Chapter 58 When a natural disaster came

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Cheng Junyin saw that Cheng Sanzi and Niu Zi were both busy, so he walked straight into the workshop without saying hello to them.

Chen Noping, who was also busy in the workshop and was dizzy, saw the two people passing by leisurely and shouted with a dark face, "Chengjunyin, I want to go on strike!"

Chengjunyin paused and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we won't be harvesting sesame seeds in the future."

Chen Noping's face softened slightly, "Are you serious about this?"

"Seriously!" Chengjun Yin Zhengse said, "Not only will we not be harvesting sesame seeds, we will also arrange for people to come here to help. ."

Chen Noping waved his hand, signaling Cheng Juanyin to go away.

Cheng Junyin hurriedly pushed Brother Tang's wheelchair into the side room.

He put Brother Tang aside, rolled up his sleeves and started packing his things.

Brother Tang couldn't sit still. While he was making the bed, he secretly wiped the table with linen cloth.

After Chengjun Yin tidied the bed, Brother Tang also wiped the table clean.

Cheng Junyin looked at the clean and tidy table and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Brother Tang said confidently, "Taotie insisted on licking the table just now, and I couldn't stop him."

Taotie, who was lying on the ground playing with his paws in boredom, raised his head in shock, his eyes widening.

Are you such a Tang brother?

Cheng Junyin: "..."

His husband can always give him different surprises.

Brother Tang raised his little head, looking like I was right and unconvinced.

Chengjunyin laughed angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, it's all Taotie's fault."

Taotie was angry, jumped up and gave Chengjunyin a claw, which scratched Chengjunyin's shoes.

Is this uncle someone you can slander?

Cheng Junyin's face turned dark, "These are the shoes that Brother Tang made for me!"

Taotie was silent and fled the scene three seconds later with extremely quick reaction.

Little Claw watched Taotie's figure turn into a red dot and disappear, tilting his little head in confusion.

It was obviously the master who slandered Lord Taotie, why did Lord Taotie hurt the great master instead of hurting the master?

The Great Master obviously knows that it is the Master who is at fault, why does he still only blame Master Taotie and not the Master?

Human beings are so strange.

Brother Tang blinked guiltily, "Husband, don't be angry with it, I'll make another pair of shoes for you."

Chengjun Yin felt extremely distressed, "These shoes are mended and can still be worn."

Brother Tang said helplessly, "Then take them off, husband, and I'll mend them for you."

Chengjunyin took off his shoes, and Brother Tang said while taking the needle and thread, "If you have anything to do, please go and do your work. The workshop is very safe, and I won't do anything here." "Running around."

Chengjun Yin really had something to do. He touched Brother Tang's face and said, "I'll be back soon."

Brother Tang nodded obediently. After Chengjun Yin walked away, he put the needle and thread together. He put his shoes aside and said to Xiaozhao: "Let's go outside to help!"

When he came in, he saw that it was very busy outside.

Little Claw tilted his head and nodded indifferently.

If the big master is not around, just listen to the little master.

Cheng Junyin came to the sauce yard, "Everyone, put aside what you are doing."

Everyone paused and looked up at him.

"The day after tomorrow, I hope everyone can go to the workshop to help me. The salary

will be the same as before." Hao asked first: "Do we really want to sell the sauce publicly? The sauce we have prepared is not enough."

In the past, Chengjun Yin only sold the sauce . The sauce is sold to merchants, but this time it will be sold to everyone.

With such a good sauce, there will definitely be a lot of people rushing to get it.

"It's okay." Cheng Junyin looked indifferent, "Brother Wu will teach you how to make sesame paste and tofu tomorrow. I need you to teach everyone how to eat these two things the day after tomorrow."

Everyone looked shocked.

Dumb brother waved his hand.

He can't.

Ms. Xiaoliang was not confident, "How do we have the ability to teach others?"

She was afraid that if we teach people the wrong thing and teach them badly...

"Yes!" Mrs. Hao looked at everyone, her voice was high and low, "Why do we No? Are we worse than others? We can be selected as workers in the workshop because of our ability!"

Brother Du and Xiao Liang were both stunned. Aunt Niu stood up and said, "Ms. Hao is right. How do you know we can't do it if you don't try it?"

Brother Tan was excited and excited, "I never thought that one day I would be able to teach others skills."

He looked at Brother Dumb, "Brother Du, you are so hardworking. I'm much more agile, I can do it, and so can you."

