Final Preparation (036)

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Hello hello! I almost forgot to write today XD (Thursday)

Anyways lemme think of what to do for this chapter before I write it. Oh and I broke the wall today. (Dumbledore said calmly)

How? Well... By accidentally putting my thumb on a hole and then forcefully pulling it out... (I was trying to find the light switch ok?)

 (I was trying to find the light switch ok?)

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So uh... Yeah....

Sorry mom and dad :3

Anyways let's start the chapter! I've got ideas already! :D
No one's POV:
Everyone had a great sleep before Mizuki suddenly woke them all up from their peaceful slumber. "Everyone, wake up! " Mizuki said, hitting a pan with their hand not too harshly. Tsukasa groaned before speaking "What do you want Mizuki..? " Tsukasa rolled around and groaned as he kept on hearing Mizuki hit the pan with their hand. It was already about 10AM so that's probably why Mizuki woke all of them up. (Spoilers : no)

Once everyone got up, Mizuki let all of them wash their faces and brush their teeth first. (Let's just say they brought their own toothbrush too, lmfao.) They took a while since there's only one sink, some of them even got water on each other.

Once finished, Mizuki and Ena handed everyone their meals, all well and prepared. Everyone thanked them and ate. "Eeek! It tastes great, Mizuki-chan!!! " Emu said happily, enjoying her food as Nene calmed her down a bit or else she might choke. Emu eventually calmed down and enjoyed her food with Nene and the others.

Everyone's food was differently flavored, some are strawberry, some are blueberry, some are apple, etc. Tsukasa got the strawberry one and Rui got the apple one. Since they got different flavors, they shared their food together. Tsukasa was about to get a small piece of Rui's food before Rui stopped him, kissing him on the lips instantly before pulling away. Tsukasa could taste the apple flavor in his mouth before pulling away and getting flustered. Rui chuckled as he did that as a small payment for his food.

Tsukasa rolled his eyes playfully before getting a small piece and eating it then continuing eating his food. Mizuki giggled a bit at the sight, knowing that Rui likes to make Tsukasa flustered. Rui then continued to eat his food before also getting some of Tsukasa's food and eating it. Rui smiled and hummed a soft melody to himself as he ate.

After 15 minutes

After about 15 minutes, everyone already finished their food and played around before Mizuki suddenly slammed the pan with a spoon, making it even louder than before. Mizuki did it again, catching everyone's attention. "Alright! I asked Akito, Toya, and Mina to come here to practice with us, so be prepared to practice! " Mizuki said as Ena grinned, she got to see the show early. (I'm so sorry, I forgot Mina the last 2 chapters 💀) "And you, " Mizuki said as they pointed to Ena, making Ena a bit confused. "Go to our room, you're not gonna watch the show early! " Mizuki said, knowing what Ena wants to do. "Aww, why??? " Ena asked, frowning as she placed her hands on her hips, snarling at Mizuki. "Well... Fairness of course! " Mizuki said, pointing out the obvious, at least to her. Ena snarled again before getting her pleading puppy eyes on action. "Pleaaaaaase~? " Ena asked again, Mizuki blushed again before letting a sigh slip out of their mouth. Mizuki knew Ena wasn't going to stop unless they said yes so Mizuki had no choice but to agree. "Ugh, fine. " Mizuki scoffed a bit. Ena jumped happily before sitting on their couch as the others sat on the ground, waiting for Toya, Akito, and Mina to arrive.

After a while of talking, they heard a knock on the door and Mizuki immediately went to go get it. "Hello!" Mizuki greeted as they smiled, letting them in their dorm. "Take a seat! " Mizuki said as they sat down next to Ena on the couch. They all didn't bring their paper so if they forget their lines then there's nothing else they can do, very similar to being on stage. Mizuki cleaned up the place a bit so that they can practice properly.

After a bit of cleaning, everything was ready, well except everyone's outfit, 5/8 people was using pajamas. But besides that, everything was ready, Mizuki even got mics ready to be used. (Those ones where u just put on your ear, yk?)

They started off by introductions. They greeted and then started to read the script one by one by memory. It was going very smoothly, no one made mistakes. Well... Until Mizuki tripped again. "Mizuki, you really need to be careful with the stairs... " Rui said, dissapointed and worried. "Haha, yes I will make sure to be careful..! " Mizuki said awkwardly before standing up and dusting off the invisible dust, everyone then continued like nothing happened.

As they continued practicing, Mizuki still can't help but remember the awkward moment where they tripped, almost falling face first. But besides that, everything went pretty well and Mizuki made sure to not trip on the stairs again. Ena saw it and couldn't help but giggle as she found it quite amusing for her girlfriend (or boyfriend?? I actually don't know) to trip nearly falling face first, Ena only found it amusing since she's not harmed of course.

They eventually finished the first practicing, resting for a few minutes before continuing it again. They talked to each other and sharing their opinions on what they can improve, like Mizuki's stability, sometimes their stuttering , and sometimes their slow thinking. They all agreed and after a while they decided to practice again. Ena found the story quite amusing, it was definitely a drama and romance type. Ena liked it and she was really glad to see the show early, the story was to her liking. Each time Mizuki finished her line smoothly and went down the stairs WITHOUT tripping, Ena will reward her with a small kiss on her cheek, making Mizuki happy.

They practiced, saying what they need to say and make sure they don't stutter. The practice went quite well, Mizuki didn't trip, and they're all speaking a bit more smoother.

They made sure to practice a few more times, just in case if it wasn't enough. Each time they practiced, it gets better. After about 3 hours, they decided it was enough practicing. Eventually they decided to just sleep on the floor due to exhaustion. Mizuki gave everyone blankets and pillows, turning off the lights afterwards.

Eventually they all fell into another peaceful slumber.
Words : 1110 (Without end's notes)
If ya can't tell the story's gonna end soon at maybe chapter 40-ish. :3


Anyways, I might take a break soon since I have some things to do, but uh, I will see you soon~!

Ily, and buh-bye!! <3

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