Chapter 55 Chen Noping returned home with a full load.

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Brother Tang thought he was so hungry that he could eat a cow, but as soon as he finished a bowl of tofu mixed with scallion oil, he suddenly lost his appetite and didn't want to continue eating.

Chengjun Yin put away the dishes and chopsticks, and when he walked in, he saw that Brother Tang had made half of the bed for him, staring at him eagerly, "Husband, come and have a rest."

Chengjun Yin walked over, but he didn't Without lying down, "Brother Tang, I don't want to sleep."

Brother Tang blinked, "Husband, don't you want to know what I've been through? I'll tell you when you come up."

Although Chengjun Yin heard about it from Taotie A rough story, but he didn't know what Brother Tang went through when Taotie went out to collect Ganoderma lucidum.

He was a little excited, but Brother Tang's medicine was still simmering in the kitchen, and he would have to put out the fire after an hour. He was afraid that he would oversleep.

Brother Tang could smell the smell of medicine coming from the kitchen, and guessed Chengjun Yin's concerns, "I'll wake you up when the medicine is ready."

He looked straight at Chengjun with his big eyes open. Yin asked softly, "Husband, come up and sleep."

Chengjun Yin's Adam's apple twitched.

Who can refuse such a request from Brother Tang?

He nodded unconsciously, climbed onto the bed in a daze and lay next to Brother Tang, his heart beating faster and faster.

Hearing Brother Tang's snickering, he slowly came to his senses and covered his face helplessly.

Beauty is misleading!

Brother Tang carefully turned over and squeezed himself into Chengjunyin's arms, "Husband, I saw General Wan Baifan."

Chengjunyin hugged him, his body slightly stiff.

After being silent for a while, he said, "He looks a lot like me, right?"

Brother Tang raised his head and looked at him, "Husband, you are hiding something from me."

Taotie has never met General Wan Baifan, and he has not I mentioned to my husband what General Wan Baifan looked like, but my husband just knew that after he mentioned General Wan Baifan, my husband became silent.

Chengjun Yin tucked Brother Tang's hair behind his ears, and looked at Brother Tang's sunken face, his fingertips trembled.

"He is my father."

He gently touched the side of Brother Tang's face, "But I don't want to recognize him now."

Brother Tang's eyes widened and he looked at him blankly for a while before asking, "Then When are you going to recognize him?"

"Wait until he comes here."

He was very grateful to Wan Baifan for saving Brother Tang, but this did not mean that he had completely let go of his resentment.

But they hadn't done anything wrong in this life, and he didn't want to get to know them with his resentment towards them in the previous life.

He hoped to use time to dilute all this.

Brother Tang was very confused.

The husband is actually of such a superior status, so is he still worthy of being the husband?

Cheng Junyin knew what he was thinking when he looked like he was about to cry. He squeezed his face angrily and helplessly, "What? You don't want me after you know that my father is Wan Baifan?"

The emotions in Brother Tang's heart were immediately washed away by his words, "Where can I be?"

Chengjun Yin kissed his forehead gently, "Brother Tang, who am I? Who is my father? Who is my mother? None of it is important, only you are important."

Brother Tang kissed the corner of Cheng Junyin's mouth, his eyes were clear and moving, and his words were extremely sharp, "Then when did the husband know that he was not Liang's biological child?"

Cheng Junyin: "..."

This is a good question.

But he couldn't answer.

Don't even lie to Brother Tang.

He was silent for a moment and chose to change the subject, "Brother Tang, I'm sleepy."

Brother Tang knew clearly that Chengjun Yin was deceiving him, but when he saw the black and blue under Chengjun Yin's eyelids, he still whispered: " Husband, go to sleep."

Husband will naturally say it when he wants to say it.

If the husband doesn't want to say it, there must be a reason why he doesn't want to say it.

He will not force his husband.

An hour passed quickly. Brother Tang smelled the increasingly strong smell of medicine and shouted in a low voice, "Taotie, Taotie, are you there?"

He was reluctant to wake up his husband, so he could only ask Taotie to put out the fire.

"Stop shouting." Chengjun Yin just woke up, his voice was hoarse, "I drove it up the mountain."

Brother Tang's eyes widened, "Why?"

Chengjun Yin gritted his teeth fiercely, "I let him It protects you well, see how well it protects you?"

Brother Tang wanted to intercede for Taotie, but Cheng Junyin looked over with a cold look, and Brother Tang didn't dare to speak.

He himself is still a guilty person, so how can he be qualified to intercede for Taotie?

