"Ohh, then you will definitely have a boyfriend?" One of them joked.

"Yeah-yeah, it's just something 10-15" I laughed.

The ladies started laughing including mrs.Kang too.

"You are so funny" One of the lady said hitting my arm between laughing.

"You too" I said with a same expression hitting her arm with little force.

They all kept laughing, talking, gossiping among themselves.

"Ahh, aunt I'm going to check jisoo Unnie, she is ready or not." I whispered in her ear.

She nodded her head and I went from there searching the girls Who disappeared leaving me here alone with these aunties.

Walking towards the corridor I collided with someone due to which I lost my balance, but a hand on my waist holding me from falling backwards.

My eyes were closed!


I looked up at him in his eyes while his eyes were already chasing with mine.

"I love when you catch me before I fall" I said straightly looking at him.

"And I love to catch you before you fall" He said with a same glance.

We were looking at each other. His hand was still on my waist.

Our eyes was fucckking each other's.

I shifted a glance at him Because we don't know how long we will keep looking at each other like this.

He left my waist and we stood there properly.

When I noticed he was wearing black suit. His hair was well set and slightly falling on his forehead.

Both his hands were kept in his pockets, he is standing in such a dashing and cool style and is driving me crazy from inside.

"So when did you come? I mean I didn't even see you" I lied, That's how my eyes always search for him.

"just a little while ago" he replied.

I nodded.

Will he not praise me? I mean, I get so well dressed today, won't he give me a compliment?

I thought to myself.

"Y/n" He called my name with soft voice.

"Yeah" I quickly replied.

"Actually I want to tell you something."

"Really? What? Say I'm hearing." I was behaving like a pyscho.

"Actually I, I-' He was taking pauses.

"Yeah I what?" My excitement was very nice.

"You're looking very nice." He completed his words forwarding a smile at my direction.



Only nice?

Not pretty?

I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you for your compliment, I'm busy now" I said with taunted tone joining my hands walking towards other direction.

𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | 𝐊𝐓𝐇Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora