Chapter 62 The workshop recruiter

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Cheng Dacai stared at Mr. Liang with fierce eyes.

He originally had hope of escaping, but his mother completely cut off his last chance of survival.

He hated it countless times, why? Why was he born to Liang? Why was he born to a vulgar, dirty and ignorant peasant woman!

Mrs. Liang understood the hatred in Cheng Dacai's eyes. She tried to touch Cheng Dacai with trembling hands, "Dacai, mother didn't know it was you!" When

she heard the noise, she immediately went to check if the jade pendant was still there. When she was not there, she found that the jade pendant was not there. She subconsciously thought that the jade pendant had been stolen by bandits and completely panicked.

She really didn't expect that the bandit would be her son Cheng Dacai!

Cheng Dacai waved away Liang's hand, "Don't touch me!"

Li Zheng frowned, "Someone, tie them all up."

Liang cried and yelled to prevent Cheng Dacai from being tied up, but everyone in the village Unable to tolerate him, the woman helped pull Liang away, and the man tied up the thieves.

Cheng Dacai scanned the crowd and asked, "Where's Cheng Junyin! Why isn't he in the house!"

"I'm here." Chengjun Yin walked slowly with Brother Tang, followed by several quilt makers. The workers were tied up by thieves.

"Don't you know that when coming from Shanxiang County, you have to pass through the workshop?"

Cheng Dacai's pupils narrowed.

Of course he knew, but unless Cheng Junyin had been prepared, it would have been impossible to take countermeasures and catch them so quickly.

He yelled angrily at Chengjunyin, "Chengjunyin, you're hurting me!"

"That's enough!" Li Zheng was aggrieved for Chengjunyin, "Could Chenger still force you to steal his own home with a knife?

He paused and then said: "If the people in the workshop hadn't discovered that you were walking towards Tianchong Village with knives, there would have been blood in our village tonight!" He

was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick, "Cheng Da Cai" ! You are from Tianchong Village, how could you bring an outsider to harm a fellow villager!"

Cheng Dacai looked at Li Zheng, "A fellow villager? When you testified for Cheng Junyin and got slapped by the county magistrate, you were wrong. Have you considered that I am also a fellow villager of yours?" Li Zhengqi's chest heaved violently, "Did we ask you to accuse Cheng Er of wrongdoing it? You are the one who brought it upon yourself, do you want us to favor

you indiscriminately?"

Da Cai could no longer listen to any truth. He frowned and said, "Send me to the official."

Chengjunyin and the county magistrate did not get along. The county magistrate knew that he was Chengjunyin's enemy and would not give him a harsh sentence.

If he could be caught in jail, he could avoid the people in the gambling house and find a peaceful life.

"We won't send you to the official position." Of course Cheng Junyin knew what Cheng Dacai was thinking. He looked at Li Zheng and asked, "How many houses have not been built in the village?"

Li Zheng's eyes lit up, "This That's a good idea!"

If you can't send someone to an official, and a beating isn't enough to relieve their anger, then beat them first, and then let them build houses and clean up the fields destroyed by natural disasters. This can be considered a good thing for the village.

Cheng Dacai's face twisted, "Chengjun Yin! Aren't you afraid that I'll sneak out and kill Brother Tang!"

Cheng Junyin's eyes sharpened, he picked up the knife and dropped it in front of Cheng Dacai's eyes. The sharp knife The sharp tip is just a hair's breadth away from being able to blind Cheng Dacai's eyes.

Cheng Dacai instantly froze on the spot, dripping with cold sweat.

Cheng Junyin threw away the knife and looked down at him, his eyes were like looking at an ant, "You can give it a try."

Mrs. Liang breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Cheng Dacai didn't have to die, but she didn't know what was going on. Great suffering is still waiting for her.

Brother Tang yawned sleepily. Seeing that the matter had been resolved, he leaned on Chengjunyin and asked softly: "Husband, can we go back to sleep?"

Chengjunyin patted his back, "This Just go back."

When Mrs. Liang saw them leaving, she jumped up and stood in front of them, asking as if she was crazy, "Has my jade pendant been stolen by you?"

Cheng Junyin asked expressionlessly: " What jade pendant? Where did you get the jade pendant?"

Ms. Liang choked and couldn't give an explanation, so she could only keep asking Chengjun Yin for her jade pendant.

