(Y/n) jolted awake to someone banging on the door. Frazzled, they sat up quickly and tossed their blanket aside, jumping up to wake Touya. However, he was not in his bed. "Uh, who is it? Dabi's not here," they called. The knocker giggled, and (Y/n) recognized who it was. A small smile tugged at their lips. "Good morning, Himiko. You can come in. What's up?" The young girl pushed the door open, grinning at the older villain.

"Hi! I was just... Well, I have to go pick up some drinks from the store, and... I dunno. I don't like going out alone much," she explained, frowning as her eyes fixated on the floor. (Y/n) simply smiled.

"Hey! Don't feel like you're bothering me, if that's what you're worried about. Say, give me ten minutes to wake up a bit, and we can go. Sound good?" Himiko smiled, eyes returning to (Y/n)'s.

"Thank you!! I was so nervous about asking... But, I wanna get to know you more too! You're nicer to me than the other villains are, so I want to... I dunno... Maybe be friends with you??" All (Y/n) could do was smile brighter at the teen's words.

"Of course we can be friends, kiddo. Gimme ten minutes and I'll meet you by the bar, okay?" Himiko nodded, leaving the room with a wide smile and a bit more pep in her step. (Y/n) watched, a bit of their inner child healing with every second that passed. They shook their head, shutting the door and beginning to change. As they undressed, their eyes caught the scars on their abdomen. They thought back to what Touya had said the night before and almost felt relief wash over them. Touya was everything they could want, but they couldn't get too carried away. They needed to focus until their goal was achieved. Then, they could do whatever the hell they wanted. Including Touya.

After getting ready and stretching a bit, (Y/n) went out to talk with Himiko. They quickly chatted in the kitchen, leaving the building shortly after. They walked for a while into the city, stopping at a gas station so that Himiko could buy her drinks. (Y/n) began to feel uneasy. They couldn't place it, but they felt like they were being watched. Instinctively, they hovered around Himiko, eyes darting around the area constantly. Once the drinks were paid for, the two left the store, Himiko walking out first. Suddenly, red wings crossed (Y/n)'s vision. Their eyes widened and they quickly shoved Himiko as hard as they could, making her tumble face first into the concrete. She let out a quick scream as she fell, looking up to see what was happening. (Y/n) stood between her and Keigo, who was standing just before them. He snickered, sizing them up. "Well, well, well. What a surprise we have here..." (Y/n) blinked away their tears, patting their sides and mentally cursing themselves for not thinking to bring a knife. They raised their fists, eyes glued onto Keigo.

"Leave her the fuck alone." Himiko quickly jumped up, knife raised, slicing at Keigo. A masked man grabbed her from behind, picking her up off the ground. She kicked and screamed, flailing her weapon around. (Y/n), without missing a beat, grew into a shadow the height of the gas station, releasing a blood-curdling scream at the man who had grabbed Himiko. The man began to shake, but Keigo rolled his eyes.

"It's all fake, remember?" He stated, eyes scanning the area that (Y/n) had been before reaching his hand out and wrapping it around where he assumed was their neck. He assumed correctly, and (Y/n)'s fake figure quickly disintegrated as their hands wrapped around Keigo's wrist, trying to break free. He held them above the ground, watching their face grow pale with amusement. Himiko continued screaming and flailing until Keigo ordered the man holding her to knock her out. The man complied, and the girl's screams finally silenced. (Y/n) was slowly passing out from the lack of oxygen, grip tight around Keigo's wrist. "Happy to see me, Love?" He sneered, finally letting them drop to the ground. They jumped right up, grabbing his sandy blonde hair and pulling his head down into their knee. He jumped back, startled, clutching his head. "Not what I was expecting for a welcome present."

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