What are you up to? (012)

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Ahem pls don't mind why Rui trusted a stranger, I mean they didn't ask for personal stuffs like credit card number or whatever so uh yeah, wattpad story logic I guess lmao.

Also I was calling my best friend as I wrote this LOL.

Enjoy this chapter of randomness :D
Tsukasa's POV:
I just gave Rui a new soda candy, it was his favorite so I decided to buy it and give it to him. Rui happily thanked me for buying him his favorite soda candy.

After he thanked me, He went to the table where he left his blueprint at, I decided to follow him to see what he's about to do to the blueprint.
(Rui, Tsukasa)

"What are you doing, Rui? " I asked him curiously since I was sort of bored.

"Oh nothing, just seeing what I can add to my blueprint, fufu. " Rui replied. I looked at his blueprint and it was interesting.
(I'm not gonna say anything about the blueprint bc I am lazy.)

We eventually heard a knock on the door. I went to get it and it was An, she is our dorm neighbor. I asked her what's wrong and apparently we were a bit loud a few moments ago and she asked us why.
(Rui, An, Tsukasa)

"Why we're you guys so loud a few moments ago? I could literally hear screams, the wall isn't even that thin! " An asked us and... Well sort of complained I guess.

I explained to her that we were just playing pillow fight for fun since we were bored. An looked at us and thought for a while.

"Never expected you guys to play pillow fights together! " I looked at Rui and pointed at him, saying it was his idea.

"Well since you guys are usually bored, Wanna hang out? Me and Kohane are going on a date tomorrow! It would be nice to have extra people to talk to! " An invited us, I thought for a while and just agreed since we have literally not a single thing to do.
(Yes An and Kohane go on dates, I guess fake dates? Sort of but idrc, it's not a double date ok?? )

"Uh sure, how about you, Rui? " I agreed and asked Rui.

"Sure! " Rui agreed. An went inside our dorm to just talk about some stuffs.

We talked for a while as Rui was adding some stuffs to his blueprint. It was a good talk with An since we haven't talked for a while. Rui was still popping soda candies into his mouth as he added some changes to his blueprint, I mean what would you expect from a person that likes soda candies the most?

Mizuki walked by our dorm and noticed our dorm door was open, I.. Forgot to close the door.
(Rui, An, Tsukasa, Mizuki)

"Hey! Tsukasa-senpai, did you forgot to close your door?" Mizuki screamed not too loudly, then I just remembered I indeed did not close the door.

"Oh right, sorry! " I apologized then I rushed to close the door, I thanked Mizuki for reminding.
(I was bored ok? 😔)

Before I closed the door, Mizuki asked me what we were doing. I simply responded we were playing pillow fights earlier then An came here because we were sort of loud then we were chatting, Mizuki didn't have anything to do so she just asked if she can join us to talk about random stuffs since she was bored too. I let her in and we started to chat some more.

Eventually An asked what time it is and she just noticed she was supposed to go, We said our goodbyes and she left. Mizuki stayed a bit longer than An did, but she eventually left too, We had a decent time.
Miku's POV:
I was just sitting and seeing what Kaito would do to help them get together since we already knew they have the same feelings for each other.

We thought for a while and just decided to ask Rui to try to confess to Tsukasa.
Rui's POV:
I was just sitting and chatting with Tsukasa until I heard a notification, I looked at it was the same Unknown number, they said "Have you ever considered confessing to him? " They asked me, I was scared that he would reject me and abandon me and stuffs so I never confessed to him.

" Don't fear that he will abandon you or anything, Because I know he won't. " They told me, How would they know? I wasn't sure if I should trust them but I decided to just try to confess to him in the future, maybe a day or two later? I'm not very sure.

"Hey, Rui! " Tsukasa called out my name, tapping my shoulder. I quickly responded.

"Yes, Tsukasa-kun? " I replied, turning off my phone.

"Why are you zoning out? What were you looking at? " He asked me, I just told him that I was just thinking what to do.

It was nearly night time and tomorrow is Saturday. I told Tsukasa that im gonna grab a snack to eat since I was hungry, Tsukasa said he wanted to come too and I said sure. We went to see what snacks do we have and we have some chips, I decided to take the bag and eat some with Tsukasa.

We went back to our room and just watched some movies with a laptop and ate the chips, it was a pretty big bag so it lasted for a while. Eventually we got tired and sleepy from all the movie watching so we decided to sleep after watching the movie. I went to brush my teeth, wash my feet, etc before going onto the bed to sleep, It didn't take that long before I fell asleep, as I fell asleep I could clearly tell Tsukasa fell asleep quickly, I eventually slept too, it was a good sleep.
Words : 1014 (Without Ends Note)
Hi, weird chapter? Maybe, idrc I have to take some piano lessons soo.. 💀

Uh I guess Rui is confessing soon so, yeah..

See you next chapter ^^

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