Chapter 10 Hire someone

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Aunt Niu squeezed the copper plate in her hand and slapped her thigh, "No! I can't ask for this money!"

As she spoke, she walked out. Before she could get out of the hospital door, she saw Niu Zi walking over in a hurry, "Mom, something happened!"

Aunt Niu's face changed, "Are you injured?"

"It's not me." Niu Zi hurriedly said: "Mu Chai encountered a wild boar on the mountain. Li Zheng asked us to go up the mountain to rescue people. Let me tell you." "

Aunt Niu's face turned pale.

Uncle Niu picked up the hoe, "I'll go too!"

"I'll go, you rest." Chengjun Yin walked out of the yard and said to Niu Zi, "I'll go with you."

He looked at Aunt Niu again, " Brother Tang, please take care of me."

Aunt Niu nodded subconsciously. After Cheng Junyin and Niu Zi walked away, she sighed: "This Cheng Er really loves Brother Tang like a child.

" —At

the foot of the mountain, Mrs. Mu sat on the ground and cried loudly. "


People in the village were talking a lot.

"Does this matter have something to do with the Cheng family?"

"You don't know yet? It was Cheng Dacai who asked Mu Chai to take him into the inner mountain, but Cheng Dacai came back alone. Can Mu not make trouble? She just Mu Chai has a son."

"What about the Cheng family?"

"Cheng Dacai fainted after he got off the mountain. Li Zheng wanted to wake him up and ask a few more questions. He carried Cheng Dacai back crying and fussing, and Cheng Wang followed him. He locked the door as soon as he got home, for fear that someone might ask him to go up the mountain to save others.

"Why did the Cheng family look like this just now? " After taking a look, Cheng Dacai didn't seem to be injured, at least his clothes were a little torn." Brother

Tan sneered, "I felt dizzy after saying what I had to say. Who knows whether he was really dizzy or fake."

The doctor scolded, "Brother Tan!"

Brother Tan curled his lips.

He was right again.

Cheng Dacai was obviously afraid of going up the mountain and deliberately pretended to be dizzy. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that. How about a scholar?

"Look! Cheng Er is here! Is he planning to go up the mountain to save people? He's a bit bloody."

"I used to think Cheng Er was better than that family, and I don't know who is talking nonsense about Cheng Er. He cheated, cheated, and beat people up."

Cheng Junyin had no idea that people had changed their view of him because of this. He stood in the crowd and waited for everyone to arrive.

Niu Zi glanced at him secretly, "Aren't you and Mu Che at odds?"

Most of the bad words about Cheng Junyin came from Mu Che's mouth.

Cheng Junyin's expression remained unchanged, "No matter who it is, I will save him."

He thought that if he didn't allow Cheng Dacai to enter the mountain, Chengda Cai would disappear.

Unexpectedly, Cheng Dacai was so persistent that he asked Mu Chai to take him up the mountain.

Niu Zi was not familiar with Cheng Juan Yin before, and his understanding of Cheng Juan Yin was somewhat affected by rumors, but now his view of Cheng Juan Yin has changed.

Li Zheng had just organized the people to go up the mountain when they saw a figure limping down. Everyone looked by the firelight and saw that the person coming was Mu Che.

The moment Mu Chai saw the villagers, he lost all strength and fell to the ground. Li was busy calling for people to carry him to Dr. Liu's house. Mu cried and asked Mu Chai what was going on. Mu Chai glanced at everyone's faces and said, His face was gloomy, "It's Cheng Dacai,"

"Brother!" Before he could finish his words, Brother Yun looked at him with pleading eyes and shook his head almost invisible.

Mu Chai closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Seeing that he was no longer needed, Chengjun Yin was about to leave but was blocked by Mu, "My son has injured his leg and his life is ruined. Do you want to just leave like this? Do you still have a conscience?"

Chengjun Yin He frowned and said, "Whoever asked him to go up the mountain is the one you want to go to."

Mu wanted to continue to act out, but Li Zheng angrily scolded him, "That's enough! Every grievance has its owner, and every debt has its owner. Cheng'er and his family have been separated. Chengda's matter What does it have to do with him!"

"Yeah, Cheng Er came to help you find someone, but you still blackmailed him, it's really unlucky!"

"Who will dare to help you next time?"

Everyone said something to Mu. of shame.

Li Zheng's expression softened slightly, "Okay, it's okay, let's all go back."

Li Zheng spoke, and the people dispersed in twos and threes.

When Cheng Junyin returned, he saw a fire coming from the stove. Brother Tang was squatting in front of the stove, adding firewood.

The night wind blew loudly, Brother Tang rubbed his hands and exhaled a breath of cold air.

Suddenly, he felt his body fly into the air, and he screamed in fright. He looked up and saw the person coming, and his tense body softened again.

"Husband, are you back?"

Chengjun Yin carried him into the house and put him down, rubbing his waist and asked, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

A blush appeared on Brother Tang's face, "I felt a little uncomfortable just now, but now I'm much better. ."

He hugged Chengjunyin, looked up at him, and asked softly, "Husband, can you take it a little less next time? It's too much, I can't bear it."

Chengjunyin's Adam's apple twitched and he became speechless. Brother Tang, don't beg me, I can let you go tonight."

Brother Tang felt a chill going down his spine and said quickly, "Husband, I feel like I'm starting to feel uncomfortable again."

Chengjun Yin laughed and nodded. He tapped the tip of his nose and said, "Little liar."

Brother Tang knew that Chengjun Yin was planning to let him go, so he narrowed his eyes and smiled, "My husband is the best."