Chengjunyin got up and went to the kitchen to pour out the medicine and let it cool, then started washing the beans.

Brother Tang couldn't wait for Chengjun Yin to come back for a long time. He patted the mattress in boredom and said, "Husband!"

Chengjun Yin wiped his hands, walked into the wing, took Brother Tang out and laid it out in the yard. On the futon chair, "Don't move around, call me if you need anything."

Brother Tang blinked, nodded obediently, and asked, "Husband, are you going to make tofu again?"

"No tofu." Chengjun Yin said, " I want to make a new seasoning, it's called soy sauce."

After the natural disaster has passed and the manpower has been expanded, it will be too simple for the workshop to only make chili sauce and sesame sauce.

Brother Tang was curious, but after staring at Cheng Junyin for a while, he began to feel bored, and his eyes unconsciously fell on the corner of the yard.

In the past, the calf often lay down in that corner to rest. If it found someone looking at it, the calf would tilt its head and look at the person curiously, as if asking others what it was doing.

Chengjun Yin noticed Brother Tang's gaze, put down the potatoes in his hand, and squatted in front of Brother Tang, "It will not die in vain."

Whatever Brother Tang suffered, he would remember it in Wu and He Wujian. Get it back.

Brother Tang looked back and nodded.

Although the husband didn't say anything, he believed that he had his own plans.


A strange cry came from the door, Chengjun Yin raised his eyebrows, "Here he comes."

He walked to the door, and as soon as the door opened, his little paws jumped in, wagging his tail happily around Brother Tang.

Brother Tang was amused by its cute appearance and couldn't help but reach out to play with it.

Cheng Junyin felt relieved when he saw the smile on Brother Tang's face.

He was worried that Brother Tang would be bored and overthinking, so he asked Sanzi to bring Xiaozhao over early this morning.

Cheng Sanzi sighed, "Brother Tang has lost a lot of weight."

He has only been out for a few days!

"Hmm." Cheng Junyin asked, "What's going on in the sauce yard?"

"As you expected, those businessmen who refunded money came to us one after another and wanted to continue placing orders." Cheng Sanzi sneered, "What they were thinking about was Beautiful!"

He took out a bag of money and handed it to Chengjun Yin, "This is the new money received today, a total of one hundred and eighty-seven taels." Chengjun Yin was slightly surprised, "How can there be so many


He explained: "Businessmen from other counties seemed to have heard the news and came one after another."

In the past, they gave priority to providing sauces to merchants in Shanxiang County, and there was no extra sauce for merchants from other counties.

But this time there were too many merchants who refunded money, and there was some leftover sauce, which could be given to merchants in other counties.

"There was also Boss Wang who gave him one hundred taels of silver in one go and asked that the money for future sauces be deducted from it."

It was equivalent to Boss Wang giving the money first, and they would deliver the goods in batches.

Cheng Junyin had some impression of Boss Wang and said, "This man is quite shrewd."

For one hundred taels, what you are buying is not goods, but favors.

"Yes." Cheng Sanzi said with a smile, "But who told you to be short of money?"

Cheng Junyin stuffed the money back into Cheng Sanzi's hand, "In that case, you will arrange for someone to continue collecting sesame seeds in the workshop."

Glancing at the beans still soaking in the water, he said: "You can also collect beans from other villages, as much as you can."

Cheng Sanzi put the money back into his pocket without any politeness, and said, "Last time Niu Zi harvested sesame seeds well, should I let him continue to help this time?"

Cheng Junyin waved his hand and said, "You can just arrange it."

After Cheng Sanzi left, Xiong Dou came with Mo Er.

Seeing Brother Tang's emaciated and inhuman appearance, Xiong Dou burst into tears.

She hugged Brother Tang and patted him but didn't dare to use force, "Tell me, why don't you discuss such a big matter with us? Just run away! My father knew about your disappearance and almost fainted from fright!

Brother Tang winced and wiped the tears on Xiong Dou's face with a rhopa, "Sister, I was wrong, please stop crying."

Xiong Dou said angrily, "What's wrong with you? " It's that dog officer's fault!"

Brother Tang: "..." It's not right to admit your mistake, nor is it right not to admit your mistake.

"Brother Tang!" Xiong Lixian panted and ran in from the door. When he saw Brother Tang, his face turned dark.

Brother Tang blinked and looked at Chengjun Yin for help.

Cheng Junyin lowered his head silently, picked up a basin of beans, turned around and walked quickly to the kitchen.

