His calves were illuminated by the white moonlight. He rubbed them a few moments and curled his legs up while mimicking your own posture.

Your legs were tucked to your chest and your arms wrapped around them. The natural line of your mouth drooped down a little more tonight. There was a glassiness to your eyes, as if you were holding back tears.

When Chan realized it, he frowned, but he didn't want to pry. "Rough night?" He offered weakly.

All you could do was nod without a word. Sometimes reality was like a shard of glass. Swallowing it left your throat hoarse and mangled. It shredded the slippery sides of your esophagus and tore all the way down. The ache and burn left behind was embedded in your brain and it'd always linger like a shadow.

"Wanna talk about it?" Chan offered.

You shook your head and kept your gaze to the distance. If you looked at him, you'd break down and you didn't want to do that. You wanted to forget about this dark period in your life. You wanted to toss out the memories and let them drift away in the wind; never able to hurt you ever again, but memories are not like dust, they're much more like syrup.

You can scrub and scrape, but there will always be sticky parts left behind and between the intricate folds of your brain. You can dig and claw, but some memories will be there until the end of time; small annoying bits that are just out of reach.

"Hmm, okay." Chan slung a hand over his opposite wrist. The two of you sat for a few moments until a dimpled grin stretched across his face. "What if I offered you your favorite popsicle?"

You glanced over at him with a raised eyebrow. He let out a small giggle and reached into the pocket of his hoodie. When he pulled it out, he was gripping the familiar packaging of your favorite popsicle flavor.

That must have been the reason why he came up here to begin with. Sometimes the two of you would get things for one another. He must have been unable to wait for you to come down, so he went up.

"Thank you," you managed to mumble as you gently pulled it from his hand.

"You can thank me by telling me what's got you so glum." He pulled out another popsicle from his other pocket and began to unpeel it. "You know me, I won't judge you." He flashed you a reassuring smile before he tore open the wrapper.

"I know."

"Then what is it?" He couldn't help himself. He was so curious and he was dying to know. It was an itch that couldn't be scratched enough. "What's on your mind? Hmm?" He shifted closer to you and took a bite of his frozen treat.

Your lips pressed together and you debated on telling him. The topic was one you had never told him about and it would be a tough conversation for the two of you to have. You sucked in a deep breath before you released it.

"It's um...it's quite a conversation. It's a lot and I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

Chan laughed, "how bad could it really be?"

"I loved him," you mumbled. Your eyes stayed on your treat while you slowly began to unwrap it.


"My teacher."

It was slightly melted from where it pressed against the warmth of Chan's skin. You remembered how warm skin could be. After all, you felt the contact of another human far more than you wanted to when you were younger.

Chan snorted and rolled his eyes. "I loved some of my teachers too. My favorite one was my second grade teacher. What's the big deal?"

"No," you shook your head, "I loved him."

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