Chapter 1: Enter the Kings

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2:45 I glanced at the clock and started packing my stuff up. Over the past few months it was a routine I fell into quickly. 5 minutes to the end of class I would pack up my stuff, turn in my assignments or whatever classwork I had and then leave. It was so second nature to me now that I did it without thinking and with such a practiced routine that you could call it robotic. After dropping my assignments in the bin I adjusted my bag on my shoulder as I walked to my locker letting out a soft sigh. School was exhausting, students are less than kind and considering I've hardly had any social interaction evening my life being around people all the time is also tiring not to mention the extreme trust issues of everyone around me. About the only people I feel comfortable near are Teachers and staff, My sister, My brother in law and my brother. I have yet to meet someone that I want to be friends with let alone those that would actually see me as a human being and not just some rag doll to pick on for their amusement. The hierarchy in these social standings is a little insane at this school. I always knew that people could be harsh? Even that's desensitizing it,  but here the popular rich kids have it all. Even if you come from privilege or if you have insane talent that's barely enough for the kids that sit at the top to base their respect for you.

I listened to the conversations and hushed whispers of students as I walked by. Some complaining about assignments others talking about their weekends and what they were gonna do. In a far corner there were some students fangirling about something and closer to my locker another set of students squealing about something else.

"Oh my gosh! Did you here? They're coming back today!" One girl squeals as she closes her locker and turns towards her friend. "Really? thought their suspension wouldn't end until next week?"
"Nope. I heard that Kiro's father threw a fit and threatened the principal so in order to keep the finding for the school coming in he shortened the Suspension..."

"Another set of students for me to avoid, lovely. Though  I suppose they aren't as bad as Eve and Mirae" I muttered to myself with a sigh as I opened my locker stowing away all of my extra books and unneeded items smiling as the note from my sister fluttered to the floor and I knelt down to pick it up. I had forgotten she wrote that for me this morning to try and ease my anxiety throughout the day. Wait a minute that name they mentioned earlier what was it again. Kai- no Kiro? Something like that, anyways haven't I heard that somewhere? A teacher? No- well maybe. A student? That seemed more likely but who? I went over a list of faces and conversations had had overheard before. Oh! It was Eve. She's where I've heard that name before but it sounded more like she was chasing an obsession than actually sounding like she was on friendly terms with the guy then again who am I to judge no one here thinks I actually belong here.

"Oh no we're gonna miss them! Hurry so we can get front row seats in class!" One of the girls says and they both take off towards their class room despite there being a few extra minutes to spare. Their girlish boy crazed squeals broke my train of thought and I looked up shaking my head "So that's what it means to be boy crazy?" I mutter and reach up to the top shelf of my locker and grabbed my headphones and placed them on my head adjusting them to a comfortable position before pressing play on my phone the familiar tune filling the space and sending me to my own dimension for a few moments as I closed my locker and left for class. If only the world was always calm like my inner sanctuary that would be gre-


"Owww" and now I'm on the ground. I rubbed my head as I looked up pulling my headphones off my ears "What gives?" I ask. I find myself staring up at a male, his facial features on the softer side framed by a pair of glass that sat high in his nose, his dark brown hair neatly styled but it still looked fluffy. He was on the thinner side and definitely much taller than me but not at all muscular, he was built like a stick if I had ever seen one and he had dark brown almost mocha colored eyes and they were focused on anything but me. And besides that I was far too agitated to notice his anxious state.

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