Aunt Niu couldn't stand it anymore and led someone to pull Ms. Liang away.

"Ms. Liang, who doesn't know how many kilograms you have at home? How can you have such a jade pendant?"

Ms. Liang said in distress.

Cheng Dacai looked at Mrs. Liang, his eyes moved slightly, thoughtfully.

Cheng Junyin took Brother Tang back to the wing. As soon as the door of the wing was closed, Taotie jumped in from the window, holding Liang's lost jade pendant in his mouth.

At dawn, Cheng Junyin approached Niu Zi to discuss building a workshop.

"According to the drawings I gave you, build the land in the south, and then build the land in the north."

The reason why it is divided into north and south parts is to leave a place for workers to work.

After Niu Zi listened carefully, he asked with some embarrassment: "Will the workshop want to recruit more people? Is the recruitment target this time still limited to Tianchong Village?"

"There are many people recruited this time, and they are not limited to Tianchong Village. Chong Village, but people from Tian Chong Village will be recruited into the workshop first." Cheng Junyin saw something and asked with a smile: "Are you asking for your fiancée in Duodou Village?"

Niu Zi scratched his head, "After the natural disaster. , their family is not doing well."

Chengjun Yin patted his shoulder, "If you feel sorry for your wife, marry her as soon as possible."

Niu Zi nodded vigorously, full of hope, "Soon"

he laughed naively. "I'll treat you to a wedding banquet then."

Chengjunyin said with a smile, "Then I'll be waiting."

Chengjunyin left it to Mr. Hao to recruit people for the workshop.

When Mrs. Hao heard the news, she couldn't close her mouth with excitement, "I, what should I prepare? What should I do?"

Chengjun Yin comforted, "Aunt Hao, as usual, just do whatever you want. ."

He paused and then said: "After the workers are recruited, I want you to be the manager. You will be responsible for this group of workers and assign them appropriate jobs. I will ask Aunt Niu to assist you."

Hao was surprised . He said, "I am the steward? How can this be possible? I am just a brother."

He has never heard of the principle of a brother and a woman being a steward.

"Aunt Hao, you have the ability." Cheng Junyin said with serious eyes, "Brother is no worse than a man. I hope you can take on this job."

He paused and then said: "After you become stewards, your and Cheng Sanzi's wages will be one tael of silver a month."

Hao immediately shook his head like a rattle, "One tael of silver a month is too high. "We can't accept it."

Cheng San is his son, which is equivalent to his family receiving two taels of silver from Cheng Juan Yin a month.

Chengjun Yin sighed, "If you don't take the money, I will have to look for a manager outside, but as you know, I don't trust the people I look for outside." After

hearing this, Mr. Hao agreed.

The recruitment news quickly spread throughout Shanxiang County, and villages large and small in Shanxiang County were excited.

The topic of chatter among the villagers changed from filial piety to "recruiting workers for the workshop?" How many go to your house? '

On the day of recruitment, almost everyone in the county was mobilized.

There was a sea of ​​people outside the workshop, and many vendors came here to set up stalls when they saw the crowd.

Li Zheng sighed, "If this were to happen a year ago, who would have believed that such a remote place could become so lively." Li Zheng

from Duodou Village came over and asked bitterly: "I heard that this time Is it your husband who is recruiting people?"

Li Zheng smiled from ear to ear and pretended to be calm, "It's my husband. What's wrong?"

Li Zheng from other villages was jealous. His eyes are crooked and his nose is crooked.

There are problems, big problems, why such a good thing has not happened to them.

Hao has been preparing for this recruitment for a long time.

He asked Brother Tan and Brother Du to conduct a rough screening of the job seekers. Only if they thought there were no problems would Hao conduct the interview.

There were so many people wanting to enter the workshop that Hao was so busy that he didn't even have time to drink.

When the sun was setting, Brother Tan and Brother Ya actually saw Brother Yun with a haggard face in the crowd.

Brother Yun looked at them with evasive eyes, as if he was afraid of being discovered by them.

They looked at each other and called Brother Yun over.

Brother Tan asked, "Aren't you married?"

Brother Yun gritted his teeth and said, "I'm divorced from him."

After the people from Yaxing took him back, they wanted to take him away and sell him. Not wanting to be a widow, he begged them to help him separate from that man.

When he returned home after the separation, his biological father did not want to see him.

