Chapter 24: What's Next?

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I woke up to the sound of yelling, my body was sore and from where my arm laid on my stomach I could tell there were bruises forming. My head still throbbed as i made an attempt to sit up

“Pardon my language but how the hell could you let something like this continue to go on in this school and on top of that to specifically my sister! Do you want me to remind you how many times I've come to get her because of something like this? Because she was having a panic attack?”

“I assure you we’re-”

“You clearly haven't done enough! I thought when she started her club things were changing but then I get a call about this? You can't be serious”

Jae-na, and she was furious. She hadn't been home long and was in the middle of promotions on top of that this was supposed to be time for her to rest and get ready for the next part of her tour. She had every right to be mad too. She had a point, the only reason she didn't pull me from the school was because I wanted to stay for track. I winced in pain as i pulled myself up Hyoga moving his arm from around me

“Rhena where are you going?”

“My sister” I hissed, the pain worse than I remembered. Holding my arm I staggered on my feet as i got up and Hyoga stood and helped keep me steady

“Don't push yourself”

“I got it, besides right now there's only two people that can handle my sister” I explained leaving the nurses office. If reporters catch hold of this story it's going to blow up online and it's not going to be good for the school. I would like to just keep this calm, cool and collected. As I left Hyoga followed behind me to be sure I didn't fall or anything like that

“Jae” I called trying to get her attention as I walked into the office

“Rhena” Jae turned and took one look at me and when she saw the cuts she lost it. And when Jae-na’s angry, if you've evoked her wrath you will get no remorse. “You call that minor?! Do you not see her condition? And this isn't the first time! I'd dare to say that this is even worse than the first time. And add to that from earlier in the year when she nearly lost her spot on the track team because of doping allegations. My sister is 14! 14 years old and you want to dismiss this as something minimal? Just kids being kids”

“Jae-na stop, Im fi-”

“No Rhena you're not fine! Look at you, you've been a target since you got here and dismissed it for the sake of those around you. Now as your big sister i'm stepping in to take care of you.” she turned fixing her piercing glare back on the principal and other staff “This will be going to the school board. We’ll be in touch”

What was I supposed to say to that? Sure I'm one of the two people able to handle my sister when she gets upset or can go toe to toe with her but in this scenario Jae was right, this was something for her to get mad about considering the history.

“Let's get you home, you need to rest” Jae instructed, her anger now shifting to care as she gathered my things

“I’ll help” Hyoga said and came to my side again supporting me “I’ll get you whatever notes you missed” he tells me as he helps me walk outside to Jaes car

“Thanks” I give him a smile as i open the door “I’ll talk to you later” i say and climb in the car as Jae put my stuff in the back and then she got in and we headed home

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Other than in pain, I'm fine. Eve finally got what she deserves.”

“At the cost of your own well being Rhena” Jae sighed “It's not okay but as long as you aren't in the hospital i suppose i can rest easy and just focus on you” She tells me and both of us go quiet for the rest of the drive home. Once we get back i take my time making my way inside and up to our apartment

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