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"Fuck... Man, that shit fucked with my head..." (Y/n) muttered, rubbing their temples as they sat up and pushing the blanket off of them. Dabi chuckled, sliding his boots on and standing from his bed.

"Well, yeah. It does that. Sleep well?"

"What kinda question... I drugged myself to fall asleep; how do you think I slept?"

"Well?" They stared at him blankly for a moment.

"Yes. Very. I will say, I forgot my own name for at least a second after I woke up. So, congratulations on achieving that, I guess." Dabi hummed, taking his jacket and pulling it on over his shirt.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" They thought for a moment before shaking their head with a sigh.

"No... I don't even remember actually, y'know, drugging myself. I just know that I did it. What even happened?" (Y/n) asked as they stood up from the floor with a small stretch. Dabi looked at them with a smirk, wondering just how much he could mess with them.

"I railed you so hard into my floor you forgot your own name." (Y/n) almost choked on their own laughter. They wheezed and coughed, sitting on his bed to keep them from falling over. Finally, they wiped tears from their eyes, calming down enough to respond to him.

"Alright, Mr. 'Not-Interested-In-Relationships.' Did you think I was gonna fall for that??" He chuckled and shook his head.

"It was worth a shot. The look on your face would've been the best thing I've seen all year if you had. And I'm not interested in relationships. I'll keep repeating it until you believe it," Dabi explained.

"Uh-huh. But you're interested in me?"

"I was. I was trying to confirm if you were the villain that worked at the bar. I already explained this to you las- Oh, right, nevermind." (Y/n) held in a laugh.

"Sure. By the way, what's my quirk?" Dabi blinked, staring at them with visible shock that he was trying and failing to hide. They stared at one another for a minute or two before Dabi sighed and broke eye contact, looking to the side. "Won again, bitch."

"You're really starting to piss me off, you know." (Y/n) smirked, standing up and stepping closer to Dabi to where they were only inches apart. (Y/n) was nearly as tall as he was, so they were almost at eye level. Though, in Dabi's boots, he was a little taller than he normally was. (Y/n) frowned, upset at the fact that they couldn't use height to intimidate him.

"I told you before. You'll wanna get rid of me as fast as you wanted to recruit me," they said, not breaking eye contact with Dabi. He simply shrugged, glancing to (Y/n)'s clothes briefly before returning to their eyes.

"Well according to you, you're useless without weapons. In that case, I could probably kill you right here and now." (Y/n) hummed, maintaining eye contact as they began to grow taller, soon surpassing Dabi's height. They grew until they hit the ceiling and then some. They bent their head as to fit inside the room and smiled down at Dabi.

"You're forgetting that I have a final resort..." They said, their voice deep and robotic. Their smile began to expand until their lips almost seemed to stretch off of their face. Their eyes widened and bulged a horrific black again, but this time, there seemed to be a white pupil in the center of their dark circles. Dabi rolled his eyes, taking a step back just to be cautious. (Y/n)'s hand began to grow to nearly the size of their head, and their fingers grew longer and thinner. They let out a deep, bone-chilling chuckle, and their hand shot out at Dabi faster than he could react. Next thing he knew, he was held inches above the ground by his neck. Once he got a grip on reality, he grabbed (Y/n)'s wrist and set it on fire. They seethed, dropping him and quickly shrinking back to their normal size. They shook their hand, wincing as the burn marks began to blister. "Thanks, asshole. I deserved that, but damn, I was just messing with you."

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