Chapter 65 Cheng Dacai committed suicide and was rescued

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. "Send someone to keep an eye on him." He paused, and a ruthless red light flashed in his eyes, "We can't let Hao Duoyu know!"

He never expected that Hao Duoyu would dare to betray he!

Wu Yu's face twisted, "Where is Dono? He really doesn't care about the life or death of his precious nephew."

Wu Jian suddenly raised his head, lifted up his hem and rushed out.

When he arrived at the courtyard where Dono lived, he found out that the building was empty.

Wu Jian called to the servants in the yard, "Why didn't anyone tell me!"

The servant knelt on the ground and responded tremblingly, "Hao Captou said you know."

Wu Jian swept the teacup off the table. On the ground, blood gathered in his eyes.

The fat all over Wu You's body was shaking with anger. He unconsciously picked up the orchid and pointed at it, "Here comes someone! Arrest Hao Duoyu for me!"

"No!" Wu gradually raised his head and faced the orchid pointing at the upper room. , his mind seemed to be stuck with something, his eyes widened and his face turned red, "What are you comparing to? You are a man! Not a eunuch!"

Yayu seemed to have reacted and looked at him in shock. My own hands, I wanted to explain but couldn't. It was just me and me for a long time.

He became so angry that his hands and feet became numb, and he opened his mouth to say something, but before the words came out, he fell to the ground, unconscious.

The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and Brother Tang was often woken up by the heat. Chengjun Yin had thoughts coming and going, so he asked someone to buy saltpeter, intending to try making ice with saltpeter as mentioned in the Book of Chaos.

Brother Tang sat under the eaves and watched Chengjun Yin sweating all over his head. He said distressedly, "Husband, why don't you take a break."

Chengjun Yin wiped the sweat off casually, "It's okay, you'll be fine soon."

In the summer, ice is a rarity.

Shanxiang County is not very hot in summer, but it kills several people every summer.

In the county close to the border, hundreds of people die from heat every summer. Most of these hundreds of people are from Chantie County.

If saltpeter ice production could really succeed, although he would not be able to take care of the border area, he would still be able to save several lives in Shanxiang County.

Brother Tang flattened his mouth, stood up with his waist supported, walked to Chengjun Yin's side against the sun, and gently wiped away the dense sweat on Chengjun Yin's forehead with a ropa.

Chengjun Yin frowned when he saw Brother Tang coming, "The sun is so strong, go back quickly and don't get too hot in the sun."

Brother Tang raised his eyebrows and said, "Isn't it going to be better soon? Just let me stay with you for a while. "

Chengjun Yin had no choice but to speed up what he was doing. He finished the work in a short time and took Brother Tang back to the roof.

Seeing that Brother Tang's fair and delicate face was red from the sun, he calmly took the cold well water, "Sit down, I will wash your face."

Brother Tang sat obediently, closed his eyes, and put his face Arrive in front of Chengjun Yin.

Cheng Junyin watched Brother Tang's long black eyelashes gently fanning in front of him. His nose felt hot, and something flowed down and dripped into the basin.

Brother Tang felt that Chengjun Yin had not moved for a long time, so he opened his eyes strangely and screamed in fright, "Husband, why are you bleeding!"

Chengjun Yin wiped away the nosebleed in embarrassment, "I'm angry, it's okay."

Tang Brother Tang frowned dissatisfied, "Husband, you need to rest, you can't work all day."

"Okay." Chengjun Yin responded, feeling too guilty to look at Brother Tang.

There were chaotic footsteps and some chatter outside the door, and Chengjun Yin and Brother Tang looked at each other.

Brother Tang blinked and put his hand on Chengjun Yin.

Cheng Junyin helped Brother Tang up from the chair and escorted him out.

Taotie, who was enjoying the cool in the corner, saw Brother Tang walking out, swung his tail, stuck out his tongue and followed behind Brother Tang slowly.

When summer comes, Taotie and Xiaozhao are so hot that they usually don't move as much as they can, but if Brother Tang makes any movement, they will prick up their ears.

Especially Taotie, knowing that Brother Tang was about to give birth, he never left Brother Tang.