The mute brother slowly clenched his hands, blushed, and nodded vigorously for a long time.

Seeing this, Xiao Liang gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give it a try, let's all try it."

Brother Wu raised his hands dully and said, "But I don't know how to make tofu and sesame paste?"

Everyone: "..."

Cheng Juan Yin raised his eyebrows, "I'll teach you now."

Brother Wu: "..." Learn now and teach now? Cheng Junyin thinks too highly of him!

But now that the matter has come to this, he can only bite the bullet.

Cheng Junyin hurriedly taught Brother Wu the method before it got dark, and he hurried to the workshop after leaving a few words to let Brother Wu figure it out on his own.

When he rushed back to the workshop, Brother Tang was sitting in the side room mending shoes by candlelight. When he saw him coming back, he smiled softly at him, "Husband is back?"

His heart dropped steadily, "Well, come back. "

He walked to Brother Tang and asked, "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Brother Tang said pitifully, "The baby is very hungry

! He agreed with a smile and was about to leave when he caught a glimpse of the half-mended shoes out of the corner of his eye. He paused and said, "Brother Tang, have you been here mending shoes all afternoon?"

"Yes." Brother Tang said with a smile on his face. simple and naive.

Chengjun Yin knelt down and smiled softly, "How many injections did you get in one afternoon?"

Brother Tang blinked and his eyes drifted to the side silently, as if I didn't understand what you were talking about.

Chengjun Yin opened his hand and put it on Brother Tang's head, "Please be lenient if you confess."

Brother Tang shrank his neck, "I went outside to watch the fun."

Chengjun Yin pressed his hand harder on Brother Tang. Heavy, "Just watching the excitement?"

Brother Tang pinched his fingers, "It's small, and it helps a little bit."

Chengjun Yin put his hand into Brother Tang's neck and felt the wetness in his palm. , he laughed angrily, "You helped me a little, and you're sweating all over?"

Brother Tang touched his belly, "It's the baby's sweat."

Chengjun Yin angrily bit Brother Tang's earlobe, but he didn't let go. He used force and only rubbed it lightly before saying, "You little liar." It

didn't make him worry at all.

Brother Tang argued hard, "Husband, a month has passed, you can't let me sit in a wheelchair all the time, can you? It will be so chaotic in the future, and it will be inconvenient for me to sit in a wheelchair!"

Chengjun Yin heard this, but he Seeing that Brother Tang was confident in doing bad things, he wanted to press Brother Tang on the bed and bully Brother Tang until his face turned red in order to relieve his anger.

"Husband, why don't you speak?" Brother Tang shouted.

Cheng Junyin blocked his mouth and bit his mouth until it was swollen before he let go.

Brother Tang blushed and had tears in his eyes. He didn't know whether he was embarrassed or angry.

Chengjun Yin couldn't stand Brother Tang looking at him like this, so he covered Brother Tang's eyes with one hand and whispered, "Don't cry, I'll listen to you. We won't be in wheelchairs from tomorrow on."

Brother Tang seemed to change his face . I laughed and didn't feel angry anymore.

Early the next morning, Brother Tang couldn't wait to hide his wheelchair and walked out happily.

It was still busy outside the workshop, but Brother Tang couldn't help because Cheng Junyin was gone, and he kept an eye on him from time to time to prevent him from secretly helping.

He could only sit on a stool covered with a futon and mend his shoes to relieve his boredom.

Something tugged at his trouser leg. He looked down and saw that it was Taotie.

Taotie circled around him and screamed urgently.

Brother Tang realized something and looked at Chengjunyin. Chengjunyin raised his head and met his gaze as if telepathically.

He didn't need to say anything, Chengjun Yin walked towards him, pulled him up from the stool, and said in a low voice, "Taotie said that the Nan family took action."

Brother Tang looked at him, his pupils slightly dilated.

He continued, "It's a pity that it didn't work out. Erhua stopped her."

Xiaohua went to stare at Jing Meixing, and Taotie asked Xiaohua's younger brother to stare at Nanshi.

"Nan wanted to hold Chengqi to death while he was resting. She did it too suddenly, and Erhua didn't have time to call us."

He put his hand on Brother Tang's lower back, so that Brother Tang could stand more relaxedly. "If Erhua doesn't stop Nanshi, Nanshi will be able to say that she died suddenly due to illness and there is no evidence of death. We can't do anything about Nanshi."

If they want to convict Nanshi, they must catch her when Nanshi takes action. People get stolen goods together.

Brother Tang understood, "We have alerted the snake."

The wolf they raised did not know how to bark, and the pretended barking was like a howl of being beaten, which was very strange.

Nan knew it was their dog as soon as he heard it.

With Nan's temperament, she would have wondered why their dog was at her door.

Once she becomes suspicious, she will be more cautious next time.

"We were negligent." Chengjun Yin rubbed Brother Tang's lower back and asked, "Do you want to go back for a rest?"

Brother Tang refused, "I want to watch my husband here."

Chengjun Yin nodded. He tapped the tip of his nose and said, "Okay, call me if you need anything and I'll be right over."

"Cheng Er!" Xiong Lixian's voice was so loud that it could clearly reach Cheng Junyin's ears even in such a noisy environment. middle.

Cheng Junyin looked back and saw Xiong Lixian driving a donkey cart. There were several large wooden barrels on the donkey cart, which were very conspicuous from a distance.

Chengjun Yin was overjoyed and pulled Brother Tang up to greet him, "Uncle."

Xiong Lixian glanced at Brother Tang first, and seeing that Brother Tang looked good, there was a little smile on his face, "I've been walking all this way, but After listening to a lot of gossip, they all said that you doted on Brother Tang too much. What do they know? It's a man's ability to dote on his husband. Don't let them mislead you."

Chengjun Yin said with a smile, "Uncle. That's right."

"Where to put this thing?" Xiong Lixian drove the donkey cart into the yard and moved the barrel down.

Cheng Junyin wanted to go up to help but was blocked by Xiong Lixian. Xiong Lixian pointed at the door and said, "There is another car behind you. You have to go and bring people in. There are so many people outside, and Mo Er doesn't have the temper to shout at people to give way. Don't you know how long the blockage will last?"

Chengjun Yin nodded and looked at Brother Tang. Brother Tang originally thought that Chengjun Yin was going to say something to him, but he was listening carefully when he saw Chengjun Yin turning back to him. Xiong Lixian said, "Uncle, Brother Tang has been dishonest recently. He is thinking about working every day before he is well. Whenever I don't pay attention, he will work secretly behind my back. I will pick up Mo Er now and leave him here. Please look at him."

Xiong Lixian raised his eyebrows, "Is this still the case?"

Brother Tang's eyes widened and his face became angry.

My husband actually complained?

Chengjun Yin suppressed his laughter and walked out quickly before Brother Tang could accuse him.

"Brother Tang?" Xiong Lixian had a sullen face. Brother Tang froze, lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

When Cheng Junyin came in with Mo Er, Brother Tang was sitting on the stool with his legs together, looking very well-behaved.

Cheng Junyin's heart skipped a beat and he secretly thought it was not good.

No matter how well-behaved Brother Tang was, he could tell at a glance that Brother Tang had evil intentions, and he might be thinking about how to deal with him at the moment.

He swallowed, and after sending Xiong Lixian and Mo Er away, he walked up to Brother Tang and admitted his mistake honestly, "Brother Tang, I was wrong."

"How could your husband be wrong?" Brother Tang smiled. He said, "There will be a lot of things tomorrow. My husband will go and have a night talk with Chen Noping. Don't bother me anymore."

Chengjun Yin's heart dropped.

Brother Tang is going to drive him out of the room.

He hurriedly held Brother Tang's hand, persuading, coaxing, and coaxing him until his mouth went dry when he talked, and then he coaxed Brother Tang away from his anger.

On the vernal equinox, before dawn, groups of people gathered outside the workshop.

Some of them came on the night journey, and some of them didn't sleep all night and came early to keep watch.

As soon as Yinshi arrived, the door of the workshop opened, and a group of men came out carrying two large buckets, which were placed on both sides of the workshop.

When everyone was wondering what this was, they saw Wang Caohan pushing aside the bamboo leaves under the big bucket, and steaming water flowed out of the bamboo tube.

Everyone was shocked.

What is this, can hot water flow out of it?

Wang Caohan explained, "Here is a bucket of hot water and a bucket of cold water. If you open the bamboo leaves, the water will flow out. If you push the bamboo leaves back, the water will close. If you want to drink, you can fill it yourself. It doesn't cost anything."

"This is good . "I was in a hurry to go out today and forgot to bring water."

"Cheng Er is so considerate,"

Wang Caohan explained, "How can a man be so thoughtful? This was Brother Tang's idea."

Everyone said to Tang again. Thank you brother.

The impatient people urged, "We are not here just to drink water. When will we start recruiting workers?"

"Yes, when will we start teaching us how to make sesame paste and tofu? We have been waiting here early in the morning, but Don't be a liar."

"If you think it's a liar, just leave!" Brother Tan squeezed away from the crowd, his expression not very good, "Cheng Er is kindly teaching you this to make your life easier. I'm not here to say bad things about him and cause trouble for him."

Everyone was silent. The person who just spoke didn't say anything, but he didn't look very convinced.

Mr. Hao walked out from behind Brother Tan, "Cheng Er taught you these things without asking for any benefits from you. I hope that even if you can't thank him, at least don't blame him or resent him in return for kindness. He doesn't owe you anything. "Yes."

Aunt Niu added with a sullen face, "For today's matter, Cheng Er spent most of his own money to hire villagers from Chongcun Village to help. Think about it for yourself, how much would it cost if it were yourselves?" Do you want to do such a thankless thing?"

Everyone felt even more ashamed, and no one had the shame to urge or say anything unpleasant.

Cheng Junyin didn't know that there was anyone talking to him outside. He was gently dressing Brother Tang.

Brother Tang lay in Cheng Junyin's arms, so sleepy that he couldn't even open his eyes.

Chengjun Yin asked softly, "How about you sleep a little longer."

"No!" Brother Tang tightly grabbed the corner of Chengjun Yin's clothes and muttered, "I don't want to sleep, it's the baby who wants to sleep, and we're not used to it. Him."

Cheng Juanyin brushed away the broken hair on Brother Tang's temples and kissed his sleeping red face, with a smile in his eyes. "Okay, don't spoil him."

Brother Tang pushed Cheng Juanyin's face with his eyes closed. , said in a daze: "I haven't washed my face yet..."

Chengjun Yin laughed.

Why is his husband so cute?

He wiped Brother Tang's face with cotton cloth, and then applied grease to Brother Tang's face and hands.

Brother Tang let Chengjun Yin play with him like a boneless doll. After Chengjun Yin finished cleaning up for him, he opened his eyes a crack and said vaguely: "My husband is so kind."

Chengjun Yin replied. He blocked Brother Tang's mouth with his body and bit it twice before letting go, accusing, "Brother Tang is really getting more and more perfunctory with me."

Brother Tang chirped, "Husband, I'm hungry."

Cheng Junyin: "..." He is really becoming less dignified as a husband.

After feeding Brother Tang, they walked out of the workshop hand in hand.

Brother Tang was yawning sleepily. When he saw so many people, he suddenly woke up.

"Husband, there are so many people."

Chengjun Yin glanced at the sky and said, "There will be more people later."

"You only charge three cents per catty, why should we pay four cents per catty!"

"Yes. Ah, aren't you profiteers!"

The crowd nearby was agitated. Cheng Junyin held Brother Tang's hand and walked over. He saw three or four people gathered around Cheng San's table with excited expressions.

Cheng Sanzi frowned, "The purchase price of rice grains is at most five cents per catty, but the selling price in the county is at least ten cents per catty. For sesame seeds, we only increased one cent per catty, and we only received wages. How can we be considered profiteers?"

"Can this thing of yours be compared with rice and grain?" The man said like a scoundrel, "I don't care, you have to sell us these sesame seeds for a pound and three cents today!"

"Yes!" someone in the crowd said, "You don't need money. "Teach us how to make sesame paste. Don't we have to buy the sesame seeds ourselves?"

"Just buy them and raise the price for us. Doesn't Cheng Junyin just want to make money from us?"

"Yes, I am !" I want to make money from you." Cheng Junyin walked out of the crowd, stood next to Cheng San, and said to everyone, "If you don't want me to make this money, you can leave now."

Everyone looked at each other, but no one was willing to leave . .

They said that just to get the price of sesame to drop, but no fool would really think about leaving at this time.

As soon as this sesame paste recipe came out, the prices of sesame seeds outside have increased. They are available at five or six cents per pound. Four cents per pound is already considered a very cheap price.

Brother Tang held Chengjun Yin's hand tightly and said with a sullen face, "You just want to get more benefits from my husband because he is kind-hearted and talkative. Maybe some people think that we are rich and should help you. We should help you." It's not like being taken advantage of by you."

His voice was soft but cold, "We are helping you just because we want to do good things, but we don't have to help you."

His voice dropped, "Please leave of your own accord. The workshop won't accept you."

"Why!" The person who shouted the loudest panicked, "We're just saying a few words, you're just trying to make money."

"Shut up!" Wang Caohan came over. He picked up the man's collar and said, "Believe it or not, I'll give you a beating!"

When the man saw that Wang Caohan was tall and strong, he was so frightened that he dared not say a word.

Wang Caohan carried the person away with one hand, and other men rushed over to drive the person who had just spoken out.

Once this happened, the onlookers took a warning and did not dare to cause trouble again.

Cheng Junyin took Brother Tang for a walk outside the workshop, and saw that someone from Tianchong Village came here to set up a stall. When he saw them, the man smiled sheepishly.

"I don't know if I can put it on the table. I wanted to ask you just now, but I couldn't find you. Someone happened to want to buy the mountain goods in my hand, so I put it on the table first. If I can't put it on the table, I'll leave now."

The man was about to pack his things, but Cheng Junyin stopped him, "You can set up a stall."

He said to the onlookers, "Today only, anyone can come here to set up a stall."

Everyone was happy, and the clever man had already gone home. run.

Chengjun Yin looked at Brother Tang and smiled slightly.

The more people who come here, the more people will survive the disaster.

"Brother Tang, drink some water." Chang held the water and put it into Brother Tang's hand, "I see you have been walking for a long time, it's time to take a rest."

Although Brother Tang was tired, he still said: "I'm not tired."

In half an hour, they will 'drive' everyone out of the workshop, and there will be no way to get in.

Mrs. Chang smiled and said, "I think you are reluctant to go in because of the crowds and excitement."

Xiong Lixian walked past them carrying a big bucket, "Xiong Dou is over there, go sit with him and have a rest."

Brother Tang Er didn't dare not listen to Xiong Lixian's words, and obediently walked to Xiong Dou and sat down.

Xiong Dou smiled and said, "When you asked all of us to help, I thought you were giving us money on purpose. I didn't expect it to be so lively today."

After Mo Er arrived, he left him here to rest. He was so busy that no one was seen.

Even Li Zheng, an old man, shouted at the top of his lungs to the children to stop running around.

Brother Tang smiled and said nothing.

Calling them over is to ensure their safety, and helping is only secondary.

Xiong Dou glanced at him and asked, "Where is that little thing next to you?"

Brother Tang looked in the direction of the mountains, "They are at home."

When a natural disaster comes, Taotie must find a way to ensure the safety of its little brothers.

Xiong Dou only thought that this home was from Tianchong Village and didn't think much about it.

Xiong Dou asked again, "What about Cheng Er? I saw him next to you just now!"

Brother Tang said helplessly, "He is pestered by a businessman."

When he came to look for Xiong Dou, a group of businessmen pestered Cheng Junyin to ask questions. When will the sauce be sold?

Xiong Dou lowered his voice, "I heard that the little sauce you prepared is not enough to sell."

Brother Tang said softly, "If it's not enough, don't sell it."

When a natural disaster comes, who will still want to buy sauce? material?

Selling sauces is just a cover to attract people.

"Where is Cheng Junyin?" As he spoke, Chen Noping came over.

Brother Tang was about to speak when he saw Cheng Juanyin walking slowly behind Chen Noping, "What do you want from me?"

Chen Noping said eagerly: "There are already enough people, why aren't you ready to sell? " Mi?"

He deliberately lowered his voice on the last word.

If such a good opportunity is missed, how can the rice be sold without losing money?

Chengjun Yin said calmly, "No hurry."

Chen Noping: "..." The emperor is not in a hurry, the eunuch is in a hurry!

Cheng Nu hurried over, "Have you seen my dad?"

Cheng Junyin and Brother Tang looked at each other, their eyes darkening.

Xiong Dou frowned and said, "I saw him going up the mountain with the Nan family this morning."

Both Chengjun Yin and Brother Tang's expressions changed.

When a natural disaster strikes, mountains are the most dangerous place.

Nanshi and Chengqi didn't want to wait for a good place, but wanted to rush to a dead end.

"Go up the mountain?" Cheng's face looked ugly. "Why should he go up the mountain at such an old age?"

