PE (020)

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Yes the title is as plain as that. I ran out of ideas, because who doesn't? :]

Uhm... happy Chinese Lunar New Year I guess?

Anyways the episode will either be about PE or Practice, idfk. I guess you will see? (I mean you probably know from the title, this was when I was deciding ok? 💀)

Oh yeah this is the 20th chapter, happy 20th chapter lol.

And also happy 2k+ views 😌

So, let's start??? Idfk anymore 😭
Rui's POV:
After a while, lunch break was finished. We got back to our seats and got ready for the next lesson. Some students chatted a bit as we waited for the teacher. After about like, 5 minutes of waiting, the teacher arrived and started to teach us and... Do things teachers do, you know.

I listened to the teacher a bit and then just zoned out. I zoned out for a few seconds before deciding to just edit my blueprint, as I did so, Tsukasa just looked at me before looking back at the teacher.

After an hour, well it felt like minutes, but the class finally finished. The next class was PE and I wonder what are we gonna do for PE. We went to change our clothing before bringing our water bottles and went to the field.

We waited for just a minute or two for the PE teacher to come. The PE teacher eventually appeared and told us what we're gonna do. The PE teacher leaded us to a obstacle course, the obstacle course contained climbing, running, jumping, and... I guess dodging?

So the PE teacher told us that we had to first run through some obstacles without hitting them or trip over them then, we will have to climb a net after that jump onto a specific spot then, we just run till the end without hitting anything.

The PE teacher also had a stopwatch, the team that wins the obstacle course the most, wins. We were seperated into two teams, each team had 11 people's.
(I'm lazy to give all of them names so I will name them Student 1,2,3, and the rest :^)

Me and Tsukasa is in the same team. But apparently, two students were sick and one person from the other team had to go to their team. The teacher thought for a few seconds on who to switch teams on. Surprisingly, they picked Tsukasa, Tsukasa changed teams and went to the other team, now the teams has an equal amount of members.

There is two obstacles which means 2 people go at once. The first two students went to the front and stretched a bit to get ready. The PE teacher counted, once he said "Go! ", both students ran as fast as they could through the obstacles, only the student from team A tripped.
(Tsukasa is in team A and Rui is in team B, btw :] )

Nearly everyone else was being a whole cheer squad, I was just focusing on how the obstacles were made and basically just watching them run. After they got through it, they climbed up the net and jumped down onto a specific spot over a hill like thing, the student from team B didn't jump over it which means they had to climb over the hill. Then they ran to the end as fast as they could but the student from team A got to the end first. Team A student got to the end in 19 seconds meanwhile team B student got to the end in 20 seconds.
(Yk what, the odd numbers are students from team A and even numbers are from team B.)

And then it went on with other students. It finally was Tsukasa's and Student 7's turn. They stretched their bodies a bit before getting ready to run and race. They started and Tsukasa seemed to go pretty well, he didn't really trip since he went fast on clear roads a tiny bit slower on the roads with a lot of obstacles. Student 7 accidentally tripped over an obstacle because they went too fast. Sometimes it's better to do it slow I guess.

Tsukasa climbed the net pretty quickly, he jumped down but... He tripped a bit, but he was fine. Student 7 was still behind him so he's okay. Everyone was cheering pretty loudly, I decided to join since... I don't really know, I mean why not?

Tsukasa ran as fast as he could till the end, he managed to finish in 17 seconds, Student 7 finished in 19 seconds. Eventually other students went on and raced, it was eventually my turn. Surprisingly I was the last person on team B to go.

I stretched a bit to get ready then the PE teacher counted till 3. I got ready and as soon as the teacher said "Go! " I ran as fast as I could, but still made sure to not trip on the obstacles. I managed to get past them safely, not tripping on any of them. I then climbed up the nets, I carefully jumped over the hill-like obstacle. I eventually ran till the end safely.

I looked behind me, apparently the student was kinda far away. I finished in 15 seconds, Student 10 finished in 20 seconds. Now time for the announcements of which team won, we just sat back and looked. Team A won with 7 wins, everyone clapped.

Eventually it was recess again, we got back to class and ate some food.
(Rui, Tsukasa)

"You ran pretty quickly, you know? " Tsukasa said, I chuckled softly.

"Fufu, well since I was last, I got to see how to avoid the obstacles from watching. Some of you guys even tripped because of the mattress. " I said.

Tsukasa laughed a bit. After a while we decided to go to the rooftop to meet Nene and Emu. We got to the rooftop and saw Nene there, just with Emu. We waved before getting closer.
(Rui, Emu, Nene, Tsukasa)

"Konnichiwandahoi!! ★ Hehehe! How was PE? " Emu asked us, she seemed to be in a happy mood as usual.

"Decent, we just had obstacle courses. " I said as Nene looked like she just went through hell.
Words: 1039 (Without ends note)

Yes it ends here, stfu.

Uhm yeah, thanks for 2k+ views :D

And also Happy Chinese Lunar New Year!

I will see you guys next chapterrrrr, bai.

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