Fortunately, his mother still loved him and was willing to let him live there, but he was still afraid of being driven away.

Hearing that the workshop was hiring, he wanted to give it a try.

Brother Tan said bluntly, "We can't let you in, do you know why?"

Brother Yun's eyes turned red, "I've been through such a miserable life, why does he still have to fight with me!"

Brother Mute frowned, Tan Brother only felt that Brother Yun was unreasonable, "Go back and ask your mother."

He asked people to drive Brother Yun away and continued to screen people.

When the sky turned completely dark, the people outside the workshop gradually dispersed, allowing Brother Tan and Brother Du to take a breather.

After interviewing the last person, Mr. Hao walked out of the workshop and said to them: "Cheng Er said that after the new workers enter the workshop, you will all be small stewards, and each worker will be paid up to five dollars a month." Baiwen."

Brother Tan jumped up excitedly, and Brother Dumb smiled and blushed.

Hao's expression became serious, "Being a steward is not that easy. I will let each of you be responsible for a job. You need to manage the people under you to complete the tasks assigned to you that day. You can't be lazy. If you can Can you do it?"

"Yes!" Brother Tan responded loudly, and Brother Du also straightened his back to prove his determination.

Not knowing what he was thinking of, the mute brother gestured and asked.

Mrs. Hao saw what he wanted to ask and responded: "The same goes for Mr. Liang. When you get back, you will tell her the good news and make her happy too."

Brother Mute nodded vigorously and was so happy that he didn't know what to do. .

A year ago, how could they have dared to think of such a good thing? It was all because of Chengjun Yin and Brother Tang.

Seeing that they hadn't left yet, Brother Xi said, "Remember to take Xiaoyi with you when you return to the village later."

Brother Tang and Chengjun Yin did not take him with them when they returned to the village, because the thatched huts in Tianchong Village There was no room for him at all.

He now lives in the same room as Brother Wu. Although he is busy, he is very busy and happy.

In the workshop, no one would look at him differently because of his past, and he liked it here.

Mr. Hao responded, "Okay, I'll come back tomorrow."

Tomorrow will be the first day of work for the new workers, and there are still many things to be busy with.

Cheng Sanzi came out holding a lantern, "Why don't you let me take you back?"

Somehow the reputation of the sauce spread to the capital, and more and more businessmen from other places came here to buy the sauce. He was too busy taking orders, so he took Chen Noping with him to do the accounting in the study.

Now that things are not over yet, he plans to stay in the workshop tonight, but he is worried about his brothers going back alone.

Mr. Hao refused, "You are busy, don't delay Cheng Er's business."

Cheng Sanzi took a step back and said, "Let the nurse and Xiao Yi take you back together."

Xiao Yi is the wolf in the workshop, because he has the largest one. , so named Xiao Yi.

Brother Xi also advised, "It's better to be cautious."

Hao agreed after considering Brother Tan and Brother Du.

Cheng Dacai's life has been worse than death these days. Although Chengwang's family is poor, Mr. Liang loves him and has never let him do any dirty work since he was a child. This time he was punished. Several strong men in the workshop Han watched them work, and if anyone dared to be lazy, he would be served with a stick. He only gave them one meal a day, and it was still porridge so thin that no grains of rice could be seen. If they did not perform well, they would not even have to eat this meal.

Due to the earthquake, there were not many houses to live in in Tianchong Village. The thieves like them could only sleep in a dirty and leaky pigsty. A group of people and pigs were crowded together, and Cheng Dacai lived in it. I almost threw up on the first day.

Mrs. Liang felt sorry for Cheng Dacai and wanted to give Cheng Dacai food, but the people in the workshop refused to allow it. Mrs. Liang cried and fought to no avail.

Cheng Dacai thought Liang was useless, but he no longer had the strength to scold her. In just a few days, he had been tortured until he was reduced to a human shape.

Mrs. Liang yelled at him, "Son! Don't worry, Mom will save you!"

Cheng Dacai thought of something, raised his heavy head and stared directly at Mrs. Liang, "Mom, come and take my place. I really can't stand it."

Liang hesitated.

It's not because she doesn't want to help Cheng Dacai work, but because Cheng Dacai sleeps with a bunch of men at night. She is a married woman. If word spreads, will her reputation be lost?

