Dinner (009)

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The reason why it's taking SO LONG is because I started this story off with literally NOTHING planned- So uhm yeah-

Forgive me-
Tsukasa's POV:
I sat next to Rui as usual, My sister Saki is sitting next to me. We chatted a bit together before Toya told us to order some food. Toya handed Akito the menu first since he was next to him.

Eventually it was my turn to order food. I took a good look of the menu before ordering, I just ordered some rice, soup, and vegetables, nothing special.

I passed the menu to Rui, I didn't even notice he was watching me order the whole time. I watched as Rui ordered food for himself, as usual there's no vegetables only meat and he's that tall? It's really weird... But I dont really care anyways.

We all waited for the food to arrive, We chatted as we waited. I talked with Rui about the randomest stuff, Rui told me that he was working on robots and stuffs it sounded great! But hopefully it's not a machine to send me to space again..

After what felt like hours of chatting, the food was finally here! I used a chopstick to eat my rice as usual, A spoon to drink my soup of course! And for the veggies I will just use my chopstick too.

I took a bit of the rice then some of the vegetables, it tasted pretty decent to be honest. Suddenly Rui faces me and gives me a warm smile, Suddenly I felt a fuzzy warm feeling in my chest, it's not usual? I'm not sure what has gotten up to me lately...

Suddenly I heard Rui popping a candy in his mouth, it was a soda candy of course, it's really weird that he brings soda candy with him everywhere...
(Rui, Tsukasa)

"Why are you popping a soda candy into your mouth in the middle of dinner?... " I whispered to him.

"Fufu, You know my love for soda candies, Tsukasa-kun! " Rui whispered back as he chuckled, What did I expect from him? Him laughing makes me feel slightly fuzzy, I don't think this is normal but I ignored it.

"Why are you blushing, Tsukasa-kun? " Rui pointed out, I didn't even notice?!

"Ah, uhm.. Ignore it for now! " I said putting on an awkward smile on my face, sweat was forming slightly.

Rui faced back to eat his dinner, He seemed happier after eating soda candies! I'm glad that he's happy at least, He looks cute!
Hold up, cute?-
I thought to myself why I said that, I eventually just thought it was my mind and brushed it off, I continued to eat my dinner and smiled.

I eventually started to stare at Rui non-stop, It felt like I wasn't even controlling my own body? There's for sure something wrong with me towards Rui...

I kept on thinking eventually I forgot to eat my food making Rui look at me slightly concerned.

"Tsukasa-kun, Why aren't you eating? " Rui asked slightly worried as I zoned out.

"Oh nothing! I'm fine, Trust me!.. " I said as I put on an awkward smile on my face.

"Fufu, Okay then, you look cute by the way! " Rui said and acted like it was on purpose, did he say that on purpose or not? I have no idea tho, but my chest started to feel warm and fuzzy when Rui said that again.

Meanwhile Rui's POV:
I was concerned for Tsukasa for not eating and I accidentally called him cute... It was an accident I hope he doesn't notice it.

Back to Tsukasa's POV:
I was still kinda curious why Rui called me cute, Eventually both of us brushed it off. Everyone chatted and ate their food happily, So was I? It was a great dinner! I was glad Toya invited me.
(Rui, Toya, Tsukasa)

"Thanks for inviting me, Toya! " I thanked Toya happily as it was a fun dinner.

"Me too! Thanks, Aoyagi-kun! " Rui thanked Toya.

"Ah! You're welcome, Kamishiro-senpai, Tsukasa-senpai! " Toya said with a smile.

Me and Rui waved our goodbyes before we left to go back to our dorm. As we went back, Rui told me something.

"Tsukasa-kun, I have something to show you later! " Rui said and I nodded.

"Okay, Is it a gift? " I asked Rui as we walked back to our dorm. Rui nodded, It was indeed a gift! Rui chuckled as I smiled at him, Seeing Rui smile makes my chest feel fuzzy and warm...
Maybe I should ask Miku and the others about this?..

I was zoning out again, Rui looked at me concerningly since I zoned out lots of times, more than usual today.

"Tsukasa-kun, What's bothering you today? Anything wrong? " I barely heard him until he tapped my shoulder.

"Hm? Oh! Ah uhmm.. I'm okay, don't worry! " I said with an awkward smile again since... Well there's not really a reason. Rui's gentle and warm smile makes my chest feel warm and fuzzy again, What's this feeling?..

"Alright, If you say so, Tsukasa-kun.. " Rui said, he sounded genuinely sort of concerned, But I swear, I'm okay.

Eventually we arrived at our dorms, we went back to our dorm and changed our clothes to some pajamas. I suddenly remembered, Rui prepared a gift for me.

"Rui you said you're giving me something, Right? " I reminded Rui since he nearly forgot.

"Oh right! I almost forgot! Fufu, thanks for reminding me, Tsukasa-kun! " Rui thanked me, Rui's smiles and laughs makes my chest feel fuzzy for some reason.

I waited as Rui went to grab something from somewhere else, it seems like he hid it somewhere a bit far.

After a few minutes he came back and handed me the gift.

"Here, Tsukasa-kun! It's a lamp that will make you sleep slightly better since I saw you having some sleeping problems a few days ago! " Rui said as he handed me the lamp, I took it with a nice smile and inspected it.

The lamp was purple and yellow, It looked really nice! I really liked it, I thanked Rui for the nice gift, I was really happy! I put it next to my bed before I went to hug Rui, a light red blush tinted our cheeks but we didn't really notice it.

I went to sit on my bed and I turned the lamp on, the lamp was an ordinary lamp except the light around it was orange, yellowish, and purplish, I really liked the colors! It was also projecting some stars, I liked the lamp and I thanked Rui once more before I fell asleep since I was really tired from the dinner invite.
Word count : 1140 (Without ends note)

I goddamn almost skipped dinner so I could finish this chapter before 9pm-
I added some more romantic parts here so yeah!
Yes I'm hinting them be coming lovers soon in a few chapters.
I really hoped you liked this chapter!
Thanks for reading!
See you next chapter! ♥︎
(I will see you on Jan 9 2024 actually since my vacation... Yk)

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