Chapter 86 Promotion! The prefect of Chanzhou!

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When the onlookers saw the child being taken out, they realized what was going on behind closed doors in this brothel, and they all looked in disbelief.

The matter was of a bad nature. After Cheng Junyin captured the man, he immediately went to court for trial. When Lao Yu was caught in the court, he was motionless. After Hao Duoyu touched him lightly, he realized that Lao Yu had committed suicide by taking poison.

Lao Yu's men only knew that someone would pick them up when they transported the children to a fixed location outside the city at the beginning of each month, and they didn't know anything else.

Mudan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly knelt down and cried out their grievances.

They were all abducted and sold here by Lao Yu. Lao Yu not only forced them to sell themselves, but also forced them to have children. Girls who had children would be sent away, and there was no trace from then on.

It turns out that Mudan hid her pregnancy because she didn't want to be separated from her twin sister, but she didn't expect that the government would find out when something went wrong.

Mudan cried and said: "My sister was beaten to death by them, and this old pious woman forced me to take my sister's place to hide the truth!"

The people who were watching were in an uproar, and their faces were filled with anger.

Cheng Junyin's eyes were gloomy.

Hao Duoyu presented a box of account books, which contained all the records of children who were sent away.

Most of these children are from Chanzhou, and only the following pages are from Chantie County.

He closed the account book with a snap and ordered the old bird to be beheaded in public.

Lao Yu is dead, but he won't let her die too easily.

When Brother Tang learned these things, his chest heaved violently with anger. Chengjunyin gave him some relief and said, "This matter is not that simple." Lao Yu was

staying well in Chanzhou, so why did he go to Chantie? County, a remote place like this.

Brother Tang was unwilling to accept it and said, "Husband, you have people pretending to be from the brothel to meet with those people to see if they can rescue the abandoned children."

Chengjun Yin shook his head and sighed, "I'm afraid the matter is too big. We've already alerted the enemy."

He paused and then said, "I know they are all Xiang Jue's people."

Brother Tang looked at him, Chengjun Yin looked serious, "If I'm not wrong, Lao Yu should be one of Xiang Jue's subordinates. Dead soldiers."

He had seen Xiang Jue's dead soldiers commit suicide under his eyes, and when he saw Lao Yu's body, he had some suspicions in his heart.

"So why did they arrest those children?"

"To train dead soldiers."

The process of training dead soldiers was extremely cruel. Countless children died, and there were even fewer people like Qimei who survived to the end.

Brother Tang clenched his fists and gritted his teeth: "Husband, we can't let them go."

"Of course." Chengjun Yin said, "I have written a letter to inform my uncle about this."

Lao Yu arrested so many people in Chanzhou , it is impossible for Yi Jie not to notice at all. The only possibility is that Yi Jie pretended to be deaf and dumb and allowed the people to suffer.

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