Cheng Dacai pressed forward step by step, "Mom, didn't you say you wanted to save me? Please save me!"

He broke down and cried, "If you don't save me, I will die here."

Mrs. Liang relented. , "Okay! Mom is here to help you!"

She said and was about to rush in. The workers in the workshop looked at each other, not expecting that such an outrageous situation could happen.

Finally, a clever worker went to ask Li Zheng for instructions. Li Zheng slapped the table and said, "What a nonsense! What a nonsense! Does Cheng Dacai want to kill his own mother?"

In order to punish Cheng Dacai's group of thieves, he gave them The jobs arranged were the dirtiest and most tiring. If Cheng Dacai, a young man, couldn't bear it, how could Liang, an elderly village woman, endure it?

Li Zheng said to the worker, "Drag Mrs. Liang away! I will never agree to this kind of thing!"

Mrs. Liang heard that Li Zheng disagreed, and actually made a fuss at Li Zheng's house.

Li Zheng didn't see her behind closed doors. She sat in front of Li Zheng and cried from morning to night. Li Zheng almost fainted from anger.

Seeing that Mrs. Liang was too stunned to listen to anyone's dissuasion, Mr. Hao simply asked Li Zheng to agree.

"You asked Mr. Liang to work for Cheng Dacai during the day and go back to his own home to sleep at night." Li

Zheng asked, "Where is Cheng Dacai? Are you going to let him go just like that?"

"Of course not possible." Mr. Hao snorted heavily. He shouted, "Since Cheng Dacai doesn't want to work, let him stay in the pigsty morning and night. He can't leave until Mr. Liang has finished all the work he is supposed to do."

The smell of the pigsty is not what it is. What normal people can bear, it may not be easy to inherit a fortune.

Li Zheng hesitated, "I'm afraid Mrs. Liang won't be able to bear it."

"If she can't bear it, that's what she deserves. We've tried to persuade her, and we've tried to stop her. She wants to die herself, and no one can stop her." Hao was also beaten. Mrs. Liang was so angry.

Beloved children are harmful children. It seems that Mr. Liang is doing everything for Cheng Dacai's good, but the fact that Chengdacai is now like this may not be without Mr. Liang's 'credit'.

Li Zheng let out a long sigh, "Okay." Hao reminded her again, "You have made an agreement with Ms. Liang in advance. If anything happens, she will be responsible. It is best to write it on paper and let her fingerprint it


It's not that he is small-minded, but Liang's personality makes him have to guard against it.

Li Zheng nodded, indicating that he understood.

After Mrs. Liang heard that Li Zheng was willing to let go, she couldn't wait to press her fingerprints and go to replace Cheng Dacai.

Cheng Dacai was so happy that he couldn't wait to rush out without even looking at Mrs. Liang. However, he was pulled back to the pig pen by the guarding worker before he could take a few steps.

Cheng Dacai realized something, collapsed and yelled crazily, but no one paid him any attention.

He tried to rush out, but was pushed back by the workers and sat down on the pig excrement. He was so disgusted that he vomited on the spot.

After vomiting, he had no energy to deal with it, and asked desperately: "How long will I be detained?"

The worker said with disdain on his face, "Until your own mother can help you finish the work."

Cheng Dacai was desperate.

Overwhelmed with joy and sorrow, he fainted on the spot.

When Cheng Junyin found out about this, he just thought he had heard a joke.

Brother Tang was sitting in the yard, concentrating on embroidering the doll.

Cheng Junyin thought the doll looked familiar and asked, "What's that rusty thing of yours?"

Brother Tang looked at Taotie, who was lying at his feet and yawning, "It's it."

Taotie paused and stood up suddenly. Staring at the doll in Brother Tang's hand, he paced back and forth dissatisfied.

"This Taotie is not so cute! This Taotie should be majestic! Such a weakling can't be me."

It babbled with a small mouth. Brother Tang couldn't understand it and could only detect its dissatisfaction.

Brother Tang put down the needle and thread in his hand and asked softly: "I hope this doll can grow up with your child."

Taotie looked at Brother Tang's protruding belly and suddenly felt that this Taotie doll looked very pleasing to the eye. .

"Woof." A short cry sounded outside the door. Chengjunyin stood up and opened the door, only to see a wolf opening its mouth and trying to bark again.