He said and rushed back, "I'll go find him!"

Brother Tang subconsciously wanted to stop him, but he just stretched out his hand. , the whole person swayed, and his body fell forward out of balance.

Cheng Junyin caught him and held him tightly in his arms.

He heard someone yelling, "The earth is moving!"

The crowd became a mess, and people screamed and fled. Mo Er rushed to Xiong Dou immediately and protected Xiong Dou in his arms.

"Go this way!"

Cheng Junyin had long expected that the crowd would be restless, and had created an open space in advance.

Before the workshop opened, he told all the workers that it was a place for workers to rest.

After an earthquake occurs, workers will first think of shelter there.

When Cheng Junyin protected Brother Tang and arrived at the shelter, the earthquake suddenly stopped.

Someone in the panicked crowd noticed this and yelled, "Stop running! Stop running! Stop!"

Everyone gradually calmed down, and someone said, "Are you stupid? The earthquake is coming. This is the safest place. Are you trying to run to your death?"

Everyone was silent, and someone retorted, "Aren't you scared?"

Xiong Dou grabbed Mo Er's hand uneasily. Is it going to stop like this?"

Cheng Junyin looked ugly, "No, it was just a warning."

He estimated that the earthquake would come in half an hour based on his memory from his previous life, but he was wrong.

Brother Tang grabbed Cheng Junyin's hand and was about to comfort him, but he felt the world shaking violently.

The shaking was even worse than before.

The real earthquake is coming.

Everyone was screaming and panicking. Chengjun Yin knelt down and held Brother Tang firmly in his arms.

With a loud rumbling sound, the giant trees on the mountain fell down in pieces.

After a while, the earthquake stopped, but no one dared to move.

They were all afraid of another earthquake.

Cheng Junyin looked at Brother Tang nervously, "What's wrong with you?"

Brother Tang shook his head, looked at the mountains shrouded in gray fog not far away, and murmured, "Chengqi and Nan are still alive. Are you coming back? "

Chengjun Yinmo.

The crowd in Nuoda was completely silent. I don't know who started crying, or who cried with joy because their loved ones around them were fine.

Mo Er pulled Xiong Dou up, and Xiong Lixian pulled Chang over and hurried over. He was relieved when he saw that they were all safe.

Cheng Junyin glanced at everyone and found that although some people were injured, no one died. He felt as if a big burden had been lifted, and he felt a lot lighter.

He said to everyone, "The earthquake happened suddenly. If everyone is okay, go back and see if your home is still okay."

He has taught him how to make sesame paste and tofu, and he has tried his best to save most people in Shanxiang County. If the situation is secured, the rest will be left to fate.

Some people hurried back after hearing this, but some people asked: "Aren't you going to teach you how to make sesame paste and tofu? I haven't learned it yet?"

"What about recruiting workers?"

Mr. Hao stood up and said, "Sesame paste We have already shown you how to make the paste and tofu. You are here late, so you can't blame others."

Aunt Niu said with red eyes, "You still want to recruit workers when such a big thing happened? Didn't you notice that the workshop has collapsed? Are you here? How can we recruit workers?"

Only then did everyone realize that all the oilcloths draped over the workshop had been removed.

Chengjun Yin's face changed, "Is there anyone else in the workshop?"

Everyone was shocked, Aunt Niu slapped her thigh, "Niu Zi is still in there!"

Chengjun Yin hurriedly led people over, and was about to rush in to save people. , but saw Niu Zi walking out unharmed, and said with a face full of shame: "The workshop collapsed, it's because of my poor skills."

Aunt Niu hugged Niu Zi and cried, "I scared you to death!"

Niu Zi asked blankly: "Mom, why are you crying?"

The oilcloth couldn't hit anyone, not to mention that he was hiding in the corner and wasn't hit at all.

He then said to Chengjun Yin, "Fortunately you chose to use blue bricks."

Although the oilcloth collapsed, the wall was still standing firmly, otherwise he would have been hit on the head and bled.

"As long as everything is okay." Chengjunyin held Brother Tang's hand tightly.

Niu Zi smiled honestly and said, "Cheng Er, remember to lock the door."

Cheng Juan Yin's eyes flashed and he nodded.

Li Zheng and Liu Langzhong walked over, supporting each other. Brother Tan and Hao's expressions changed, "What's going on?"

Liu Langzhong didn't say anything, and Li Zheng said, "I was running in a hurry just now, and I fell. It's nothing serious."