Outside the door, the villagers hurriedly walked in one direction. Cheng Junyin grabbed Aunt Wang who was walking in the opposite direction and asked, "What's going on?"

"Cheng Dacai committed suicide by throwing himself into the river, but he was rescued by a man from my family. I I'm about to ask Dr. Liu to come and save someone."

Aunt Wang dropped these words and left. After all, this is a matter of life and death, and nothing should be done carelessly.

Brother Tang asked as he walked to the river: "Isn't it that Cheng Dacai can't walk? How can he commit suicide?"

Chengwang's house is quite far from the river.

Cheng Junyin's eyes were deep, "We'll know when we get there."

When they arrived at the river, a group of people had already gathered by the river. Seeing them coming, the crowd made way for them.

Taking advantage of the path made by the crowd, Cheng Junyin saw the person lying on the ground.

When he looked at Cheng Dacai, who was skinny and skinny, with a dark complexion, sunken eyes, and dry and messy hair, Cheng Junyin almost didn't dare to recognize him.

After Cheng Dacai was imprisoned in the pig pen, he no longer paid much attention to Cheng Dacai. This was the first time he saw Cheng Dacai after he was caught inheriting the wealth. In this way, it has been more than two months.

In such a short period of time, Cheng Dacai turned into this.

At first glance, others may think that Cheng Dacai has passed his forties.

Mrs. Liang lay beside Cheng Dacai and cried, "Son, don't die, you can't die!"

Mr. Liu rushed over, pushed Ms. Liang away, and stabbed Cheng Dacai a few times with a needle. Cheng Dacai's chest rose and fell violently for a moment, and he choked out water crazily.

After a while, Cheng Dacai's eyelashes trembled and he slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were empty. When he saw so many people surrounding him, there was no movement in his eyes. He just muttered, "Why don't you let me die? Why?"

Mr. Liang pushed Liu Langzhong away, threw himself on Cheng Dacai, and said He hurriedly asked him if he felt uncomfortable.

When Cheng Dacai saw her, he suddenly became excited.

"It's you again! It's you again! Why don't you let me go! You let me die! You let me die!"

Ms. Liang cried sadly, "Son, mother will take care of you for the rest of her life."

"I don't want you . Take care of me!" Cheng Dacai pushed Liang away with all his strength, pointing at Liang and crying, "If I die, I can still have a good pregnancy, but what else can I have with a vulgar mother like you? ? Or with my broken body?"

He complained with tears in his eyes, his face full of hatred, "Why did you give birth to me in the first place? If you hadn't given birth to me, I would be the son of a rich family now. I don't need to endure hardship. I can have countless money to squander. I can live." Better than anyone else, I can still pass the imperial examination and become an official, and I will be a master for the rest of my life!"

Liang's hands and feet were numb and she fell to the ground, her mouth trembling and she couldn't say anything to refute.

Liu Langzhong couldn't stand listening any more and angrily said: "I have inherited a lot of money, and my son will not think my mother is ugly! You can't blame others for what you are like now. If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself."

Mrs. Liang pushed Liu Langzhong away. , "Who asked you to teach my son a lesson? Get out of here!"

Liu Langzhong was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Cheng Dacai ignored Liang and crawled towards the river with his hands on his hands. It looked like he wanted to jump into the river again. Liang went to stop Cheng Dacai with howls and cries. Cheng Dacai's legs were broken and he couldn't push Liang away. She could only say in a soft tone, "Mom! Don't you want me to continue the family line by staying with me? But if you look at me like this, who will marry me? My life is just a drag. Just let me die. I beg you. ! "

He really doesn't want to live anymore.

If he dies, he may be reborn in a good child in his next life.

He is alive, but life is worse than death.

Liang shook her head with tears in her eyes.

After everyone saw what happened to Liu Langzhong, no one was willing to help.

"I am willing to marry you." Brother Yun's voice seemed extremely abrupt at this time.

Cheng Dacai and Liang looked at Brother Yun together. Brother Yun looked haggard, but there was an imperceptible light in his eyes, "Cheng Dacai, I will marry you, and I will serve you in the next life. Will you marry me?" Liang

responded quickly, "Yes! He is willing!"

Mu's voice was sharp, "Brother Yun! You are crazy!"

Brother Yun shook off Mu's hand and looked at Cheng Dacai persistently. Da Cai looked at Brother Yun and said nothing, but did not seek death again.

Things ended in such a bizarre way.

On the way back, Brother Tang frowned and said, "Husband, Cheng Dacai doesn't want to marry Brother Yun."

Cheng Dacai didn't struggle, he just knew that he couldn't seek death this time.

Cheng Junyin replied, "Brother Yun didn't really want to marry Cheng Dacai."

Brother Yun lived a miserable life after being divorced and returned to his parents' home. He just wanted to find someone to marry him quickly so that he could marry him in the future. Live a better life.

But he didn't know that marrying Cheng Dacai would not make his life any easier than it was now.

After Mrs. Liang took Cheng Dacai back, she was afraid that Brother Yun would regret it, so she took everything she could at home and asked the matchmaker to propose marriage.

Mu was not willing at first, but after Brother Yun cried and told Mu his grievances, Mu still felt sorry for Brother Yun and accepted the marriage despite the pressure from the carpenter.

Mrs. Liang went back satisfied, and when she opened the door, she saw Cheng Dacai stabbing her neck with scissors.

Mrs. Liang was so frightened that she almost lost her wits. She subconsciously rushed over and snatched the scissors from Cheng Dacai's hand and threw them on the ground. Then she raised her hand and slapped Cheng Dacai hard on the face.

"Cheng Dacai, you can't do this to me! You can't!"

Her hands were shaking and her heart ached.

"Mom only has you as my son. If you die, I can only die with you! But I don't want to die! You can't die either!"

She roared and collapsed.

Cheng Dacai looked at her blankly, and suddenly said, "You only have one son, me. What about Cheng Junyin? Who is he?"

Liang's eyes were blank, and Cheng Dacai grabbed Liang's clothes excitedly. Leader, "Tell me! Who is Cheng Junyin!"

Mrs. Liang looked at him and opened her lips.

A quarter of an hour later, Cheng Dacai's eyes were red, half jealous and half excited.

He was jealous of Cheng Junyin's extraordinary status, but he was excited because this extraordinary status would no longer belong to Cheng Junyin.

He asked, "Mom, do you want me to live?"

Ms. Liang nodded vigorously, "Mom, I do."

"Mom, promise me something." Cheng Dacai said slowly, with a seductive tone.

Mrs. Liang couldn't wait to say, "No matter what happens, mother will promise you, as long as you live!"

Cheng Dacai's face showed the only smile he had seen in many days, "If Cheng Junyin's family comes to the door, you will follow They said, I am Cheng Junyin."

Liang's pupils shrank.

Cheng Dacai asked: "Mom, do you understand?"

Ms. Liang shook her head in pain, "Dacai, you are my mother's biological child. My mother cannot accept you calling another woman's mother!"

"That woman is dead!" Cheng Dacai's expression gradually went crazy, "She is dead, but I am still alive. I am her son. I deserve to enjoy the glory and wealth. Don't you want me to live a good life? If I live a good life, don't I still have to live a good life?" Can I ignore you? Don't you want to live the life of a master with me?"

Mrs. Liang was still hesitant, she was afraid.

Cheng Dacai said word by word, "Mom, have you never thought that if Cheng Junyin was recognized, would you be willing for him to live a good life while we live like mud!"

Ms. Liang's pupils trembled, "I I don't want to!"

She clenched her hands and her body trembled slightly with excitement, "Da Cai, Mom, I listen to you."

The curve of Cheng Da Cai's mouth widened, "Tell me, who else is involved in this matter besides you and dad.


know ?" Her stomach began to hurt, and she knew she was about to give birth, but there was no place to go or a store at the time, so she could only use the cover of weeds to ask Xiaoliang to help her give birth. That was when they met Cheng Junyin Mother.

Even after so many years, she still clearly remembered that even though that woman was in trouble, she was still so dazzling that people dared not look directly at her.

She knew that women were either rich or noble, so when the woman entrusted Chengjun Yin to the Xiaoliang family, she asked Chengjun Yin over.

She told Xiao Liang, "You brought a child out of thin air back to the village. How will the people in the village see you? How will you explain it to the people in the village? You give me the child, and I will tell everyone that I gave birth to twins this time. People will doubt it."

Xiao Liang believed it and gave her everything the woman gave Xiao Liang.

She had never seen so much money. The moment she got the money, she swore that Xiaoliang would treat Chengjun Yin as his own son.

For the first few years, she did.

But people are selfish. When she realized that Cheng Dacai was no match for Cheng Junyin, she began to feel disgusted with Cheng Junyin.

When she realized that Cheng Junyin's family might never find him again, she began to change her attitude towards Cheng Junyin.

Cheng Dacai grabbed Liang's hand with a sinister look in his eyes, "Mom, little Liang can't live."

Liang's hand shook, and she subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but Cheng Dacai refused to let her go.

Cheng Dacai is forcing her to agree.

Liang's voice was short, "Son, Cheng Junyin's family hasn't come here for so many years. It's impossible for them to come back."

"They will!" Cheng Dacai said word by word, "It's not just me and me. Just Shan! Mom, I will recognize them!"

As long as he finds his family, he won't be afraid even if his leg cannot be cured for the rest of his life.

Ms. Liang looked into Cheng Dacai's dark eyes, her lips moved for a long time, and finally compromised, "Okay..."

Cheng Dacai let go of Ms. Liang's hand, "Mom, Brother Yun and I have decided to get married. ?"

Mrs. Liang nodded vigorously, "It's settled, he can't wait to marry you! There will be someone who can serve you better."



Cheng Dacai emphasized.

He asked: "Do you want someone of my status to marry a village boy? If my family knew about it, what would they think of me

? " Put yourself into the role of Cheng Junyin.

It's noon and the weather is hot.

Brother Yun in the yard felt cold from the soles of his feet. He was holding a lot of things in his hands and stared blankly at the closed door in front of him.

These things were brought by Madam Liang to his house just now to propose marriage. He hoped that Madam Liang would treat him better after he got married, so he secretly took these things back.

Now it seems that he is just being sentimental.

There was a sound at the door of the wing, and he was forced to pull back from his thoughts and ran out with the things in both hands.

After running for an unknown amount of time, he stopped and leaned against the wall, panting.

"Are you okay?" A honest voice sounded in his ears. Brother Yun turned around and saw a wrinkled man looking at him with kindness in his eyes.

Brother Yun recognized him. He was a man from the Xiaoliang family, Cheng Ren.

Thinking of what he just heard, he panicked, shook his head and ran away.

He admitted that he scratched his head in confusion and quickly put the matter behind him.

The next day, Liang came to Mu's house to cancel the engagement with great fanfare.

Mrs. Mu cursed angrily, but Brother Yun calmly returned all the things Liang had brought to Mr. Liang, and withdrew the kiss without any emotion.

As a result, Brother Yun became the laughing stock of people all over the country. The carpenter felt that his face was disgraceful and his attitude towards Brother Yun became even worse. However, Brother Yun did not regret breaking off the engagement with Cheng Dacai.

After listening to Cheng Dacai's words, he just felt lucky.

Fortunately, he knew Cheng Dacai's true nature in advance before he fell into the fiery pit of Cheng Dacai.

If he really married Cheng Dacai, he was afraid that his life would not be saved.

After hearing this, Brother Tang and Cheng Junyin looked at each other with questions on their faces.

None of them thought that this matter could develop even more outrageously.

Brother Tang sighed slightly, "Husband, it's time to put away the sesame beans, chili peppers, right?"

Chengjun Yin put his hand on his belly, "

It's almost time." He raised his head and asked, "Why didn't he respond?"

Brother Tang put his hand down He put it on his belly and called softly, "Baby."

As soon as he finished speaking, Brother Tang felt something pressing against his palm through his belly.

He carefully raised his hand and signaled Chengjunyin with his eyes. Chengjunyin took the opportunity to put his face on the raised small handprint on his belly.

The moment Cheng Junyin's face was placed on it, the small handprint disappeared.