If he can't cure Brother Tang, there will always be someone who can cure Brother Tang.

Brother Tang: "..." So angry! How could my husband abandon him and ignore him?

Xiong Lixian talked about Brother Tang for nearly an hour, and Brother Tang became completely wilted.

Cheng Junyin walked out and said to Xiong Lixian, "Uncle, I need your help with something."

If he didn't come out to help Brother Tang, he was afraid that Brother Tang wouldn't let him go to bed at night.

When Xiong Lixian heard that Chengjun Yin had come to his place usefully, he hurriedly asked: "What is it?"

"Wheelchair." Chengjun Yin looked at Brother Tang and smiled softly, "Made for Brother Tang."

Brother Tang He tilted his head in confusion.

When Xiong Lixian saw the drawings of the wheelchair, his attention was instantly attracted by the wheelchair.

He discussed with Chengjun Yin for nearly an hour and then rushed home impatiently, not even agreeing to let Brother Tang stay with him for dinner.

County, house.

Wu Yu lay on the bed and asked Wu Jian who was standing beside the bed with a cold expression, "Why did you acquit Cheng Juan Yin?"

"You think I want to?" Wu Jian said angrily, "Wan Baifan's army still has Not far away, a group

of his soldiers are still in the county town! What else can I do but wait for the evil spirit to find a reason to take my head? A very talented person, you won't be merciful when you chop him down.

"But now they have left!" Wu Yu's eyes were red, "What are you still worried about now?"

"Worried about Xiang Jue!" Wu Jian said angrily, "Chengjun Yin may be Xiang Jue's person! If I touch him, that's it. If we ruin Xiang Jue's important matter, do you think Xiang Jue will let us go?"

"He lied to you!" Wu Yu didn't believe Cheng Junyin's lies.

"What if!" Wu Jian gritted his teeth and said, "What if what he said is true, can we afford the gamble?"

"Are we just going to let him go like this?" Wu Yu yelled unwillingly, "The person who harmed me It's him! "

The woman who deposed him has not been found for a long time. No matter how stupid he is, he knows that someone is trying to harm him!

"There is no proof, how come you think it's him?" Although Wu Jian also hates Chengjun Yin, he knows better the character of his own brother.

He was not surprised at all that the house was in such a state of ruin.

"I've asked around. Chengjun Yin treats his husband as his treasure. It must be that I asked him for his husband that day, which made him resentful, so he went out of his way to find someone to take revenge on me!"

Otherwise, how could he not be hurt anywhere ? , but hurt his life?

Wu Jian fell silent for a while, then said, "Don't you deserve this?"

Wu Yu collapsed angrily, "You're still not my brother!"

Wu Jian thought he was loud and moved back, "I have already sent someone to deliver a letter to the capital. When the reply comes, whether Chengjun Yin is a human or a ghost will be revealed." He said coldly

, "Please bear with me for a while, and if I have a chance, I will let you vent your anger."

After being comforted, he calmed down.

Cheng Wang family.

Cheng Dacai lay on the bed, sweating from the pain, "Where's the doctor? Why haven't you been invited yet?"

Cheng Wang opened the door rudely and walked in, "Stop shouting, doctor Liu doesn't want to come."

If Cheng Dacai was not his biological son, he would want to strangle Cheng Dacai to death now.

This incident made him unable to even raise his head in the village!

He threw down a bottle of medicine and left cursing.

Cheng Dacai looked at the medicine bottle rolling on the ground with a sinister look in his eyes.

A bunch of dogs look down upon people!

Sooner or later, he will make these people kneel on the ground, cry and kowtow to him and admit their mistakes!

He grabbed the medicine bottle and endured the pain to apply medicine to himself.

In the dead of night, Cheng Dacai opened the door of the woodshed.

Ms. Liang was lying on the cold ground, her face was blue and purple, and she didn't know whether it was pain or cold.

Cheng Dacai knelt down and shook her awake, "Mom, wake up."

Liang opened her eyes weakly. When she saw Cheng Dacai, her eyes burst with the desire for survival, "Save me! Da Cai, save me." Save me!"

After she and Cheng Dacai came back, Cheng Wang felt that she was embarrassed by her own actions, so he left her in the woodshed and ignored her.

She hadn't eaten for a day and a night, and the wounds on her body were in severe pain. Chengwang refused to give her a quilt, and she was shivering from the cold.

She really thought she was going to die.

Cheng Dacai's eyes were cold, "Mom, where did you put your money?"

