Hm, you're looking better than before! (028)

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Hey, bitchesss (Don't mind the rude way of greeting, I was bored and not in the mood to write this story 💀)

How r y'all :^

Idk how are y'all but I do know that I want to cry bc of this.


Ahem, anyways... I hate this.

AHEM, ANYWAYS ANYWAYS... This chapter will be... Idk boring maybe, idrk I don't like re-reading my stories to make sure they are written properly or not boring 💀

So like, don't be shy, give me your story ideas :3 (please. :[ )

Thanks to all the people's that gave me story ideas :D

I wanna eat ice cream so bad but I can't bc I'm sick.

Ahem, let's start the story bc I'm doing too much shit talking :D

Go go ٩( ᐛ )و
Rui's POV (Yes, again) :
I woke up, yawning and almost panicked since it was 9 AM which is way over class time, but I just remembered that we don't have school for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday because the show is starting soon.

I yawned heavily before petting Tsukasa's head gently, giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead before standing up and going to brush my teeth, shower, you know, just the things we do daily.

I washed my face to make myself more awake-ish since I was really sleepy. I rubbed my eyes before walking out of the bathroom.

As I walked out from the bathroom, I went to check on Tsukasa, making sure he's fine. I walked into the room, finding Tsukasa already awake and yawning.
(Rui, Tsukasa )

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I said, teasing Tsukasa a bit as he continued yawning, his bed hair was cute tho.

"Good morning.. " Tsukasa replied as he stood up, walking towards me.

I patted his head before checking if he's still sick or not, he seemed a lot better, but still a bit sick.

"Well, what do you want for breakfast? " I asked, Tsukasa thought for a while before saying that he wanted to eat some bread.

I went to find some bread that we recently bought. Since we haven't went to the grocery store for a while, I guess it won't be too bad if Tsukasa came with me to the grocery store.
(I'm seriously not in the mood to write this 😭 Day 2 of writing this chapter and I'm lazy af :D)

I grabbed two breads, one for Tsukasa and the other one for me.

"Here's your bread, Tsukasa-kun." I said as I handed him the bread, I eventually ate my own as I watched Tsukasa go brush his teeth and do his stuffs first.

It took Tsukasa a lot shorter than usual, I'm guessing it's because the water is cold today. Oh welp, he seems to be okay so I don't really mind. I continued eating my bread before Tsukasa came out to eat.

"How are you feeling? " I asked as I took a sip of water.

"Moody." Tsukasa said as he frowned a bit, I chuckled softly before patting Tsukasa's head gently.

"I'm sure you'll get better later, do you want to go to the grocery store with me? " I asked as Tsukasa ate his bread.

"Hmm, sure. " Tsukasa said, I patted his head one last time before standing up.

"Okay then, make sure to get dressed properly." I said, making sure Tsukasa wears something more normal rather than what he usually wears in the dorm.

I went to walk around to check what to buy later in the grocery store, making sure we bought everything we are lacking of. After I finished writing the list down, Tsukasa seemed to finish eating too.

Tsukasa stood up and walked to me, hugging my waist. I chuckled softly before ruffling through Tsukasa's still messy hair.

"What's wrong? " I asked, he seemed sleepy.

"Can we go to the grocery store later..? " Tsukasa asked, I nodded since there's no need to rush.

"Sure, come here." I said, leading Tsukasa to the couch. I sat down and Tsukasa sat next to me, leaning onto me. I'm guessing Tsukasa's just sleepy today, not wanting to do anything since that happens pretty often after he gets sick.

"Well... What do you wanna do? " I asked, Tsukasa thought for a while, thinking of what we could do.

"Let's just sit here and cuddle for a while. " Tsukasa replied, I nodded and agreed. I took my phone as Tsukasa leaned and cuddled with me.

I scrolled on my phone as Tsukasa watched what I was watching, Tsukasa was staring at my phone like there was no tomorrow which was quite.... Creepy. I mean how is it not when someone is staring at your phone like theres no tomorrow.

I kept on scrolling and scrolling till I just remembered that Tsukasa haven't took his medications.

"Hey, Tsukasa-kun, did you take your medications? " I asked, Tsukasa seemed to be frowning.

"Fufu~ You thought you could skip your medications by not telling me? I'm gonna go grab your medications." I said as I stood up, Tsukasa sighed and waited as I went to take the medications and a cup of water.

I found the medications and got the cup of water, I went to give it to Tsukasa. I also got a candy for Tsukasa to eat afterwards since the pill is bitter.

"Here, take it." I said, giving it to Tsukasa.

Tsukasa looked at the pills before swallowing them and drinking water, tasting the bitterness. I immediately gave him the candy after. Tsukasa started to eat it, wanting to throw up because of the medications.

I patted his head gently and made sure he's not actually going to throw up. I sat down again next to Tsukasa as Tsukasa started to lean onto my shoulder. I scrolled on my phone as Tsukasa started to stare at my phone like there's no tomorrow again. Eventually Tsukasa fell asleep, I guess I won't mind letting Tsukasa take a small nap.
Words : 1013 (Without ends notes)
Hey :D
I finally finished writing this after 21 minutes past my bed time (if my mom noticed me still being awake my mom will kill me 💀)

But uh, hope you enjoyed? Idk, see you next chapter bc I don't want to get killed by my mom.

See ya :D

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