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"I'm waiting for an explanation," the man before the two spoke. Dabi shook his head, briefly stepping in front of (Y/n).

"They've already accepted the offer, Hands. So you can fuck off now. Thanks a lot for all your help," he fired, letting out a scoff at the end. "Now get out of the way; I'm gonna need a shit ton of whiskey to deal with your shit." Shigaraki only rolled his eyes, glancing past him and to the figure behind him.

"You stepped in front of them like you're trying to protect them. I'm not letting someone weak join. If they need to be protected in every situation then we'll nev-"

"Hey, asshole! I have ears, y'know." Shigaraki flinched as (Y/n) was suddenly behind him. He chuckled, turning to face them.

"Teleportation? How classic."

"Wrong again." Now they were dangling from the ceiling, sticking to it as if they were spiderman. His eyebrows furrowed as he thought.

"Super speed. Basic."

"Boo." He jumped once again as they were somehow floating upside-down in front of him, their face inches from his. He stumbled over his next guess as he watched their face slowly melt and contort, their eyes blackening and bulging from their sockets as if they would pop out at any second. Their tongue hung loosely from their mouth, reaching down longer than a normal tongue should. He watched carefully as they became a horrendous creature with tattered wings darker than night, their mangled limbs more counterproductive than anything. He shook his head, clearing his throat as he drew his eyes away. (Y/n) gave him a sinister, chilling smile before slowly forming back into their human body. They smiled and glanced to Dabi. "No need to protect me. I could beat your ass in a fight anyway, so it wouldn't do much good for a weaker person to protect a stronger one, especially considering our line of work." The male stood speechless, utterly confused, and starstruck by the experience he had witnessed.

"What the hell was that?" Was all he could muster. (Y/n) simply smiled, turning to Shigaraki.

"I presume I'm still a part of the team?"

"Of course you are. How the fuck can I turn that down? You're hideous. You'll fit right in," he said, not even bothering to look at them as he pushed past, continuing to the staircase and then to his room. The two left in the room remained silent for a moment.

"Well... That was certainly something. Is he your boss?"

"Yeah, and he's your boss too now. He's shitty to deal with. I was hoping he didn't try to bother you within your first day, but that man has a mind of his own, y'know." (Y/n) scoffed.

"If he's that shitty then why don't you just leave? You can create your own organization, or just do what you want on your own. No one has to tell you what to do; you're a villain for fuck's sake!" Dabi thought about their words hard. He couldn't deny that they were right, but something told him to just go with it. There had to be a trick somewhere.

"Yeah, and it's my choice on who I want or don't want to obey. He's an asshole, but he's not an idiot. Now come on, the kitchen's over here." And with that, he continued towards the kitchen. (Y/n) paused for a moment to watch him, then slumped their shoulders, accepting defeat in the argument and trailing behind him. Dabi poured a shot of whiskey and set it on the bar. (Y/n) sat on one of the stools, eyeing the shot carefully.

"A whole ass bar in this kitchen? How much rent do you guys pay for this??" They asked, leaning over the table to be closer to Dabi. He shrugged.

"As far as I know, this place was abandoned and Hands found it and kinda just, y'know, moved in. Nothing else really to it," he said, pouring himself a shot and taking it instantly. He hid his face as it twisted for a moment at the bitterness, but he cleared his throat and looked back to (Y/n). "What's your quirk anyway? 'Cause that was some batshit crazy shit you pulled back there." They laughed, picking up the shot glass and swirling it around with their fingers.

𝘛𝘙𝘜𝘚𝘛 •𝐭. 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐲𝐚•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang