Truth Or Dare! (003)

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Tsukasa's POV:
I am truly scared of what Emu is going to do. Hopefully it's not romantical, I don't feel like embarrassing myself again.
(Rui, Emu, Nene, Tsukasa)

"I dare Tsukasa to cuddle with Rui for 5 minutes! "

"Hmm! " Emu thinked for a while before picking someone to do her truth or dare.

"I pick... Nene-Chan! " Emu said as she pointed at Nene. Nene seemed nervous

"Truth or dare, Nene-Chan? " Emu asked nicely in front of Nene.

"I pick... Truth" Nene picked Truth as she didn't want any weird dares.

"Nene-Chan, who do you like more? Me, Rui, or Tsukasa? " Emu asked Nene smiling widely yet curious.

"Ah, I like.. Emu more. " Nene seemed to like Emu better. I mean they are indeed dating
(Ok uhm.. Yeah they are don't mind!)

"Don't be so bitter, Nene! " Rui said jokingly

"It's not like I like you more than Emu! " Nene said back jokingly too. They are just good childhood friends, but Nene would prefer Emu more.

"Okay then. Who's next? " Rui asked. If it was Rui I'm hoping he won't pick me.

"Your turn, Rui-kun! " Emu said happily as she knew Nene would pick her over Rui and Me. Emu was laying on Nene's lap, heh, lovebirds.

"Tsukasa-kun! Truth or dare? " I was in a bit of shock as I didn't really think i would get picked by Rui.

"Uhm... Truth" I said nervously as Rui chuckled. I wonder what is he gonna make me answer..

"Tsukasa-kun, Do you have a crush? If yes who is it? " Rui asked me as he grinned. I didn't really know if I liked anyone.

"I don't think so" I said as Rui looked at me in suspicion.

"Are you sure? " Rui chuckled and asked me once again.

"Yes" I think... I seriously didn't know who I liked. Do I liked anyone? Maybe Rui? No no no, what am I thinking? Maybe I do? I don't know..

"Hello? Tsukasa-kun! Are you okay? " I looked at Rui as he said it. I'm pretty sure I looked like I was thinking something crazy enough to make me look traumatized. I still don't know tho.
(Stage 2 : Denial. Lol)

"Ah, I'm fine don't worry" I said nervously as I was still in denial that I liked Rui. I was still thinking if I liked him or not.

"If you say so, Tsukasa-kun" He said smiling at me as he was a bit worried.

"Hehe! That's cute!! Nene-Chan, you're next!! " She still seems so energetic. Words after words are still going through my mind.

"Ah, okay! " Nene said quietly as usual. She seems a bit happier since she can spend a bit more time together.

"Hm.. Rui, Truth or Dare? " Nene asked Rui in her casual expression. she doesn't seem like she had anything planned either.

"Fufu~ It's rare for you to pick me, Nene! Anyways! I pick Dare" I looked at Rui in slight shock. I mean I am scared of Nene's dare, Sometimes it's chaotic too.

"What should I make you do... " Nene whispered to herself. It was kind of loud so I heard it. I hope it's not anything weird or something.

After a while, Emu gave Nene an idea. She whispered to Nene so I can't really hear it.

"Are you sure?.." Now hearing that makes me even more scared of what Nene is gonna dare Rui to do.

After a while of deciding. Nene finally got a good dare, I was still scared of what Nene is going to say since Emu was the one telling her. Would she dare Rui to do something with me again?.. I hope it's not too weird tho.

"I dare Rui to.. " As Nene was talking. Both Emu and Nene had a big smirk on their face.

I was looking at both of them in fear. Their smirk was growing slightly bigger time by time.

"I dare Rui to kiss Tsukasa's cheek! " She seemed to be very happy saying that... Well I'm not. I'm scared of both of them now..

"Hm? Tsukasa-kun are you okay with that? " Rui asked me nervously as we never did that before. I mean obviously...

"Do it if you want to.. " It was obviously a lie but oh welp. I'm pretty sure I blushed so hard until I looked like a tomato, literally..


Just as I saw Emu and Nene smirking wider than ever, I felt Rui's soft lips touching my cheeks. I blushed even harder than before, well slightly. Emu and Nene was giggling right in front of us, after just about 2 seconds Rui stopped kissing my cheeks. It felt.. I don't know how to describe it. Rui seemed to blush a bit too. I covered my face just after Rui stopped kissing my cheeks.


"I'm sorry Tsukasa-kun! Hehe! " Emu apologized to me as she was giggling, she wasn't giggling way too loud so I won't feel more embarrassed. I still heard it tho.

"Tsukasa-kun are you okay? " Rui asked me as he smiled gently. I was still covering my face from slight embarrassment.

"Ah, uhm... Don't worry I'm fine" As I said it, Rui was giggling too. He ruffled my hair after asking me and giggling. They continued to play truth or dare as I was still hiding my face from the blushing. Words are going through my mind once again.

"Sorry, Tsukasa! " Nene apologized in a really soft voice while still giggling.

"Tsukasa-kun! It's your turn! " Emu said happily as she smiled widely.

"Oh! Hm.. Emu, Truth or dare? " I asked nicely as I stopped covering my face. She took a while to answer, not that long tho.

"Hmm! Dare! " She said energetic as usual, i took a while to think of a dare.

"Emu, I dare you to hug Nene and kiss both of her cheeks! " I said smiling happily.

"Okay! Nene-Chan, come here!" She said happily as she went to Nene, She seemed really happy doing the dare.

After a while Emu kissed both of Nene's cheek. We played some more Truth or Dares. After about 5 more, it was almost 6pm. Me and Rui stayed in the dorm meanwhile Emu and Nene went back to their dorm to shower. I'm pretty sure they would come back.

"Rui, you can go shower first" I said to Rui as I went to my bed and laid down still thinking about what happened.

"If you say so! " Rui said as he smiled.

I laid on the bed as I was still thinking about what just happened. Do I like Rui? No no, I don't know.. I took out my phone and scrolled for a bit. After a while Rui came out of the shower and I went in to shower. After a while I finished showering, Emu and Nene was waiting outside. After that we played together some more and just laid down on the bed talking as usual.
Word count: 1166 (Without the end note)
Omg why did I feel so bad writing that Rui kissed his cheek-
help me
Anyways thanks for reading this wattpad story that I made out of boredom lol.
Ilysm and see you next part >:]

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