He said, "I steamed the gluten. It's cut, but I don't know what to do with the rest."

When he woke up, Aunt Niu came over and told him that my husband had to go out for something. He saw that the work on the stove was not finished yet, so he followed suit. Do everything you can in a husband's way.

Cheng Junyin held Brother Tang's cold hand and sighed silently in his heart.

He didn't specifically teach Brother Tang how to do it, but Brother Tang understood it just by looking at it.

His brother Tang is really powerful.

Brother Tang saw that Cheng Junyin didn't mean to blame him, so he asked again: "Husband, when you go to sell cold noodles tomorrow, can I make cold noodles at home?"

Chengjun Yin didn't say anything, but Brother Tang got angry and pushed him away, "If you don't let me make cool skin, I'll go work in the fields!"

Brother Tang became more and more aggrieved as he talked, "You clearly agreed. You asked me to work for you when I was full, but I was full after every meal, but you still didn't let me do any work."

Chengjun Yin hugged Brother Tang again, "It's not that I don't let you . You work because I have more important work for you to do. "

What work?" Brother Tang's ears stood up.

Cheng Junyin rubbed the tips of his ears, "Liangpi sells better than I thought, so I want to hire someone to help."

This person must be trustworthy and will not betray the Liangpi recipe.

Brother Tang suddenly looked up at him, "Can I let my sister do it?"

The sister he mentioned was not his biological sister, but his uncle's daughter, Xiong Dou.

Since the death of his mother-in-law, his uncle's family has taken good care of him. Before Xiong Dou got married, he often visited him secretly and brought him some food. After he got married, it was inconvenient for Xiong Dou to visit him, so he also found ways to take care of Tan. Brother brought him food.

Brother Tan is Liu Langzhong's brother, and he often follows Liu Langzhong everywhere. Every time Brother Tan goes to Duodou Village, he will always carry something for him when he comes back.

"Okay." Chengjun Yin's eyes were deep, "Just make the decision."

After Brother Tang died in the previous life, it was Xiong Dou who came to collect his body.

Xiong Dou's husband treats him very well, but Xiong Dou's mother-in-law is partial. Under her mother-in-law's guidance, Xiong Dou lives a difficult life but still remembers Brother Tang and secretly takes care of Brother Tang when he has the opportunity. Order something to eat.

Even if Brother Tang doesn't mention Xiong Dou, he plans to give Xiong Dou a foothold in his craft when the time comes.

That night, Brother Tang was excitedly tossing and turning on the bed. Chengjun Yin held him in his arms and asked slowly: "If Brother Tang can't sleep, we can do something else."

Brother Tang's eyes widened. As soon as he closed his head, he buried his head in Chengjunyin's arms and said loudly: "Asleep! I'm already asleep!"

Chengjunyin laughed softly and stroked Brother Tang's hair, "Okay, you can sleep It's over."

Before dawn, Cheng Junyin opened his eyes. Brother Tang noticed that he was moving and hugged him, refusing to let go, acting coquettishly.

Chengjun Yin's heart seemed to have been softened, and he almost lost his mind and lay back on the bed.

He sighed heavily, coaxed Brother Tang to let go, and reluctantly kissed Brother Tang on the face before leaving gently.

When Brother Tang woke up, the sun had just risen. He touched the already cold bed beside him, pursed his lips and got up, put on the new clothes he had just made for himself, opened the door and walked to the stove.

There was hot water on the stove. He used the hot water to wash his face and brush his teeth. Seeing this scene, Mu Shi, who was passing by, said angrily: "Hey, who is this young master from a rich family? He also uses hot water to wash his face. He is really precious. ? Does Cheng Er know you waste things like this? "

Firewood can be sold for money in the county.

Who in the village doesn't wash themselves with cold water before finishing their work, but who would be so particular about it like Brother Tang.

"My husband feels sorry for me and told me to wash my face with hot water." Brother Tang asked, "Has Aunt Mu never washed her face with hot water in all these years?"

Mu choked and her face turned green.

Brother Tang ignored him. After baking the cake for himself, he went out and locked the door.

Aunt Niu happened to see him locking the door and asked hurriedly: "Brother Tang, where are you going?"

"I'm going to see my sister." Brother Tang glanced into Aunt Niu's yard and asked sheepishly : "Auntie, are you selling this chicken?"

Aunt Niu happened to have a chicken that stopped laying eggs recently, and she was thinking of selling it in the town. "Do you want to buy one that can lay eggs, or one that can't?"

Buy one that can lay eggs. You buy them to raise, and those that can't lay eggs are eaten back.

Brother Tang said: "It can't give birth."

With the virtue of the Mo family, even if they buy one that can lay eggs, the eggs will not be able to be eaten by my sister.

"Then I have something for sale here. If you want it, take it for thirty cents." Aunt Niu pointed to the chubby chicken, "Just this one."

"Okay." Brother Tang knew that the price Aunt Niu gave him was cheap. Yes, I also accepted Aunt Niu's feelings in my heart.

Aunt Niu tied up the chicken and put it in his basket, but only took away twenty coins from his hand, "There are still ten coins Chenger has already paid."

Brother Tang hurriedly stuffed the remaining money into the cow In Auntie's hand, "Auntie, didn't the husband of the donkey cart agree with you? How can you still regret it? If you don't do this, I won't dare to trouble you if anything happens next time."

Aunt Niu Reluctantly accepting the money, "I, I really can't compare to you and your wife."

She asked again: "Does Cheng Er know you are going out?"

Cheng Er guarded Brother Tang as if he were eyeballs, how could he let him Brother Tang is going to visit relatives alone?

Pampering and obedient young husbandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon