad. He turns my face with his one hand. " You know I love you right. You should go and ask for forgiveness from my mom about how whatever you said was a lie and you are sorry for your misdeed and it was all because how jealous you were of my ex girlfriend."

"Are you serious? I will never do it. Let me go." I say looking at him shivering badly.
" A few days back, Commission disclosed a fraud case which involves crores of scam and sadly your father's sign is there. Yes ofcouse, he was on additional charge there but does that matter to the commission. All that matters is a simple signature. The more upsetting news is my father's the head of the commission."

He looks at me and smiles. " All I need is your permission sweetheart to go ahead and support the good since that's all you want to do in your life. What should I do honey?" He makes a sad crybaby face which is the most cunning.

All of it makes sense to me. My father has been in a misery from the past month about this particular case. He was on additional charge and didn't know the extras of this department which is why it was so easy for other workers to play him. But does that mean Aadarsh's father is like him too? Does that mean he's also included with him? I barely know. All I know is he is looking right at me enjoying my helpless situation.

"Just one question: Why?" I say while a tear strikes down.
He takes out his handkerchief and wipes it gently. " I love you baby that's it. I want to help you."

I feel so powerless at this point. What should I even do to come out of this misery? I hate him. I hate him so much.
" I loved you. Why are you doing this to me?" I ask helplessly.
" Loved? And now?" He asks. His face muscles are tightening up.
" You broke up with me right.?" I say.
" No. It was just 6 months. I am all yours baby. I cake back because I realised I love you only." He says with a straight face.

All is a lie yet I don't know what to do. I know only one thing that this man can do whatever he wants. He's not just possessive but can do anything in his capacity to defy me and to break me. For me, that's the only way I can define Aadarsh. No I am not denying that I loved him but to see the man I loved this much like this breaks me not in pieces but in shreds. How can a man who used to be everything to me can hurt me this much? There was a time where I could lay myself over him and fear nothing and now even a thought of him sends chills down my spine. The misery that I feel at this moment can't be expressed with tears but dead silence. I look at him and just don't feel anything. I look at him and I can't even say that I hate him. Because deep down, some part of me wants all this to be a bad dream and to wake up from that dream to this good Aadarsh who will gently caress me to recover from this dream. But the dead irony is it's all real and this man who is standing right in front of me does not give a penny about me. He does not love me at all. The past me used to believe me that I will be the safest while holding this man's hands and now I want to run away so far that this man can never grab my hand ever again.

" Plus I have all our past memories still with me." He smiles and comes closer to my neck. " If you know what I mean."

"I'll say sorry. Let's go." I say deadly. I can't take his bullshit anymore.

He comes closes and kisses my cheek and goes away. I break into tears.

I cry for 5 minutes. I can't waste my precious tears atleast on that garbage. I go over to the living room to get it over with. Aashna Di is talking to Vihaan and all other cousins are busy in chitchatting.

" Anika is here. Yayy." Sanjana Di says hugging me. " What brings you here?" She asks.

" I was just not feeling well so Sir gave me a leave." I say.

" and you came with him?" asks Aadarsh looking at me with hidden rage.
" Yes. He offered me." I reply.
" Cool." He says

" Go and sleep." says Vihaan looking at me. "She barely slept last night."
" And you know that how?" asks Aadarsh again.
" I had to complete the work that's how." I meddle in between. I don't want him to know anything. " I am going to take some rest." I take a leave.

I go to take some rest. My heart is beating fast. This panic thing is really new to me and I am still trying to make sense out of it.

Sanjana Di comes to me. " Are you not doing well. Vihaan told us that you are not well."

Oh crap. " I am okay di. I just got tired yesterday so I felt like I was going to faint nothing else." I say

" Do you have weakness too?". She asks
" Oh yes Di. I just don't feel like doing anything. Just really tired from studies, work and everything. I am just burnt out I guess. My heart is beating fast too." I reply trusting her.

" Heart palpitations you mean. You look sweaty too." She says doctoring me.
" Yes Di. Just tired." I say.
" Well you should get checked. I'll recommend you getting a lipid done and cbc too. Just to make sure." She orders.
" Oh no there's no need di. I am just tired." I say hurriedly.
" It's what your boss has ordered so can't deny. He does not allow sick people to work in his office so yes you can choose whatever you like." She says picking up clothes for me. "We'll go first thing in the morning tomorrow." She says.
" Oh okay." What is all this I am unable to understand. Why does he care? He did not care for his employees when forcing them to complete reports by working overtime.

But what can I even feel towards him. Of all people, he was there for me yesterday and even today. I am unable to contemplate his personality. But the version I witnessed today is so warm and compassionate. Was he always like this with other people that's why they get stick to him like leeches? Whatever might be the case, I have to go for the report tomorrow and show it that I am doing fine. But what if something goes really wrong? What if I have some disease? Thinking all this is making me sweaty and shivery again. I need to stop. We'll see tomorrow.

He Hates Me Or Does He?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن