Chapter 4 - Blood Singer?

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It has been 60 years since the Hayden twins were turned. The twins never split up once. It's now 1945, and a lot has happened in the last 60 years.

They have been training their gifts, and now Clayton can weaken or strengthen any gift used on or by someone near him to the same degree. When practicing with Christina's tracking ability, he can weaken it to a point where it's basically useless, and not just blurry.

Christina, on the other hand, has gained more gifts from their travels, like lie detection and telepathy. She has also been training the abilities she already had before. She is now able to keep a permanent mental shield up on her and her brother, even if they are not together. With her lie detection ability, she can just tell when someone is lying. There is a feeling in her gut about it. Her telepathy works by making a link between her mind and the person she wants to talk to. She isn't a mind reader, she can only hear what is projected to her through an established mind link, and she found a way to make sure it doesn't interfere with the mental shield. Once the link is established, Christina or the other person linked can start the conversation, but Christina is also able to permanently cut the link if she desires. Her telepathy has come in handy multiple times while traveling. Clayton uses it to check in on Christina and vice versa. It's also used if one of them run into trouble or when Christina copies a gift from a vampire they haven't sensed, Christina warns Clayton a vampire is near. 

The twins have been settled in Salt Lake City for a few months now. Christina was working in the hospital as a nurse, and Clayton was working in the library. They planned to stay in the area for a few years. 

It was just a normal day at work for Christina until she smelt something heavenly. Better than anything she has ever smelt before. She immediately stiffens and can tell her eyes are getting darker due to her increasing hunger. She looked to where the smell was coming from and saw a man in a suit standing with the Chief. She turned around to get away from the scent as quickly as possible, but before she could make a break for it, her name gets called.

"Oh, Christina. Come over here for a minute." She hears Chief of Medicine, Dr. Smith call.

Knowing she can't ignore him, Christina tries her best to relax her tense posture while holding her breath before turning around and walking up to Dr. Smith.

"Yes, Chief," she says in a sweet voice with a smile, even though she is still very tense. Either the Chief didn't notice or didn't care how tense she was because he introduced her to the man standing next to him, the man she knows is her blood singer, with a smile.

"Christina, I want to introduce you to  our new attending, Dr. Williams....Dr. Williams, this is Christina Hayden. She is one of the best nurses at the hospital."

"That's very kind of you to say, Chief." She says to him with what she hopes looks like a sweet smile, before turning to Dr. Williams and holding her hand out for a handshake, "It's nice to meet you, Dr. Williams"

"The pleasure is all mine. Please call me James, Nurse Hayden." He says, taking a hold of her hand, but instead of shaking it, he brings it up to his lips and places a kiss on her knuckles.

"Call me Christina," Christina said with a smile that looked more like a grimace while pulling her hand back. Her blood singer is obviously interested in her, going off the smirk he is sending her. All she wants is to get away from him as quickly as possible, before she gives in to her hunger. She doesn't know how much longer she can stand in her blood singer's presence without attacking him so she quickly makes up an excuse to leave them, "It was great to meet you, James, but I need to get back to work. See you later, Chief." I say before quickly walking away.

Tony, I have a problem. Christina says in their mind link

What? What is it? Are you okay? He asks frantically.

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