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Kicking their legs off the edge of the roof, (Y/n) took a few more hits from their cigarette until it ran out. They put it out on the concrete, throwing it down to the ground. They pushed their hair behind their ears, messing with the strands stuck to their forehead from the downpour they were sitting in. They couldn't sleep, even with Melatonin, so they had gone up to the roof to pass the time. Fishing the pack of cigarettes from their pocket, they cursed when they found it empty. They crumpled it in their hand, tossing it to the ground. They let out an exasperated sigh, leaning their head back to let the rain pelt against their face and roll off their cheeks. After another few minutes, they picked themselves up, wringing out their clothes and stepping down the ladder. They kicked off their shoes by the front door and silently returned to Touya's room. He was asleep with one arm hanging limply off the edge of his bed. They rummaged through their belongings, pulling out some comfy clothes to sleep in. Then, without a second thought, they pulled off their shirt, letting it drop to the floor. "Damn, didn't think you'd start stripping for me." (Y/n) jumped out of their skin, whipping around to face Touya.

"Fuck! Stop scaring the shit out of me like that!!" He merely chuckled, pushing himself up into a sitting position. "I didn't think you were awake. Can you at least look away while I take my pants off?" He hummed, propping his elbows onto his knees and clasping his hands.

"Actually, I'd rather see what I'm working with." (Y/n)'s face flushed.


"You want me so badly, I might as well see what you hide under all that baggy clothing." (Y/n)'s jaw hung open a bit, but they eventually forced their mouth closed and sighed through their nose, turning away from him curtly.

"Fine. Turn the light on if you care that much." Touya's smirk faded at their sullen tone. Hesitantly, he stood and crossed the room to hit the switch. He turned, eyes meeting (Y/n)'s as he studied their face first, admiring the way the light reflected off the raindrops stuck to their skin. His eyes trailed down to their body, also decorated with reflective sparkles. His gaze was quickly fixed on the scars that covered their stomach. A large scar across the center of their abdomen caused the skin around it to fold creating stretch marks and small rolls. Much smaller scars littered the area around it, and Touya recognized a majority of them to appear to have been self-inflicted. "There. Happy now?" He frowned, approaching (Y/n) and pulling them into a hug. "Well, this is unlike you," they joked, laughing half-heartedly as they hesitantly wrapped their arms around him.

"Just shut up and accept the affection," he muttered, gently kissing their neck. They shivered, melting in his embrace a little more. His lips hovered over their ear, his hot breath against their skin causing goosebumps to pop up all along their body. "You're beautiful. You shouldn't have to feel like you need to hide yourself for your imperfections," he whispered, pulling away to gently trace each and every scar with his fingertips. "These scars are just as beautiful as you." (Y/n) shook their head, pulling away from him.

"They're just reminders of past mistakes. They'll never go away, so I have to live with the pain they've caused. Every time I see them, I just think of all the things I did wrong or what I could've done differently. All of these could've been avoided so easily, but y'know, Keigo." Touya nodded, his warm fingertips resting against the large scar, lightly tapping on it.

"Did he do this?" (Y/n) scoffed.

"He technically did them all, but yeah. That was the end: his parting gift, if you will. I almost fucking died because of it, but I managed to get the bleeding stopped and I stitched it up myself. I crawled for a few days until I came across someone who could call for help. I was dehydrated, starving, and suffering severe blood loss and internal trauma. Almost fucked up my whole system, but after a month in the hospital, they managed to fix up the issues and do a better stitching job. I was lucky he didn't push the knife any further, or I might not have survived. I think he wanted me to survive just to watch me suffer," they explained. Touya nodded, taking in their body again.

"That's what drove you to restart." They nodded and sighed, picking up their shirt from the floor. "Awh, all that and I don't get to see you take your pants off?" They laughed, glancing at Touya with a smirk.

"You still want to, even after seeing how hideous I am underneath?" He frowned, taking their chin into his hand and gently kissing them.

"You're beautiful, scars and all." Butterflies flitted around in (Y/n)'s stomach as their face grew a deep shade of red.

"Damn you..." They muttered, jerking their head away from him and stepping back, untying the drawstring of the sweatpants Touya had lent them. "I promise I'll throw these into the dryer for you," they said, pulling the pants off and throwing them towards the wet shirt. Without missing a beat, they began to pull on a shirt. Touya grabbed their wrist.

"Ah, ah, ah. Why don't you put on a show for me, Darling?" (Y/n) groaned, dropping the shirt and standing directly in Touya's view, allowing him to take in every bit of them. A smile spread across his lips. "Beautiful. Do a twirl." They rolled their eyes but complied, slowly turning to show him everything they had to offer. He simply smiled as his eyes left no inch of (Y/n) unseen. "See? That wasn't so bad now, was it?" They shrugged, finally pulling on their shirt.

"Whatever. I'm tired, so I'm gonna take some more Melatonin and pass out. I suggest you go back to bed too."

"Awh, got me all bricked up for nothing," he teased. (Y/n) chuckled, pulling on their sweatpants and tying the drawstring.

"We've done enough today, don't you think? Now get some rest. I have a feeling Hands isn't gonna be too happy about us talking in a pitch too high at two in the morning," they joked, taking three pills and picking up the glass of water from the floor and downing them all in one gulp.

"Well, I hope you can actually get some sleep now." (Y/n) nodded.

"I hope so too. I ran out of cigarettes, so I'm shit out of luck if I can't," they explained. Touya clicked his tongue, shutting off the light and going back to his bed.

"I've got some. Just wake me if you can't seem to sleep. I don't mind late or sleepless nights at all," he said, the darkness of the room hiding his smile. (Y/n) shrugged, sitting on the floor and pulling their blanket over them, resting their head on the pillow.

"Thanks. I'll think about it. But get some sleep in the meantime, alright?" Touya hummed, rolling onto his back to stare at the ceiling, getting lost in his thoughts.

"Hey..." He said, shooting a glance to (Y/n).


"What are we?" (Y/n) was silent for a minute.

"We're villain partners." Now it was Touya's turn to be silent. He wanted to be something more, but he knew that it wasn't in (Y/n)'s plan. It was clear they wanted him, but it was unclear in what way they wanted him. If it would help him get a ring on their finger, he didn't mind being an object to them for a little while longer. If not, well, he made it clear to (Y/n) he wasn't going to ever tolerate being used. He wondered if (Y/n)'s malicious sexual behavior came from Keigo and whatever the hell he did to them. He swore vengeance on the son of a bitch, for (Y/n)'s sake.

"Alright. Goodnight, Darling."

"Night, Love."

Word count: 1320

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