Brother Tang couldn't hold back his laughter. Chengjun Yin's face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Tang, he must have a problem with me!"

Brother Tang blinked and said nothing.

The baby doesn't like to talk to his husband.

He used to think it was just a coincidence, but it happened every time, and he was embarrassed to defend the baby.

Chengjun Yin pretended to be fierce and threatened Brother Tang's belly, "When you come out, I will spank you! Make you cry!"

Brother Tang covered his stomach, "No!"

Chengjun Yin Looking at Brother Tang protecting the calf, his eyes were full of resentment, "Brother Tang, you've protected him before he even came out?"

Brother Tang sighed, "Husband, why are you jealous of the baby!"

Chengjun Yin Holding Brother Tang in his arms, he said softly: "I won't be jealous with him, because you are my husband alone."

Brother Tang stretched out his finger, "Husband, you must keep your word."

Chengjun Yin hooked His fingers said firmly, "Of course."

Taotie rolled his eyes and turned his head to the other side.

It bets that if Chengjun Yin is not jealous, it will take Chengjun Yin's last name!

Brother Tang felt hot and said aggrievedly, "Husband, please don't hug me."

Chengjun Yin was sad because he was disliked by Brother Tang.

In order to continue to hug Brother Tang, he immediately got up and went to the kitchen.

He smiled when he saw a chunk of ice in the tub.

He took out the ice cube. When Brother Tang saw the ice cube, Brother Tang's eyes widened.

Chengjun Yin only asked, "Brother Tang, can I hug you now?"

Brother Tang said shyly, "If my husband wants to hug me, how can I refuse?"

Chengjun Yin looked down at the ice cube in his hand, "You..." That's not what he said just now.

"What am I?" Brother Tang opened his eyes wide and looked at him innocently.

Cheng Junyin silently placed the ice cubes in the corner of the wing, not daring to say the second half of the sentence.

Brother Tang stared straight at the ice cube and swallowed, "Husband, can this ice cube be eaten?"

Chengjun Yin smiled and said, "You can eat it, but you can't eat it now."

Brother Tang nodded regretfully and said, "Husband, I want to eat watermelon."

He looked down at his stomach and patted it gently. "A watermelon as big as my belly."

Chengjun Yin: "...I'll find it for you."

Tianchong Village doesn't grow watermelons. If you want to eat watermelons, you have to go to the county to buy them.

If he wanted to go back and forth to the county, it would take too long, and he couldn't worry about Brother Tang being alone at home, so he could only go to the village and ask to see who had it.

However, he asked the whole village but couldn't find a single watermelon. He was holding the money and wanted to ask the villagers to help him run an errand when he saw something rushing towards him.

He squinted his eyes and took a closer look. It turned out to be Taotie running towards him with a big, round watermelon in his mouth.

When he was about to run in front of him, Taotie deliberately slowed down, raised his ears, raised his brows, and grinned, and walked slowly and nonchalantly in front of him.

Cheng Junyin: "..." His fist became hard.

When he got home, Brother Tang had already eaten watermelon.

Seeing Cheng Juanyin, Brother Tang immediately handed the largest piece of chilled watermelon to Chengjunyin, his eyes widened with laughter, "Husband, eat the watermelon."

Chengjunyin took the watermelon and softened his eyebrows.

Brother Tang gently wiped off the sweat on Chengjun Yin's neck with the ropa, and said excitedly: "Husband, Taotie is so powerful, he found this melon."

Chengjun Yin paused with his hand and removed the food from his mouth. The watermelon made a crunching sound as he smiled and said, "There should be a watermelon field in the mountains. It would be a pity if the watermelons rot in the mountains. Why don't you let Taotie help bring it down."

Taotie froze.

"Taotie..." Brother Tang looked at Taotie, his eyes sparkling. Taotie covered his eyes with his paws to avoid looking at him, but after a while he couldn't stand it anymore and walked out with his head down and his shoulders down.

Picking melons on such a hot day will burn you to death!

Brother Tang relented, "Why don't we forget it, it's such a hot day."

Taotie paused and dug his claws into the ground nervously.

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