Cheng Junyin said to the villagers, "Go back, I will clean up here."

Although Hao was worried about the situation at home, she still retorted, "That's not possible! How can you pack so many things by yourself? We people If you have more, you can finish it in a while."

After saying this, Mr. Hao asked people to pack things.

Niu Zi asked people to put the things at the door of the workshop, and then he moved them in.

Chengjun Yin thought it was dangerous, but Niu Zi waved his hand and said, "What's the danger? How could I come out alive if there was danger."

After packing up, everyone rushed to the village anxiously.

Most of the houses in Tianchong Village collapsed, but because most of the people in Tianchong Village were in the workshop when the earthquake occurred, no one was injured or killed in the entire Tianchong Village.

Although there were casualties in other villages, their numbers were very few.

What is unexpected is that in the entire Shanxiang County, the county seat was the most severely affected.

Although people in the county have heard about the workshop, most people are unwilling to go to such a remote place as the workshop. There are also a small number of wealthy people who send their servants to see what is going on. Only Hao Duoyu actually goes there in person. A few businessmen took the lead and a few people who didn't mind the distance to the workshop.

Therefore, when the earthquake occurred, most people stayed in the county.

Although the houses in the county town were better than those in the village, they could not withstand the natural disaster. Countless people were trapped in their houses and could not move. People on the road were all gray and sad.

The usually lively county town now fell into deathly despair.

The houses were built with blue bricks and tiles. Although several houses collapsed during the earthquake, they were much better than the broken walls and ruins all over the streets.

Wu Jian and Wu Yu stood in the yard, surrounded by a group of slaves, all with fear on their faces.

"It's over..." Wu Jian's face turned ugly, "If this matter is reported, I will never be able to protect my black gauze hat."

"Then don't report it!" Wu Yu's chest heaved violently, but he smiled excitedly, "Brother, have you forgotten? Who is in charge of the food in the county now? As long as we keep it secret for a while, and donate part of the money to Mr. Xiang Jue, he will protect us."

Wu Jian looked at him. His eyes sunk down little by little.

Wu Yu firmly grasped Wu Jian's hand, "Brother, haven't you always wanted to be promoted? This is a perfect opportunity for us!"

Wu Jian's heart was moved, and he gritted his teeth, "Okay!"

Tian Chong village.

Brother Tang leaned in Chengjun Yin's arms, looked at the half-collapsed room, and pursed his lips.

Cheng Junyin pinched his face and said, "Don't be unhappy, at least half of the chickens and ducks are still alive."

They had prepared for the worst, but they didn't expect that only half of the chickens and ducks were dead.

Brother Tang sighed, "Where are we staying?"

"Workshop." Chengjun Yin said helplessly, "I can only let you suffer a little with me these days."

The workshop collapsed, but it can still be inhabited after tidying up. .

"No grievance." Brother Tang drove the chickens and ducks back to the yard and said to Chengjunyin: "Husband, I want to eat beggar's chicken."

Chengjunyin smiled helplessly, "Okay."

They had five chickens in total. , three ducks, and crushed many eggs.

Chickens and ducks must be disposed of as soon as possible after death, otherwise they will go bad if left for a long time.

He carried the chickens and ducks to the door to handle them, fearing that the fishy smell would offend Brother Tang.

There were villagers passing by at the door, talking a lot.

"He's back!"

"You're so lucky. Where's Nan?"

"Nan is dead. I heard that he fell down and died when he couldn't stand firm during the earthquake. I just took a look from a distance, and his head was full of blood. It's blood, it looks scary."

He paused, took the chickens and ducks away into the yard, wiped his hands before taking Brother Tang to find Cheng Qi.

When they arrived at Chengqi's home, Chengqi had already woken up and was holding Nan's body and wailing. His cry was sad and moving.

Some people said that Nan deserved it, but others said that the dead man deserved it.

Cheng Nu asked with an ugly face: "Dad, if she hadn't asked you to go to the mountain, how could you have broken your leg?"

He almost said that Nan Shi should die.

"What do you know?" Chengqi cried, "She did it for me! For me!"

"For you?" Chengqi was furious. Because of the earthquake, his home was gone and the whole family didn't know where to live. Why, his father is still making trouble here, "I think you have been drugged by her!"

Chengqi said angrily, "She told me that there are ginseng in the mountains! She wants to take me to pick ginseng! She is here for This family took me up the mountain for me!"

