Show Project (015)

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Totally not me forgetting to add the image on top on the last chapter.

Anyways.... I don't know what to do again, give me ideas :]

Ahem ahem, Enjoy the chapter!!1!1!!!
Rui's POV:
I woke up a bit late, tired as usual, I turned around and Tsukasa was already up, probably outside doing his stuffs.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, etc. I eventually finished and went outside to see Tsukasa just eating his breakfast, I waved at him and he waved back.
(Rui, Tsukasa)

"Hi, Rui. You woke up later than usual " Tsukasa said, I looked at the time.

"Yeah, I know. What are we eating for breakfast? " I asked, Tsukasa pointed to the plate, it's still warm. I'm guessing it was made not that long ago.

I ate it and it was quite good, I always liked Tsukasa's cooking. Eventually I finished, I decided to just scroll on my phone for a while. After around 10 minutes, a notification popped up, it was from the school.

I was sure that Tsukasa also got it, I looked at the notification and it was a show competition, there was one team from each class, apparently me and Tsukasa was picked, again, we could pick 2 more people from any class as our member, so I guess it's not that bad. I mean we do shows so I guess that's why, maybe.

There was three types of shows we can do. There was Drama, Romance, and Comedy, I thought for a while. Since me and Tsukasa are couples, let's just to romance. We sat and thank for some ideas, it took a long while, maybe we should ask for help?

"Tsukasa-kun, how about we ask for help from Emu-kun and Nene-kun? " I suggested, Tsukasa thought for a while and agreed.

We walked our way to Emu and Nene's dorm, we knocked on the door.
We waited for a while then Nene opened the door, seeing us with a slightly annoyed face as usual.
(Rui, Nene, Emu, Tsukasa)

"What do you guys want... " Nene asked, she was clearly annoyed.

"Hi Tsukasa-kun, Rui-kun!! " Emu said happily, jumping around. They were like the opposite of each other.

I told Nene that we needed help for the competition, Nene and Emu was also picked. We asked them if they wanted to do a show with us since we get to pick two extra people, Emu agreed and Nene had no choice but to agree.

Nene thought a bit and just remembered about one of the topic, Nene laughed a bit as she imagined us doing a drama show, she let us in after she laughed, Emu was very very VERY jumpy as usual. We sat down and Emu and Nene picked Romance too, Nene might be good at it but I'm not sure about Emu.

We thought together for a while for our show, we thought but none of them really worked out. We thought some more, We kept on thinking but none of it really worked out, suddenly I heard a notification from my phone.

I opened it and apparently they added one extra member for us, Mina Hanakata, it's one of our classmate, she's not really afraid of me so I guess it would work out. The teacher already knew that we would ask Emu and Nene so the teacher just gave us an extra member which means we have 5 members.
(Rui's classmates are mostly scared of him because... Yk, the stuffs he does 💀)

Suddenly Mina sent me a message, she asked us where we were at and also sent a congratulation, I'm guessing Emu told the whole school...

I told Mina that we were at Emu and Nene's dorm, just thinking about what to do for the show, Mina also asked us what show are we going to do, we told Mina that we are going to do a romance show. Mina eventually said she is coming to Emu and Nene's dorm.

We waited for a while then we heard a knock on the door, we opened it to see Mina. We waved and Mina got in, she looked pretty happy to work on a show.
(Rui, Mina, Nene, Emu, Tsukasa)

"Hi Rui-kun, Tsukasa-kun! I'm expecting you guys are Emu-kun and Nene-kun? " Mina greeted and asked nicely, she is a really nice person.

"Hi!! Yes I'm Emu Otori! " Emu introduced herself as confident as ever.

"Hi.. Yes you're right, I am Nene Kusanagi, nice to meet you." Nene said in a quiet-ish voice since she is a bit nervous to meet new people, but the more you know her the sharper her tongue gets.

We talked a bit and we thinked about what to do for the show, eventually Mina remembered, she wanted to ask us to go to the practice room, we agreed and followed her to the practice room.

After a few minutes of walking we were there, it's quite big and it has a practice stage. We just sat down on the floor and thought about what to do for the show, eventually we came up with a good idea.

"How about a story about a person and another person going from enemies to lovers, except it's not really like that. Maybe just one person thinks the other is weird, but then the other notices that they are not really that weird, rude, or anything? " Tsukasa suggested, we thought for a while and agreed, well actually we had no choice but to agree since we don't have a single idea.

Emu and Nene will be the friend, Emu will be Tsukasa's friend and Nene will be Rui's friend, For Mina....

Mina will just be both of our friends.

"Mina-kun, how about you become the person that gets us together? " I asked Mina, Mina agreed, she was fine with any roles given.

Now that we have a plan, we need to think of some fake names. After a while of deciding we thought of some names.

I will be Haruto Aoki, Tsukasa will be Yuto Suzuki, Nene will be Akari Tanaka, Emu will be Mai Kato, Mina will be Okana Makita.

Now that all the names are prepared, we are gonna write the lines, we could also ask the teacher to help us write some or fix some if we need it.
Words : 1063 (Without ends notes)
Hey uhh, to make it more interesting I guess?
I guess I will kinda have to be stuck thinking of what to do for the show 😭😭😭 (send help)

Anyways see you next chapter!!!!!!!!

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