Ms. Liang was startled, and Cheng Dacai continued to press, "Give me all your money, and I will save you."

Ms. Liang's eyes were wandering, " I don't have money, how can I have money?"

Cheng Dacai's face twisted, "Mom, how come you, a woman in the village, can easily give me fifty taels every time?"

Mrs. Liang's eyes widened. Shrinking, Cheng Dacai took out the medicine bottle, "This is the medicine. Tell me where the money is, and I will give it to you."

Liang excitedly raised his hand to take the medicine, but Cheng Dacai held the medicine up maliciously. His eyes were fierce, "Mom, I hope you live well, don't force me."

If Mrs. Liang failed to get up on her own, Chengwang would never care about Mrs. Liang's life and death, and Mrs. Liang would not be able to escape death in the end!

Liang's heart felt cold, she didn't want to die.

"I said..." she said tremblingly, "Mom, tell you, don't tell anyone, and don't spend it carelessly."

She emphasized, "Son, you really can't spend the money carelessly."

A quarter of an hour later, Chengda Cai walked out of the house excitedly and staggered towards the entrance of the village.

This much money is enough for him to live happily in the county town for a lifetime!

The weather was getting warmer, Brother Tang was sitting on a stool, stroking the little paws in his arms out of boredom.

Chengjun Yin walked out of the room, touched his face first, and then put down his hand when he felt that the temperature was normal. He squatted down and looked at him levelly, "What's wrong? Who made my husband unhappy?"

Brother Tang shook his head. He shook his two dangling little feet and said, "Husband, my feet no longer hurt. When can I go out?"

He touched his belly, "The baby also said he wants to go out for a walk."

Cheng Junyin smiled with his eyes. "If Brother Tang doesn't mind, I can hold Brother Tang out for a walk later."

Brother Tang blushed, "Husband, you are shameless!"

How could the husband and wife be so close in broad daylight!

Chengjun Yin spread his hands, "Then I have no choice. Who told Brother Tang not to let me hold him?"

Brother Tang said unconvinced, "Husband, you can carry me out."

Chengjun Yin raised his eyebrows. , "Where do you want Brother Tang to go?"

Usually Brother Tang would be so embarrassed that he couldn't even lift his head when holding hands with him outside, but today he actually offered to let him carry it?

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster. He is curious about which place outside can attract Brother Tang so much and make Brother Tang risk such a thing?

Brother Tang grabbed Cheng Juanyin's collar and shook it slightly, "I want to enter the inner mountain."

Chengjun Yin laughed, and pinched the side of Brother Tang's face angrily and helplessly, "I'm just wondering about you today. Why are you so bold? It's because of that Taotie on the mountain."

Brother Tang approached Chengjun Yin and stared at him, "Husband, Taotie is still so young."

Chengjun Yin said with a cold face and a hard heart. No."

Brother Tang's eyes were filled with mist, "Husband, I miss it."

Chengjun Yin's heart trembled.

Brother Tang put his head on his chest and complained in a crying voice, "When I was chased by thieves, it was Taotie who risked his own life to save me. It was so good to me, and you still chased it away!"

Chengjun Yin Panicked, he finally couldn't help but tell the truth, "I didn't drive it away!"

Brother Tang's voice faltered and he raised his head in confusion.

Chengjun Yin gritted his teeth and said, "It was afraid of being blamed by me, so it ran away when I wasn't paying attention!"

Brother Tang: "..."

After a moment of silence, he asked, "If it comes back, can you, husband, take care of me?" Come on, don't blame it?"

Chengjun Yin's teeth were itching with anger, but looking at Brother Tang's pleading eyes, he couldn't refuse, "Okay, I don't blame it."

Brother Tang frowned and actually smiled.

Cheng Junyin's heart skipped a beat, and he felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next second he heard Brother Tang shouting to the door, "Come in, my husband won't blame you." The

fiery red Taotie squeezed in through the crack of the door, shook the dirt on his body, and raised his little head. She walked past Chengjun Yin nervously.

Chengjun Yin: "..."

He looked at Brother Tang silently, his eyes filled with resentment.

Brother Tang looked innocent, "When you came in, I saw him hesitating at the door, not daring to come in."

At that time, he thought it was his husband who drove Taotie out, causing Taotie to have a home and dare not return, so he thought of helping Taotie . plead.

Although the truth is different from what he imagined, the result is the same.

Cheng Junyin accepted this explanation and stared at Taotie coldly.

