"It's only fair that you go first though. I've answered a ton of your questions already, y'know," (Y/n) suggested. Touya agreed with a nod.

"Fine. If you're so desperate to know... I don't know." (Y/n) frowned, raising their eyebrows at him. "I lost myself when Touya died. I don't know who I am or how I act. I just... I do what feels right. And if that means throwing shit on Hands for bossing me around, but letting you do whatever the hell you want, then I'm gonna do it. There's no real reason. It just feels like what I'm supposed to do." The room was silent for a minute as the two stood awkwardly.

"Makes sense. I think we've all lost a part of ourselves. We're villains, after all." Touya scoffed.

"That's your favorite thing to say, huh?" (Y/n) shrugged.

"It's true."

"Ok, well, now you gotta tell me what the fuck happened." They chuckled, shaking their head and sitting down on Touya's bed.

"Well... It was kind of a lot... We were on a mission together. It was my first mission as a member of this group, and we were sent to talk to an ally group leader because she had cut ties to our group and was sending threats. We went in together but knew that something was wrong. We knew there was a trap. We should've turned back right then and there, but we thought we could handle it." They stopped to shake their head again with a scoff. "Man. Now that I think about it, I was stupid as hell the whole time. I even suggested we split up. I was so confident that I could take on whatever villains approached me despite having no advantage..." Touya nodded, sitting down on the bed beside them, his eyes trained on them as they continued to tell the story.

"There was this one villain that found me and held me at gunpoint. They seemed to be doing it against their will, so I used that to my advantage. They brought me down to a cell, and when I fought back, I noticed how badly they were shaking. I told them I wasn't gonna hurt them and..." They paused again to laugh at themselves. "I put my fucking weapons down. I laid every single weapon I had out in front of them. And that terrifies me because... I would do that. I have a soft spot for villains doing things against their will... God, I hate that about me..." Touya shook his head.

"You did what anyone would've done. Hell, I probably would've done the same if it meant that I got what I needed out of them..." (Y/n) shook their head.

"I didn't do it because I needed to get something out of them... I did it because... I really empathized with them... I did it because if I were in their situation, I would've felt so much better if the person I was forced to hold captive was patient with me and laid down their weapons, if they went out of their way to make me feel comfortable... I saw myself in them; that's why I did it. I was a selfish bastard and I should've been less focused on myself and more focused on the mission." Touya wanted to interject, but wasn't sure how to respond. Anything he wanted to say he figured (Y/n) would shut down immediately.

"It turned out that it was an act all along to get me to lay down my weapons, and they were never scared at all. They were doing it fully of their own accord with a strong bond of loyalty to their leader. A bunch of other members dropped down around me from the ceiling, forcing me to go into the cell. There wasn't anything else I could do anyway. I was useless... After a bit, the leader came in and let me go. She was... She was horrible... She convinced me that you were dead, then let me see you as if I wasn't allowed to be around you... And... When I saw you... You started calming me down and comforting me, but then suddenly switched it around.

"You pushed everything onto me. I was the bad guy. I was the one who forced a friendship onto you. I was the one who forced us to work together constantly. You were never ok with it... You were lying the whole time to make me feel better... And then..." Their voice broke and they shook their head yet again, looking up so their teary eyes met Touya's gaze.

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