Everyone was shocked, and Cheng Nu was also stunned.

Someone asked excitedly: "There is ginseng on the mountain? Where is it?"

Tianchong Village was already poor, and the arrival of the earthquake made it even worse.

Now, who can not be excited when they suddenly learn that there is ginseng in their inner mountains.

If they could find a ginseng, they wouldn't have to live such a hard life!

"I don't know!" Cheng Qi looked at Cheng Junyin in the crowd and sneered, "But you know!"

He added: "When Jing Meixing poisoned Brother Tang, he clearly saw the medicine bag lying next to him. Holding a ginseng! Ginseng is so expensive, you can't afford it. It can only be picked from the mountains. Jing Meixing told Nan about it personally. If you don't believe it, you can ask Jing Meixing!"

Everyone followed his gaze! In the past, what I saw was Cheng Junyin with an expressionless face.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Chengjunyin, do you really know where the ginseng is?"

Chengjunyin admitted.

Everyone was in an uproar, and Mu Zhi asked on the spot, "Do you know where the ginseng is? Why didn't you tell us?"

Cheng retorted in three words, "If it were you, would you say it? Are you trying to trick people into thinking they are fools?"

Mu Zhi's face turned pale. Hong said again: "The mountain is not his, the ginseng should belong to us!"

"Fart!" Niu Zi roared, "The rules in the village have always been whoever finds them! If you have the ability, find one yourself."

"Okay! We'll look for it ourselves, but you have to tell us." Muchi asked Chengjunyin, "Where is the ginseng?"

Due to Chengjunyin's suppression, their family's life was getting worse day by day. He originally wanted to go up the mountain to get it. He went to sell some mountain products, but he didn't know why he encountered various accidents every time and returned empty-handed every time. If he could find ginseng, he wouldn't need to live such a hard life now!

Cheng Junyin looked indifferent and asked: "Why do you think there will be several ginseng roots growing in one place?"

Everyone was silent.

Yes, ginseng can never grow into long pieces. Finding one is already a big deal.

Cheng Junyin said bluntly, "I accidentally found ginseng in Neishan. If you want, you can go, but don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. I wrote a suicide note when I entered Neishan. I hope you will also make plans to go there again." Go in. "

Everyone in Tianchong Village knows that there are many good things in the inner mountain, but few people dare to go in.

Mu Che was unwilling to give in, but most of the people in the village were facing Cheng Junyin, and he could do nothing to Cheng Junyin.

Cheng's face was distorted, "Chengjunyin, if it weren't for that ginseng you had, Nanshi wouldn't have died!"

His eyes were red, "It was you who killed Nanshi!"

Chengjunyin looked sideways, with a cold look on his face, "She was the one who killed Nanshi."

Nanshi took Chengqi into the mountains not to collect ginseng, but to kill Chengqi.

But it was fate, and Nan died before he could take action. Chengqi, who survived, was kept in the dark by Nan, who firmly believed that Nan was doing it for his own good.

On the way back, Brother Tang said to Chengjunyin, "Husband, I think she is being advantaged."

Chengjunyin touched his head and said, "It's all life."

Nanshi probably never thought that his agency would be exhausted. In the end, he died in such a confused way.

Brother Tang suddenly thought of something and said, "Did she take him up the mountain to guard against us?"

Cheng Junyin's eyes were complicated, "Probably."

Nan was afraid that they would find her again if she started doing anything at the bottom of the mountain, so she simply took advantage of the situation. He coaxed Chengqi up the mountain when the workshop was busiest.

Nan's funeral was carelessly held. She had no relatives alive, and despite how much she cried, she was reluctant to buy Nan a thin coffin, so she buried her hastily with a roll of mat.

Chengjun Yin led Brother Tang to the workshop, re-erected part of the oilcloth, tidied up the side room, and then let Brother Tang go in to rest.

Brother Tang was tired and fell asleep as soon as he lay on the bed.

Chengjunyin closed the door softly and walked to the granary.

As soon as he entered, he saw Chen Nuoping frowning and staring at the corner.

He walked over and asked, "Are there rats?"

Chen Noping pointed at the white grains of rice on the ground, "During the earthquake, the rice might have been spilled and taken back."

Chengjun Yin thought of something and smiled: " Nothing."

No wonder Niu Zi took so long to leave the workshop.

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