His lovely and kind-hearted Brother Tang could not have conspired with Taotie to deceive him. All this must have been instigated by this cunning and cunning Taotie!

Taotie felt a chill on his back and quickly hid behind Brother Tang.

"Knock, knock, knock!" A hurried knock on the door sounded, and Cheng Junyin ordered unceremoniously, "Open the door."

Taotie didn't want to go, but Taotie was unwilling to do so. Taotie stood on the spot pretending not to understand.

Xiaozhao tilted his head, jumped off Brother Tang, and opened the door with a bang.

Brother Tang said in surprise, "Xiao Zhao is so smart."

Xiao Zhao heard that Brother Tang was praising it, and happily nuzzled Brother Tang.

The gluttonous pupils are shaking.

It was actually defeated by a little fart wolf?

It stood up abruptly, knocked its little paws away pretending to be unintentional, looked at Brother Tang innocently with a pair of dark eyes, and whimpered twice.

Brother Tang frowned, held Xiaozhua in his arms to comfort him, and said to Taotie, "You can't bully your brother."

Taotie was shocked, Taotie was jealous, and Taotie wanted to secretly throw away Xiaozhua.

Taotie doesn't need a wild younger brother who can compete with it for favor!

Niu Zi held on to the door frame and gasped. Before he could catch his breath, he said, "Chen Nuoping came back with a whole convoy of things!"

He couldn't see the end of the convoy, and he didn't know how many things he had brought back. !

Cheng Junyin smiled in surprise, "I'll be there right away."

He turned around and walked to Brother Tang and squatted down in front of Brother Tang, "Brother Tang, let's go and take a look together."

Brother Tang was a little shy, but he also wanted to take a look After Chen Nuoping brought back a lot of food, he lowered his head and lay on Chengjun Yin's back.

Cheng Junyin carried him on his back, and after feeling the weight on his body, his eyes darkened.

How could it be so light?

Outside the workshop, villagers watching the excitement gathered around in circles.

Mu wanted to lift up the linen to see what was inside the car, but whenever she made a move, the strong man guarding the car would look at her fiercely, so she could only take her hand back unwillingly.

Chen Noping saw Cheng Junyin coming with Brother Tang on his back from a distance. He joked, "We haven't seen each other for a few days. Brother Cheng's doting on his husband has reached a new level."

Brother Tang's earlobes turned red when he heard this.

Chengjunyin's eyes were unkind, "It seems you don't know anything."

Chen Noping was startled, and Chengjunyin asked again: "Where is Qin Menglian?"

Qin Menglian and Chen Noping went to Beijing together to present the method of making tofu. , why is it that Chen Nuoping is back and Qin Menglian hasn't been seen yet?

"Time is tight, so I came back from the capital first." Chen Noping lowered his voice and said, "I guess in a few days, Brother Qin will come over with the reward from the Holy One."

Chengjun Yin didn't care about this. He asked someone to bring the things to him. Move into the workshop.

Someone asked, "Cheng Er, what are you buying? It can't be chili and sesame seeds, right? Isn't it enough to buy these things from us?"

Cheng Junyin didn't respond. Just at this time, someone stumbled while moving something, and unexpectedly dropped it. The sack on his body fell to the ground.

Garlic heads rolled out of the sack and scattered on the floor.

Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Just chilli and sesame.

There are enough people growing these things now. If Cheng Er still buys them from outside, he might not accept them anymore.

Cheng Junyin gave Chen Nuoping a look, and Chen Nuoping understood and shouted: "What are you doing standing still! Why don't you pick it up quickly!"

Li Zheng asked doubtfully: "Cheng Er, can this thing be used as sauce?"

Garlic is not delicious at all and has a pungent smell. Usually only people with stomach worms would eat this to get rid of worms.

Chengjun Yin nodded.

Nan stood in the crowd, watching the carts of things being transported into the workshop, with a gloomy look on his face.

I don't know how much money will be spent on so many cars!

If all this money could be hers...

She looked at Brother Tang and smiled coldly when she saw Brother Tang's sickly appearance.

The medicine that Brother Tang drinks every day now is the poison that Jing Meixing has poisoned.

He won't live much longer.

After all the things were transported into the workshop, Chen Nuoping closed the door, opened the linen cloth, and revealed the white polished rice inside. "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!"

Cheng Junyin specifically told him that the bag of garlic would not be accidentally dropped to others. watch.

Although Cheng Junyin did not say the reason, he guessed that it was to confuse Wu Yu and others.

