Dinner... Date? (018)

251 1 43

Yeah uh, I literally nearly forgot to write this. Uhm I'm running out of ideas again hahahaha, GIVE ME IDEAS 👹

Ahem, aside from that, I totally didn't forget to add the image on the last 2 chapters :]

Oh yeah, how tf did this story nearly reach 2k views 💀 Anyways thanks tho :)

So this chapter will be, probably not very interesting so...

Enjoy :D (or not)
Rui's POV:
Since Tsukasa told me to wake him up an hour or two later, I decided to wake him up since it's been one hour.
(Rui, Tsukasa)

"Tsukasa-kun! Wake up, it's been an hour already. " I said as I shook him, waking him up.

"Huh? Oh right. Thanks for waking me up, Rui. " Tsukasa said as he went to wash his face a bit.

I just remembered about some blueprints I made a few days ago and I decided to continue it, since why not. Eventually, Tsukasa tapped on my shoulder, I turned around to face him since he looked bored, well sounded bored too.

"You're bored? " I said before Tsukasa could even say a thing.

"How'd you know? " Tsukasa said, seeming bored still. I just chuckled softly and replied.

"I could tell easily from your voice and looks, it's not too hard to tell. " I told Tsukasa as I edited my blueprints a bit.

Tsukasa just watched me since he was bored, I thought for a while and just remembered we haven't ate dinner, maybe we can go out to eat.

"So... Do you wanna go outside to eat? " I asked Tsukasa as I edited my blueprint, Tsukasa nodded.
(Oh yeah forgot to tell you guys, but I noticed that last time, the characters were barely speaking. So I guess just watch them have some conversation-ish stuffs?? Idk anymore lol.)

"Uh, very sudden, but sure! " Tsukasa's mood seem to already light up. I smiled softly before getting up.

Tsukasa was in his pajamas so he decided to change a bit since it would look kind of awkward. Tsukasa changed into his usual clothing and I looked at the map, looking at some restaurants to go. Eventually I decided where to go.

We both got ready and just got a taxi to go there since we don't have a drivers license.
(I think lmao. Pretty sure they don't drive, I mean if they do then that's a bit weird but ok.)

Eventually we arrived, I got out and lend a hand to Tsukasa, Tsukasa grabbed my hand and got out of the car. Tsukasa seemed quite excited, I chuckled softly before we got in to see what's in there.

We got a seat and sat down, the waiter gave us a menu to see what do we want, we thanked the waiter and took the menu to see.

"What do you want to eat, Tsukasa-kun? " I asked Tsukasa, waiting for a response.

Tsukasa was still reading what to eat since there was quite a lot. Tsukasa decided to get some ramen. I took the menu and just decided to eat some sushi, since I brought soda candies, I can just eat it when I want to eat some snacks or anything.

Eventually we ordered the food and waited for a while for the food to come. We chatted a bit as we waited, the drinks came in first since... Well you just pour them, how long would that take?

I drank some of my drink as I chatted with Tsukasa, waiting for the food. After a few minutes of chatting, the food arrived and we ate it. The sushi was quite good, I looked up to see Tsukasa. His mood definitely changed from before, he seems pretty happy.

We enjoyed the food quite well, it tasted really good. I waited for Tsukasa to finish his food as he enjoyed it. It took a while but Tsukasa finally finished, I drank one last sip of my drink before getting up and paid for the foods. I lead Tsukasa outside and got a taxi to get back.

"How was it, Tsukasa-kun? " I asked Tsukasa with my usual cat face since why not?

"It was pretty good! " Tsukasa said, his mood has drastically changed but, I'm glad he looks happier tho!
(Goddamn I'm writing a wattpad story in a mall with my classmates 💀 it feels weird 💀💀💀)

I got back to my dorm with Tsukasa, I changes into pajamas and laid on the bed. Tsukasa went to shower first before changing into his pajamas and laying next to me.

"I'm sleepy again... " Tsukasa said, I petted his head and chuckled softly.

"Then sleep! " I said.

Before I even noticed, Tsukasa already fell asleep in my arms, I chuckled softly before I got up slowly and went to edit my blueprint since I haven't really finished it.

I looked at what I could add and I just noticed I could make it sprinkle some confetti at the end of our show! I decided to edit it a bit to do the exact thing I said. It took quite a while but I managed to do add it. I decided to take a break halfway since I was a bit bored, I took my phone and scrolled.

I kept on scrolling on my phone and lost track of time basically. I was just scrolling and watching stuffs on my phone until I heard Tsukasa's voice.

"Rui, why are you still awake?.. " Tsukasa said as he yawned, I widened my eyes in shock as I looked at the time. It was nearly 1:30AM.

"Ah, I didn't notice. Fufu~ Sorry Tsukasa-kun. " I said as I put my blueprints back and closed my phone, I went to lay onto the bed next to Tsukasa.

Since Tsukasa was already asleep a few moments ago, Tsukasa fell asleep quickly. I kept on thinking on nonsense, trying to fall asleep as Tsukasa hugged my arm. I kept on thinking until I finally fell asleep.
Words: 1005 (Without ends note)
Uh yeah, from what you can see, I went to the mall since my classmate had a event thingy in the mall.

But uh, yeah nothing much its just a bit rushed.

Guys, I'm gonna post the next chapter on Wednesday bc my birthday is on Monday and I wanna take a few days off XD
(I added this afterwards bc I forgot. I fixed this again bc I wrote the wrong day 😍)

Anyways see you next chapter 👹👹👹

Bye 👹

Soon To Be - RuikasaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