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Dear Diary,
It's a new day, a fresh day. Vihaan accepted my apology but asked for a favour in a return. The turn is I don't know what that favour might be. He obviously doesn't need me for anything right now but future is uncertain. So we agreed on that course. He also promised to clear up my image but I handled it immaturely. I acted with so much stupidity that I did not ask for that favour and went on to say that I'll do that myself with no idea of how to that.

But diary, a lot of things happened yesterday. We all now need to go to Delhi to attend some investor event. Since, Krishant Bhaiya is too excited to go there, everyone agreed for the plan as Vihaan and his friends himself invited them too. There's going go be a big event tonight but even more than that what's more interesting is we might go to a bar after that which is cool.

All my friends are there and I am dying to meet them. Living here has been exhausting tbh.

I pack all of my stuff today and chose a velvety shine Royal blue bodycon slit dress with shrug for today. I feel happy because it's going to be a great day today.
Afterall, it's Delhi.

I reach the house at 2:00 and we are all ready to move to Delhi by train ofcourse.  I took permission from Abhi sir if I can go there with my cousins. He agreed and I feel great.

Vihaan and his party will go on their golden carts with their princely charm ofcourse but who cares except Aashna and her miss flatterer Kalpana ofcourse who by the way is too full of being in a good college ofcourse. I am proud of them but I can already sense an ample amount of tension build with them. Sanjana Di is too kind to take my side or maybe at this point I can't even trust her. I expected better from them but now I just feel betrayed and unhappy with them. Sanjana Di knew what kind of person Aadarsh is yet she did not feel like clarifying. I take people's stand and I  expect the same.

Anyways, I greet them with utmost respect and move on to go for a trip to Delhi. I call Garvit beforehand. He is way too excited. Garvit is my charming gay bestfriend who by the way hasn't come out yet in society because we all know how it is. He is the most charming men I've ever come across. The way he supports me, none of my friends ever have but again Sara and Aditi are there too. A mere thought of them wants to go over there and hug them too tightly.

We all go by Rajdhani and reach Delhi at 5 at evening. The programme is today only but I don't know how we are supposed to reach there this early and that too get ready this early. I check my phone and there are already 5 missed calls from Abhi. I check his messages.
" Report at the venue ASAP. Vihaan has appointed you as the manager and left you on a tip of losing your salary if things turn left. Even I don't know what's going on but do as he says."

What a crapload piece of shit. I try to control myself but this is just him taking a revenge by doing things worse for me. I know what he is doing.

I rush over to Sanjana Di to inform her for the same.
" Di I have to go! I can't get ready first." I say to her.
" Are but what's the rush?." She asks.
" Di Vihaan Sir has called me to make an arrangement for the event. I have to rush." I inform her and leave. I can sense a bad vibe from Aashna Di already.

I have to rush! I have to rush! Oh my god! I don't even have any idea of what to manage. The railway station is so crowdy. I feel kind of sick with anxiety now. I really wanted to meet my friends but I informed them of the scenario. Gladly they understand.

6:00 p.m.
The time is rushing and I reach at the venue with all hurry. I try to spot Abhi sir but my eyes catch Vihaan in one second. He is right there with a big crowd around him. With the look of it, it looks like he is with his office members around discussing on something important. And for a tiny fraction of time, a thought strikes in my mind. He is hardworking and not just hardworking but really determined and passionate towards his work. The way things around don't matter to him as much as the thing he is passionate about.

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