Although this place is located in a remote place and Wu Yu may not get the news, he still has to admire Cheng Junyin's caution.

Chengjun Yin turned his head and smiled at Brother Tang, feeling relieved.

With these grains and the sesame seeds they hoarded, Shanxiang County is not afraid that it will not be able to survive this natural disaster.

Chen Noping looked at Brother Tang and asked, "What happened while I was away?"

As he got closer, he realized that Brother Tang had lost a lot of weight.

Brother Tang used to have flesh on both sides of his cheeks, but now it's like a layer of skin hanging out of his skeleton, as if he's suffered a lot.

Cheng Junyin's face darkened and he told Chen Nuoping what happened.

"They are so audacious!" Chen Noping's face was full of anger, "Is this the case?"

Chengjun Yin raised his eyes, "Do you think it is possible?"

Chen Noping: "..."

Of course it is impossible.

He asked: "What are you going to do?"

"The time has not come yet." Chengjun Yin's eyes were deep, "I need you to help me do another thing."

"I rushed back day and night and returned every sip of water. If you don't drink, you can assign a new task to me." Chen Nuoping gritted his teeth and complained, "Are you still a human being?"

"I will arrange the task first, and it won't be too late for you to start working tomorrow." Cheng Junyin said unceremoniously. , "On February 30th, I will publicly teach the method of making tofu and sesame paste outside the workshop, and sell various sauces in unlimited quantities."

He paused, his eyes deep, "I want you to spread the news. Everyone knows that

when an earthquake comes, it's not just the crops that suffer, but also people.

Shanxiang County is poor, and most people live in thatched houses that can barely keep out wind and rain. These thatched houses cannot block earthquakes at all.

In his last life, countless people were crushed to death in his own home, and he didn't want such a tragedy to happen in this life.

Outside the workshop is hundreds of acres of wasteland, with no villages in front or mountains behind. It is enough to accommodate the entire population of Shanxiang County, and there is no need to worry about anything collapsing and causing harm.

In other words, when an earthquake comes, this will be the safest place.

He spread this news because he wanted to attract as many people as possible here.

"If you don't start selling rice, why are you doing this?" Chen Nuoping paused and then said, "Are you trying to attract people here?"

When there are more people, there will naturally be more people buying rice.

His eyes lit up and he praised, "As expected of Brother Cheng, I am worthy of you!"

Cheng Junyin: "..." You have to make up your own words.

"Husband, did you forget to recruit workers?" Brother Tang reminded warmly, "The

people we want to recruit this time are the elderly and children. Why not let them come together?" The recruitment matter can be true or not, the important thing is the elderly and children.

The news from your husband can only attract those young and strong people. What should the remaining old people and children do if they encounter natural disasters and have difficulty moving?

Chengjun Yin tightened his grip on Brother Tang's thighs and sighed deeply, "Brother Tang, I'm lucky to have you."

Brother Tang thought of everything he had ignored or thought of.

Chen Nuoping just felt that it was superfluous to stand here. He reminded, "Let's talk about business first, okay?"

Bullying him for being alone?

Chengjun Yin looked at Chen Noping dissatisfied, "Do as Brother Tang said."

Chen Noping: "...Okay!"

People under the eaves have to bow their heads!

"Mr. Chen, you will live in the workshop from now on. My husband has asked people to clean up the house early." Brother Tang explained, "There is a brother who makes sauce in the sauce workshop."

Chen Noping There was no objection, "Okay."

Chengjun Yin didn't know what he thought of, and smiled meaningfully, "If you want to take a shortcut to complete the task, you can go to Mr. Beggar."

Chen Noping asked: "Mr. Beggar? Who is that?

"There is a shabby courtyard at the end of Beggar Street, and Mr. Beggar lives in it." Cheng Junyin looked up at the sky and said, "Brother Tang, it's time for a lunch break. I'll leave first." Chen Nuoping stood

at the door. , watching them drifting away, holding his chest and sighing, "Suddenly I want to get married."

Before Cheng Junyin reached the door of the house, Brother Tang fell asleep.

He opened the door gently, laid Brother Tang flat on the bed, and covered Brother Tang with a quilt.

After doing all this, he walked out of the wing and looked at Taotie who was sneaking out with dangerous eyes, "Where are you going?"

Taotie froze, keeping one foot outside and the other inside, half of his body stuck in the door. Li's movements were motionless.

Cheng Junyin slowly approached Taotie, his smile was without warmth, "Do you want to atone for your sins?"

