Arcade! (035)

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Hello, hello! :3
Weeeelcoooomeeee toooooo
Chapter 35! :D

Anyways uh, I think I will write quite a few words today, I think. (Bc I haven't written it yet when I wrote this.)

Oh right, the tests are next week lol XD

I don't really know what to talk abt anymore today so, let's go!
No one's POV:
After a while of shopping clothes, they all went to go to the 3rd floor to the arcade. They had some good talks as they went there, meanwhile as they got there, Mizuki saw a snack and decided to get it. The snack was rolled ice creams, Mizuki decided to get some vanilla flavored rolled ice creams with strawberry syrup and strawberry. It wasn't too expensive, and since Mizuki was buying it, the others kind of had to follow Mizuki there too.

It took around 3 minutes to finish making it, not too long. Mizuki paid and grabbed it, everyone started following Mizuki to the arcade. Mizuki ate their ice cream as they walked to the arcade. Rui would give constant small cheek kissed on Tsukasa's cheek, making him flustered.

After a while, they arrived at the arcade, going inside and looking around. "So, what should we play?? " Emu asked excitedly as Nene tried calling her down a bit since she's quite loud right now. "Hmm... Oh, that! " Mizuki said as she pointed at a game, it was a music game. The way you play it is by tapping and holding the button when the note hits a circle, tap and hold the squares in the screen, and slide on the screen when there's a star and arrows. (Guess the arcade! >:] Answer will be revealed next)

Everyone turned and looked. "Oh, MaiMai? Sure~! " Rui agreed, he played it quite a few times with Tsukasa so he was quite good at it. Nene, of course she has played it too, she's in fact really good at it since she's quite a fast learner, meanwhile Emu never played it before, but Emu seems super excited to play it. Mizuki noticed that there's 2 arcade machines and it's linked, player 1 and player 2. Since they don't have an even amount of people, Mizuki decided to not play since she's still eating.

Rui and Tsukasa went up first, they both had the card for MaiMai and so did Nene and Mizuki. Rui and Tsukasa swipped the card (was it swipe or not- I forgot 😭) and they got into their account. They looked around and then decided to play Hibana -Reloaded- on hard. They both got ready before starting to play it. As they were playing Rui was definitely tapping gently meanwhile Tsukasa was tapping... Quite harshly, but not too harsh until it breaks. Emu and Nene watched them before scoffing a bit.

Rui did quite good, 14 misses meanwhile Tsukasa did a bit worse 17 misses. "Good job, darling~" Rui praised softly as he kissed Tsukasa's cheek, making Tsukasa flustered. Rui chuckled a bit since he loved seeing and making Tsukasa flustered. "Well, now it's me and Emu's turn lovebirds, get out of the way, would you? " Nene said... Quite rudely. Rui chuckled a bit before nodding, since he was childhood friends with her, he was pretty much used to her rude attidute. Tsukasa rolled his eyes playfully before getting out of the way. Emu and Nene got up there and Mizuki gave Emu her card since she never played it before. Nene teacher Emu how to play as they played through the tutorial. It took a while but Emu got the hang of it pretty quickly.

Eventually Emu finished the tutorial, Nene and Emu picked a song, well... Emu did actually. Emu picked The Vampire. Emu played on easy while Nene played on Master, they both adjusted the settings a bit. After they did so, the game started, Emu and Nene were both doing really really good. The button noises Nene made was kind of loud, I mean... she's pressing quite some notes after all.

After the song ended, Nene managed to full combo, so did Emu. After that, they took turns and played, Mizuki eventually joining in too. They had fun together.

After about 20 minutes, they finished playing it, walking around to find some more games to play. Nene looked and noticed an arcade where you use a gun, a fake one obviously, to shoot a target. The high score was really close to the middle part of the target, but still they didn't hit it. The target was about 6 foot away. Nene looked interested and walked to it. But before that, Nene asked the others to wait first. " Can you guys wait here for a while? Maybe 2 minutes? " Nene asked, the other nodded as she went to the arcade machine. Mizuki looked interested so she followed her.

Nene grabbed the gun and aimed it before shooting it, hitting the middle of the target instantly. Nene gently clapped for herself before noticing a shocked Mizuki right next to her. "How the fuck did you hit that?! " Mizuki asked, still shocked, especially since she got it in first try. "Hmm, skills! " Nene said as she shrugged, giggling a bit. Mizuki rolled their eyes playfully before getting back with the others, Nene followed too after getting all the tickets it gave.

They walked around before seeing a bowling area, they decided to play it together since it had a limit of exactly 5 people. They got in after paying. They went one by one, having their own fun as they played. Tsukasa was quite good at bowling so he managed to get quite a few strikes, the others got less but Nene catched on pretty well.

After a while they left the bowling place full of laughters, (I skipped bc idk what to write 💀) they had quite some fun there. Rui gave Tsukasa a small gentle kiss on his cheek, a small reward for his win.

After hours, they had lots of fun, they played tons of machines; claw machines, shooting games, basketballs, (I have no idea what those are called, I'm very inexperienced bc of me barely going out 💀) etc.

They walked out of the arcade together as they talked. Mizuki then suddenly thought of an amazing idea, at least to them. "Wait, can I take a photo of you guys? " Mizuki asked, smiling happily. Tsukasa and Nene didn't think much and agreed, Mizuki giggled a bit before telling them what pose to do. "Rui, can you kiss Tsukasa's cheek, Emu, can you kiss Nene's cheek too? " Mizuki asked, Nene and Tsukasa's face immediately went red and shaked their heads. But before they could even say no, Rui and Emu already agreed. "Okay~! " Rui and Emu said in unison. "There's no turning back~" Mizuki said, having the biggest smug face on them.

Rui gently took Tsukasa's face closer and kissed his cheek as Emu did the same to Nene. Mizuki immediately took a pic before Tsukasa and Nene could even get mad. "Okay~ Done! " Mizuki said happily, they're definitely gonna send it to Ena later.

After all of that, they walked home together before getting a taxi for all of them. They went on the same taxi since they all live in the same school.

They talked as some of them would pull jokes, filling the car with laughters but not too loud.

Soon, they arrived back and then got back to their own dorms, all super tired. They changed and decided to have a sleepover at Mizuki's dorm, Ena was with them so why not add another person?

They decided to have dinner at Mizuki's dorm too. Mizuki nearly forgot and immediately went to make the food, it was simple rice and chicken. Mizuki was nearly done preparing until they suddenly heard a doorbell, they're here! Ena went to get the door, letting all of them in. "Hello! " Ena greeted happily. They all greeted each other before getting in, everyone already in PJ's. They all sat down at the floor as Mizuki brought the food, they all talked and enjoyed the food as Ena seemed a bit jealous, not because Mizuki was with them but because she didn't get to join the fun.

After a bit, Mizuki took everyone's plate and put them in the sink, walking back to them and continuing talking. They continued talking for... Quite a while until they finally felt sleepy. Ena already prepared the pillows and blankets, she brought them here and gave everyone a pillow. The blanket was large so they mostly shared it, well 2 blankets actually.

Eventually everyone fell into peaceful slumber after a tiring and long but fun day.
Words : 1454 (Without end's notes)
Hello :3
Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter! I'm sorry if I accidentally called Mizuki a "She/Her", it's most likely an accident bc I like to forget that Im supposed to use " They/Them".

But anyways, u can tell the end was rushed, it's way past my bedtime so I kinda had to rush it, hope you enjoyed it still!

See you, lovelies! <3

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