After realizing that he had been bumped into, he closed his mouth in embarrassment, picked up the letter on the ground and handed it to Cheng Junyin.

Chengjun Yin took the letter, took a piece of meat from the kitchen and handed it to Xiaohua. Xiaohua took the meat and ran away again.

Chengjun Yin closed the door. Brother Tang looked at the letter in his hand and asked, "The letter sent by Wu Jian?"

Chengjun Yin nodded and opened the envelope. After reading the contents, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "He is. Be careful and don't say anything you shouldn't."

Brother Tang frowned slightly, "Husband, how are you going to reply? I'm afraid I won't believe you."

How can I pretend to be Xiang Jue if I don't know it ? reply.

Cheng Junyin threw the letter into the stove and burned it. "I asked Brother Qin to forge Xiang Jue's private seal and letter stamp before. Counting the time, this thing is almost ready."

Brother Tang was not stingy . He praised her, "Husband is so smart."

Chengjun Yin was so praised by Brother Tang that he asked again: "Smart husband, can you take me out for a walk today?"

Chengjun Yin: "..."

He was already early You should know that if Brother Tang praises him for nothing, he must be asking for something from him!

He sighed slightly, "Where do you want to go, brother Tang?"

Brother Tang raised his eyebrows, "I want to see my husband's fertile fields."

Because he was pregnant, her husband delayed the matter of fertilizing the fields.

Chengjun Yin frowned, and Brother Tang advised him, "I'll sit far away, be a good boy, and don't make trouble!"

Chengjun Yin had no choice but to gently scratch the side of his face that had finally gained some flesh, "Okay, It's up to you."

He packed up his things and walked towards Susukian with Brother Tang.

After seeing their own acre of thin farmland, he and Brother Tang were both stunned.

His one acre of thin farmland is well maintained, with sesame, chili and beans growing abundantly. It doesn't look like he has experienced a natural disaster at all.

When he thought about it carefully, he realized that the villagers were spontaneously helping him take care of it.

He only felt hot inside.

Brother Tang stared at the fields for a long time and asked doubtfully: "Husband, do you think these things are growing too well?"

He used to work in the fields all year round, so he naturally knew what a normal Susukada would produce. .

Even if there are villagers helping to take care of it, the crops in the fields should not grow so well.

Chengjun Yin's heart skipped a beat, and he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said, "Brother Tang, sit aside while I collect all these things and see how the yield is."

At first, his fertilized field was only half-fertilized. It didn't work, but now it seems that it may not.

Brother Tang wanted to help collect it, but he was worried about the child in his belly, so he had no choice but to nod and sit aside and wait obediently.

When the villagers saw Chengjun Yin collecting things, they rolled up their sleeves without saying anything and went to the fields to help collect things together.

Tianchong Village is remote, but most people's people are simple. They feel that they have benefited from Cheng Junyin, so they always want to do something for Cheng Junyin, otherwise they will feel uncomfortable.

Chengjun Yin knew this truth, so he did not refuse.

When Wang Caohan came over with his hoe, he was dumbfounded when he saw so many people in the field.

"Didn't you agree that I would be the one to collect it? Why are you all coming to take my job?"

Since everyone in the village was vying to help Chengjunyin, Chengjunyin only had one acre of thin farmland, so there was less work and more people. The villagers discussed it and simply divided the work.

Today, Wang Caohan is responsible for collecting the things and giving them to Chengjun Yin.

The villagers smiled and said, "You're late, Ren Chenger went to the ground by himself."

Wang Caohan rolled up his sleeves in a hurry, "There's no reason for this, at least let me do more work."

Brother Tang looked at it Watching the villagers laughing and playing in the fields, he kept moving his hands. He touched his belly and smiled unconsciously on his face.

"Baby, daddy is working. Let's go prepare dinner for daddy and uncles and aunts, shall we?"

After saying this, Brother Tang felt his palm being kicked. He was startled, indescribable. Emotions surged in my heart, my eyes were hot, and I was already crying with joy.

Normally, a fetus should have fetal movements at four months, but now that he is more than five months pregnant, there is no movement in his belly.

He often wonders if he tortured the baby too much before, and the baby blamed him and refused to pay attention to him.

He was afraid that something was wrong with the baby, so he asked Dr. Liu, who just said that the fetus was relatively weak and asked him to wait patiently.

For the first time, the baby responded to him.

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