"Yes!" Taotie turned around sharply, his attitude more positive than ever.

Chengjun Yin looked down at Taotie, "The workshop needs a few 'dogs' to guard the door."

Taotie patted his chest and assured, "No problem!"

Chengjun Yin's eyes turned cold, "Send a clever wolf to keep an eye on Nan's ."

He did not miss the way Nan looked at Brother Tang just now.

It was the look of a dead man.

He had to defend.

Taotie raised his head and said, "What a joke!"

He asked confidently, "Is there any more?"

Chengjunyin thought for a while and said, "Let's create some trouble for Mu Test."

While he was being held, Mu Test wanted to take advantage of the situation and steal the sauce. Although the yard didn't work out, it didn't mean he would just let it go.

He reminded: "Save his life."

Taotie shook his head and said, "It's a small matter! Your Lord, Taotie, promises to handle it properly for you!"

Chengjun Yin narrowed his eyes, "Whose master are you?"

Taotie's eyes narrowed. , and slipped away in a swoosh.

The news that Cheng Juan Yin bought a large amount of garlic soon spread to Wu Yu's ears, and Wu Yu sneered, "Is Cheng Jun Yin crazy?" He was

hoarding feces and urine a while ago, and he is hoarding garlic now.

Could it be that there is too much money and nowhere to spend it?

He looked at Xun Yu who was standing in front of him, lowering his head and not daring to look at him, and ordered, "Go and find some trouble for Cheng Juan Yin."

Although he couldn't kill Cheng Juan Yin for the time being, he still wanted to give Cheng Juan Yin some trouble. It's always okay to have a little trouble.

Xunyu agreed bravely, but sighed sadly after leaving the house.

The whole house couldn't do anything about Cheng Junyin. How could he, a small shopkeeper, cause trouble for Cheng Junyin?

"I'm your mother! This money is all mine!"

There was a harsh noise on the street. Xunyu looked sideways and saw his despised in-law, Mrs. Mo, pointing at the nose of a hawker and scolding, "Don't think If you have Cheng Juan Yin to protect you, I can't do anything to you. I gave birth to you, so your life should belong to me! If you don't give it to me, you're being unfilial!"

Xunyu felt that the hawker's profile looked familiar, so he took a few steps forward. When he saw the hawker's face, his expression changed slightly, but he smiled.

That day he felt that this person looked familiar, but he didn't expect that this person was actually his son-in-law's younger brother Mo Er.

Mo Er's face was ugly, and the hands hanging by his sides were clenched tightly.

He tried to reason with Mr. Mo, but Mr. Mo wouldn't listen and kept coming here to make trouble, until their business couldn't continue.

He really didn't want to endure it anymore.

He stared at Mo, his eyes scarlet.

Madam Mo stepped back in fright, "What do you want to do? Do you want to hit my own mother? Oh my God!"

Madam Mo sat down on the ground and cried loudly, "Look at this evil, he actually wants to Is there any justice for murdering my own mother?"

"Wow!" Mo's voice became hoarse as the cold water poured down her head, and she looked at Xiong Dou who was holding the wooden basin in disbelief.

Xiong Dou threw the wooden basin aside, "Don't you want to make a fuss? You can make a fuss, but if you make it so that I can't continue my business, I will go there every day so that I can meet the noisy restaurant and make your precious son's work too. Don't go down!"

She was furious, her chest heaving violently, "If you don't want us to have a better time, then no one else will have a good time!"

After hearing this, Mrs. Mo jumped up and roared, regardless of her embarrassment. "you dare!"

"Do you think I dare?" Xiong Dou's voice was louder than Mo's, "Mo's, don't forget, Mo Da has a good marriage. Do you think that if I cause trouble with the Xun family, your marriage will still be bad?" Can you continue?"

Mo was shocked.

She came here every day to play around, and Mo Er and Xiong Dou had no choice but to let her take half of the money.

But she was dissatisfied with the remaining money being taken away by Xiong Dou, so she wanted to take all the money away today. Unexpectedly, she jumped over the wall in a hurry, and Xiong Dou was so vicious.

"Mo Er, are you going to let this woman bully me and your brother like this?"

Mo Er held a kitchen knife in his hand, his eyes were cold, "Mom, if you don't leave, I don't mind confirming what you just said."

Mo Er's face They were all frightened. When they saw Mo Er's wrist move, they really thought that Mo Er was going to chop him with a knife, so he rolled and crawled away.

