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"So, Anika we at "For the brighteens" aim to provide those impoverished badly off teenagers a good medium of schooling and build self reliancy and capability for them and their parents. How do you think you will contribute to this objective and while playing what role would you be able to perform your duty towards these teenagers?" asks one man in his 50s with a straight yet warm look.

Damn that's a lengthy question. He could just ask how will I contribute to their establishment. "Sireerr, all throughout my youth, I've been deeply interested in knowing about the conditions and the way this country as well as the world functions hence all throughout my life until now I've aspired to work for those who are not well off and give back to the society. Since I am also an aspirant, from a past few months I've been wanting to contribute and work for that society in some way until i get selected for some post. I have good qualifications and I take keen interest in teaching and orating about certain content. I think my actions can prove more than my words and for that matter I am just asking you to give me few days to prove it you." I take a deep breath after saying all that. Well I could say a lot of things but saving it for further questions since this is not a 20 mark question or so.

"Well, we have already looked up you qualifications and since you have claimed yourself to work hard, you can join from monday" says the same old man.

"ohhkayy thankyou so much sir. Can i look around the NGO if there is no problem?" I ask them. wait, was it that easy. They pass me a nod and I move on to take a look around. The NGO is overly understaffed. I wonder why in small cities nobody wants to work for the bad off. For that matter they are offering a decent income worth 20,000rs just for taking one lecture a day. The problem must be in finding women teachers to come and work and earn that much. Whatever may be the reason, this needs to change.

I wake up early in the morning and head to the NGO to work with great deal of excitement and I go on to dress in full formals. I reach there quite early and there comes a lot of children together arranged in a line by some other teacher that I see there. I am feeling quite nervous but as soon as I enter the class I regain all of my confidence back. I start my class with normal introduction and the class goes on for one and a half hours. It was such a good class and I feel so confident that I was able to convey do many good things and the children seemed too happy with it too. I hope I will be able to do it daily in the same manner.

It's a hot afternoon. I am having some tasty Indian tea, hot and sweet and rich with ginder and cardamom. I so love having tea. Shobhita ma'am comes up to me and I offer her the same. I so enjoy having afternoons like these having chitchat. All of a sudden, the peon comes in and informs me about Headmaster asking for me in the office.

A sudden rush of nervousness comes over me. I hope it's not something bad or something like extra time. I can't cut off my preparation time for this at any cost. I already am so overburdened with the study pressure and this sidework thing was not as easy as it looked it. It takes up my 3 hours of the day in one way or another and somehow I am managing to give 9 hours to my study but sometimes it's just not enough. It's just been five days but this is not so easy.

While overthinking all of this, I reach to the Headmaster's office. I knock two times.
"Come In" says the old man.
I enter.
"Good noon sir" I say. Well, there's one more man in the office going through some filed on the other end. His back is against us.
"Anika, we have received a good feedback. It's good to see you so young working like this." Says sir
" Thankyou so much Sir." I reply
" Well, I would also like to inspect some of your teacher's classes headmaster" says Vihaan in a serious note.

What is he doing here? Well I know that he comes here once or twice a week to loom after the NGO's condition since he has come here but this was so sudden. He looks so serious and mundane most of the times. I wonder what's the matter with him. People must be thinking of him as some rude brat haha. His girlfriends might be considering him a red flag having seen his mighty ego and serious behaviour. Does he ever laugh? Also why does he always try to portray himself as some hitler of some place. We are done with the Hitler-Mussolini phase now man. It's atleast democracy now if not polity. Aristotle might be half happy now if not completely.

"Sure sir, whenever you feel like" says the headmaster.
" Well Sir please convey to your staff as well as other people that some jobs in my newly inaugurated library and guest house are vacant. Interested applicants may apply" says Vihaan with again a serious note.
" Sure sir. Well Anika we have good trust in you now and we want to hire you for two months lock in period. If your answer is yes, I'll pass you the required papers." Says the headmaster.
" Sure sir. Sir Can I reply to your answer next week. I still want some time" I reply.
"Okay sure".

I take an exit from the room. Well the post of a librarian. Interesting. But I must not take my brain off from this now. NGO is good. But I like reading + his library is so cool. Well I will just apply to it. It's not that his company is dying to hire me. I'll just give it a shot.

I head straight to home. I go on to enjoy the evening snack with my cousins.
" Oh I am gonna wear this Red sharara today. The function must be fancy today" says Sanjana Di delightfully.
" where are we heading to? Is there some programme today?" I ask.
" Yes it's a cozy event planned by jiju just for us youngsters. We can have a good party night today at his place." Informs di.
" Oh that's great" I can always take out time for some party for sure.
" will it only be us?" Asks Aashna Di.
" Yes it will be just us young people. Yayy. Don't worry Aashna if he will have time he will come too, Bhaiya has invited him too." Says Sanjana Di with a wide eyed smile.
" Just shut up okay. I wasn't referring to him. Obviously he must be busy today but just in case if he comes, I must not dress up any less". says Aashna Di cheerfully.

Is she referring to Vihaan. What else am I missing here. All my time with studies and NGOs, I barely get any time to spend with these ladies. I know they talk behind my back sometimes for being like it. I just can't help it. I have been trying from two years now. I just don't want any day to go any less than a hard one. It will all be worth it I know. It will be worth it for my father atleast who daily sees hope when he looks at me. I can't wait to make him proud one day soon.

And by the looks of it, I already knew from the first instance that Aashna Di likes Vihaan in one way or another. She's been looking for a man whom she can love with all her heart for quite some time now. I know she likes Vihaan for how he is. I just hope that the thing between them really works out if that will ever happen in first place. I really don't know how things between middle class and rich class works out nice but if they can then all my wishes to them. At last, I just hope nobody's left hurt.

He Hates Me Or Does He?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