Xiong Dou watched her run away, snatched the kitchen knife from Mo's hand, and shouted angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about! If business really can't be done here, we can just go to other places to do it, why risk our own lives?" "

What the lady boss said is that you need to calm down, boss," the old diner who knew the whole story advised, "I love your cold skin the most. You can't stop doing business because of this shameless woman."

Many people echoed.

It's not just once or twice that Mrs. Mo comes to make trouble. At first, there will be some customers who don't know the truth and they will be aggrieved by Mr. Mo. Over time, the diners all know the true face of Mrs. Mo.

Every time Mr. Mo came, they would watch it as a show.

Nowadays, the only people who can really be driven away by Mo's are three or two new diners who don't know the truth.

Mo Er's voice was hard, "Xiong Dou, it's me who has dragged you down."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Xiong Dou wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and thanked the diners, "Today, everyone will receive a free peanut."

The diners laughed. They said, "The boss lady is generous."

A portion of peanuts is not worth much, but the way the boss lady behaves will make them feel that the boss lady cares about their customers.

The guests were very excited and just wanted to come back in the future.

Mo didn't dare to stop until she ran far away. She held on to the wall and panted, not forgetting to curse Xiong Dou and Mo Er.

"In-laws." Xun Yu's voice frightened Madam Mo. She turned around suddenly and became even more panicked when she saw Xun Yu.

"Shopkeeper Xing, why are you here?" She adjusted her clothes at a loss, with a reserved expression.

Xun Yu looks down on her and has a lukewarm attitude every time he sees her.

"I just passed by a cold skin stall and accidentally saw it." Xun Yu didn't tell the whole story, but Mo's face changed and she hurriedly explained: "It's all Mo Er's fault, it has nothing to do with Mo Da, and there's nothing I can do about it!"

She put all the blame on Mo Er and Xiong Dou. Xun Yu did not have the patience to listen to her words and interrupted her, "To untie the bell, you need someone to tie the bell. If you really want Mo Er and Xiong Dou to come back, you can also It's better to go find the person who started all this."

Mo Shi was startled and asked tentatively: "You want me to go find trouble with Brother Tang?"

Xun Yu smiled.

Mrs. Mo understood. She rolled her eyes and asked, "When can the marriage between my son and Li'er be arranged?"

Mo Da and Xun Li'er were only engaged, but not yet married.

She knew that Xun Yu had a disdain for the Mo family and wanted to put this matter off to see if she could find a better marriage for Xun Li'er.

But she was anxious to hold her eldest grandson, so she thought of getting money from Mo Er to subsidize Mo Da, so that Mo Da could use the money to please Xun Li'er and see if she could get married as soon as possible.

Now Xun Yu obviously wants to use her as a sword wielder. Although I don't know when Brother Tang provoked Xun Yu, she doesn't mind being the sword for the sake of her eldest grandson.

Xun Yu's eyes darkened and he said, "After you finish this matter, you can come to me to discuss their wedding date."

"Hey!" Mo Shi smiled, "I will make Brother Tang miserable!"

Xun Yu He narrowed his eyes with satisfaction. After Mr. Mo left, he hummed and walked back. As he was passing by the alley, he suddenly heard two little beggars whispering.

"Is Cheng Junyin really going to teach the method of making tofu and sesame paste in public?"

"Really, he said it himself. There will definitely be a lot of people going there, and we will definitely get a lot of money when we go there."

" You are stupid!" The tall beggar hated that iron is not as strong as steel. "If we learned how to make tofu and sesame paste, why would we need to beg?"

The little beggar touched his beaten head and suddenly said, "You That's right."

Xunyu's expression changed drastically and he walked quickly towards the house.

Chengjun Yin is really crazy! I am willing to teach such good things to foreigners!

In Tianchong Village, Brother Tang was sitting in a wheelchair, pushing the wheelchair forward, and said excitedly, "Husband, it can really walk!"

Chengjun Yin half-knelt beside Brother Tang, gently using Luopa. Wiping Brother Tang's hands, "The wheels are dirty. Do it yourself when I'm not around. Just call me when I'm here."

Brother Tang pursed his lips, "But my husband is always here."

Chengjun Yinyong A clean finger tapped Brother Tang's forehead, "Yes, so you can't do anything, be good."

Brother Tang puffed up his face, he hadn't had enough fun yet.

Cheng Junyin was not used to Brother Tang. After Brother Tang's accident, he was always on guard and could not tolerate any mistakes from Brother Tang.

Pampering and obedient young husbandHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin